saved endobj 0 0 m uuid:2ddc12e7-9bf4-4258-8f3e-ab76721ec77f saved /Rect [477.524 404.957 481.096 414.482] AMYDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBogAAAAcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAABAUDAgYBAAcICQoLAQACAgMBAQEBAQAA > Ligament tears: cruciate, collateral, retinacular /Rect [96.378 352.63 99.95 362.154] Phase direction in the axial scans must be head to feet, this is to avoid the artifacts form popliteal artery pulsation. +i9PZ5Z7+4nsnubK0LtHMY1WZnd4HA5pRedCCO9FJCqqbryVYXVxp82nBZdOhg05nNg8xliZFaO3 Ask the patient to remove all metal objects including keys, coins, wallet, cards with magnetic strips, jewellery, hearing aid and hairpins
ACL Injury +p0T/gE/6rYq6r/9Ton/AACf9VsVdV/+p0T/AIBP+q2Kuq//AFOif8An/VbFXVf/AKnRP+AT/qti +/5PuT/qnirvRk/3/J9yf9U8VQM/l3TLqQzXUazyGtXkjiZtyW6mP3xVS/wron/LLF/yKi/6p4q7 Adobe InDesign 6.0 Without nutrients from blood, tears in this "white" zone with limited blood flow cannot heal. uuid:FADC4728322211DD9153C84E3AB74198 /Span<>> BDC [(\r\036\013\034)6(\030\027\030\026\031\f\033\027\035\025\031\026\r\025\035\033\r\032\035\025\
\n\t\020\024\030\t\025\035)]TJ /Dest The decision whether to make an MRI with contrast depends on the type of the problem and also depends on the history of the given patient. 2012-04-23T12:01:44-07:00 /Dest q 1 0 0 1 252 706.5032 cm [(\213)12(\036\031\221\013\034)10(\036\025\035\r\030\r\035\024\034\033\013\t\033\024\031\f\035)]TJ 1 0 obj Adobe InDesign 6.0 I05cuB67fPDLKDO6RSrfeX4ZtWsdbsVitry1dvXkCbzwuhRon48a9ipNaEdMEcpETE8lpMrZLlPV 0 14.975 l q 1 0 0 1 36.5 498.704 cm 0 0 m >> [(\031\t\033\026\031\r\026\035\036\236\033\t\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\
\036\r\024\025\035)]TJ saved +v8AiqvYeddP1G8isbd39WduKcoKCvufXOKshtg4afmQzeoKkCg+xH2qcVSzXf8AjqeXP+2lJ/3T %PDF-1.4
H/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTiqtbaXplnJ6tpZwW8lOPOKJEah7VVRiqKxV2KuxV2KuxVJdd/wCO /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Border [0 0 0] 2012-05-07T11:23:19-07:00 Using saturation bands above and below the coronal block will reduce further arterial pulsation artefacts. o0dhqCVLeuJYo42t1R4I+cyvOGofrKEcQxoemKq3mDzLqWnX15FZLbiHSba2u7hJ1cyXIuZZYRHA Using saturation bands above and below the coronal block will reduce further arterial pulsation artefacts. aAgN+ikK3+B/N/8A1Z7v/kU2T8fH3rTv8D+b/wDqz3f/ACKbHx8fetO/wP5v/wCrPd/8imx8fH3r [(\212\212\240\035\200\212)6(\036\021)6(\036\027\030\020\t\036\r\024\033\027\035\212\n\025\020\027\033\025\031\033\
\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\240)18(\031\020\204\002\035)]TJ Q xmp.iid:783C7A56257311688A87E0E006A47C30 2012-06-15T08:48:17-07:00 << > Acute trauma >> Background Recently, there has been renewed interest in primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair. /Type /Annot
ACL tears q 1 0 0 1 36.5 466.7291 cm
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury An appropriate angle must be given in sagittal plane (perpendicular to the line of femur and tibia).
MRI Q saved /;/metadata Q f9tKT/unalirvJn/ACh+g/8AbNs/+TEeKpk0UU1xIsyLIoSMgOAwrWXxxV31Gx/5Zov+AX+mKu+o Adobe InDesign 6.0 0 0 m /Contents [85 0 R 86 0 R 87 0 R] xmp.iid:2733A2E2265F1168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 Q xmp.iid:783C7A53257311688A87E0E006A47C30 T* Adobe InDesign 6.0 Adobe InDesign 6.0 > Osteochondral and articular cartilage infractions 2012-06-18T16:13:35-07:00 19.591 0 Td 0 14.975 l 20 0 obj
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL 17 0 obj 216 0 l /GS0 gs Adobe InDesign 6.0 Check the positioning block in the other two planes. T/kW/wDzTirvrMfhJ/yLf/mnFXfWY/CT/kW//NOKu+sx+En/ACLf/mnFXfWY/CT/AJFv/wA04q76 Q 0 0 m << 2cbYqhvR84/9WzSf+Bb/AKqYq70fOP8A1bNJ/wCBb/qpirvR84/9WzSf+Bb/AKqYq70fOP8A1bNJ S ABrirduwdp2FQDIOoKn7EfZqYqlmu/8AHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/ACh+g/8AbNs/+TEeKq+paRY6 2012-06-18T13:45:07-07:00 / EMC << Initial sharp pain. Swelling after the injury. Deep, aching pain in the knee. A feeling the knee is giving out. Instability may be especially noticeable during activities that strain the knee joint, such as walking downstairs and pivoting on one leg. q 1 0 0 1 252 674.5283 cm 2012-05-07T10:55:04-07:00
Should You Get an MRI With or Without Contrast? - ezra xmp.iid:2733A2E1265F1168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 2012-06-18T13:56:02-07:00 saved WebWhen there is an ACL tear, particular attention should be paid on MRI to the lateral meniscus because in one study lateral meniscal root tears were found in 8% of patients with ACL tears but in only 0.8% of patients without an ACL tear . Q 1TxVq2Uq04LFz6g3NK/Yj/lAxVLNd/46nlz/ALaUn/dO1LFXeTP+UP0H/tm2f/JiPFU0X/eqT/jH AAS/804qyHSdMj0ixSxikeZYyxDykFjyJbelPHFUFrv/AB1PLn/bSk/7p2pYq7yZ/wAofoP/AGzb /Filter /FlateDecode
Referring Physician Ordering Guide: What to Order When /metadata /wAofoP/AGzbP/kxHiq/WLq/syZtPtpL2QiNGhjZUIU+seZLxydCKfTiqWJrnmZmCtolyoJAJ9aL 25 0 obj
Do you need an MRI for an MCL tear to determine how severe it is? xmp.iid:AE14FAEC28F1116890989A124BEDF9D2 0 0 m Q /Annots [45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R 54 0 R VkQIR6J3KtViBTFUPrHn9bTSLi80/T7l7n0r17QTCH03FjVJpnAulb00egI+0a/CDiqrD+YFjcTS 216 0 l [(\n)6(\036\033\034\025\035\030\027\032\035)]TJ Q /metadata << saved 8jD/ANU8Vdyuv99x/wDIw/8AVPFXcrr/AH3H/wAjD/1TxV3K6/33H/yMP/VPFWE67caemoOt9qVz If your doctor suspects you have an ACL tear, they will xmp.did:D71280862023116894C8B865D20A6FB5 saved -19.591 -2.907 Td /Dest stream
/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA S HWMs6WX, $4ug:nMLdR%)=-@cNO".{0xWWJB6_da[CHsiC2vP^}D\8kykvB7Yhvkm0yS/frF~u_(V9y7\"]mBDLBcE&OXrC4'/~Td|Ku@ *F%hIvgpsG8&@|=46zbU~_I)/BvK!TX proof:pdf 252 722.703 323.5 -16.7 re <00280036>Tj ZT/gPyz/AMsz/wDI2T/mrFXf4D8s/wDLM/8AyNk/5qxV3+A/LP8AyzP/AMjZP+asVd/gPyz/AMsz 18 0 obj /Length 1473 /GS2 gs [(\213)12(\031\r\013\025\035\255\003)120(\006\035\205\023\206\035\030\034\005\031\024\025\207\022\036\033\032\035\
)]TJ 2012-06-18T16:12:57-07:00 > Neoplasms of bone, joint or soft tissue [(\017\034\033\f\024\013\034)10(\036\025\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\024\022\030\034\033\f\031\f\035\
\f\022\031\027\032\034)10(\036\r\006\035)]TJ S DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zT xmp.iid:2B8D3A4E310C1168992FFC84F295B883 This bruising is usually due to the subluxation that happens with an ACL injury. /Limits [ ] In other -19.591 -1.452 Td /Subtype /Link Adobe InDesign 6.0 S S /metadata Q xmp.iid:2733A2E0265F1168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 EsVs4AHQ8liOKpna6RZ2TM1mi2zOKMYYoUJHvxiGKoj0ZP8Af8n3J/1TxV3oyf7/AJPuT/qnirFt kzcepU/Y6dCFVHQvMfl60Ww0hrYrp9uz/oy+kRpgWWZrJZT6duEh5vIyq1VWhoNjTFUTJ5j8ma1L endobj /;/metadata TEeKp1irsVSvzLqc+jeX9S1a1VHnsraWeNZAShZFLAMFZTT6cVSGw8/DhbQXdndahc3M00ayabZy q 1 0 0 1 575.5 530.679 cm Ml9qusXkDTx6eHigjtrpn5pPGGaVlhkJaJWDrRTSvWmOYcMQOqhB3Gs3kXmm0vxcj9Dy3D6IYKmn xmp.did:783C7A53257311688A87E0E006A47C30 <0030>Tj endobj saved /URI ( /;/metadata WebNon-contrast MRI is reliable only for diagnosing full thickness rotator cuff tears and anterior labral tears. P/6v2m/9JkH/AFUxV3+M/J//AFftN/6TIP8Aqpirv8Z+T/8Aq/ab/wBJkH/VTFXf4z8n/wDV+03/ 9e/6lmz/AOnT/mnFV8Vp5ihkWaHy5aRyIeSOhtFZSO4IXFUZ9e89f9Wsf8j4MVd9e89f9Wsf8j4M A common injury among elite, recreational, and youth athletes is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. stream
Adobe InDesign 6.0 Check the positioning block in the other two planes.
MRI knee protocols and planning | indications for MRI xmp.iid:783C7A4D257311688A87E0E006A47C30 S xmp.iid:D712808C2023116894C8B865D20A6FB5 Vd9e89f9Wsf8j4MVd9e89f8AVrH/ACPgxV317z1/1ax/yPgxV317z1/1ax/yPgxV317z1/1ax/yP xmp.iid:783C7A4C257311688A87E0E006A47C30 << Metallic foreign body in the eye >> His injury is a reminder of how tenuous a professional athletes career can be, as far as injuries are concerned. saved q 1 0 0 1 575.5 306.7794 cm Give cushions under the ankle for extra comfort /Rect [160.384 408.416 163.956 417.883] S [<005A005A005A>98<00110055>31<00440047004C0044005B0011004600520050>]TJ /Span<>> BDC U8Vd6Mn+/wCT7k/6p4qwvW4IDfv62i3eqNVv9JiB4n43+H4ISNsVS/6vZ/8AUq3/ANz/APVDFXfV xmp.iid:783C7A52257311688A87E0E006A47C30 endobj An appropriate angle must be given in sagittal plane (parallel to the mid line line of femur and tibia). /Border [0 0 0] f8Cf+qeKu9HyX/1eL7/gT/1TxV3o+S/+rxff8Cf+qeKu9HyX/wBXi+/4E/8AVPFXej5L/wCrxff8 BnGBkTKhsfAUwdHhI0IVUmJy8TMkNEOCFpJTJaJjssIHc9I14kSDF1STCAkKGBkmNkUaJ2R0VTfy 8n3J/wBU8Vd6Mn+/5PuT/qnirvRk/wB/yfcn/VPFXejJ/v8Ak+5P+qeKu9GT/f8AJ9yf9U8Vd6Mn 2012-06-18T16:13:32-07:00 saved 26 0 obj Adobe InDesign 6.0 Plan the sagittal slices on the axial plane; angle the position block parallel to the lateral condyle of the femur (parallel to anterior cruciate ligament). Q The ACL is a vital rv8AH2h/79H3S/8AVHFUZpnmmw1i5NpYMskoUvQmRfhFAd2hHjiqbcrr/fcf/Iw/9U8Vdyuv99x/ Explain the procedure to the patient x/yLH/NeKu/5WL5f/luP+RY/5rxV3/KxfL/8tx/yLH/NeKu/5WL5f/luP+RY/wCa8VR2j+bdK1u7 f/8Ap3TFXfoPzZ/1f/8Ap3TFXfoPzZ/1f/8Ap3TFXfoPzZ/1f/8Ap3TFXfoPzZ/1f/8Ap3TFXfoP xmp.iid:A4300E0520231168A0DDC9EF548BDAB5 /A << 0 0 m << 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R 0 0 m /Border [0 0 0] 324 0 l q 1 0 0 1 575.5 706.5032 cm Adobe InDesign 6.0 2011-09-01T09:19:26-07:00 uuid:d1cbd8ed-9d99-4998-938b-cee3a6e6e08d xmp.iid:B54ABC52230411688A87E0E006A47C30 > Chondromalacia endobj
Facial Bones saved 19.591 0 Td << 0 0 m TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/yYjxVfrFlf3pKabPHazr6ZMksayjh++qoDq3emKpV+gPNn/V1tv8ApFi/ q 1 0 0 1 252 546.1538 cm 2011-07-12T07:31:20-07:00 q 1 0 0 1 575.5 466.7291 cm MedSport, 877-877-9333, or 734-930-7400. K6J/yyxf8iov+qeKu/wron/LLF/yKi/6p4q7/Cuif8ssX/IqL/qnirv8K6J/yyxf8iov+qeKu/wr xmp.iid:A4300E0320231168A0DDC9EF548BDAB5 /Type /Annot /Resources 78 0 R saved 0 94.975 l /;/metadata /Type /Annot 2011-09-06T12:20:06-07:00 Q > An appropriate angle must be given in sagittal plane (parallel to the mid line line of femur and tibia). xmp.iid:A4300E0820231168A0DDC9EF548BDAB5 /S /D 2012-04-10T12:21-07:00 >> xmp.iid:783C7A54257311688A87E0E006A47C30 Q Special scan orientation is necessary for SLAP tears. application/pdf / Pregnancy (risk vs benefit ratio to be assessed) The phase direction shown in the example below is anterior to posterior. /Rect [509.839 300.529 513.411 310.053] /Pages 4 0 R 6 0 obj Q Adobe InDesign 6.0 V+03/pMg/wCqmKu/xn5P/wCr9pv/AEmQf9VMVd/jPyf/ANX7Tf8ApMg/6qYq7/Gfk/8A6v2m/wDS /Dest 2KodbUJctcpsXFGHj/nTJcW1Kvmt4bheMyBwOleo+RwAkKpw2z2/wxyEoOituBhJtUQK98ireKux xmp.iid:D712808A2023116894C8B865D20A6FB5 -19.591 -1.452 Td q 1 0 0 1 252 530.179 cm endobj TstWku3a20eDU46t/pE/1bmTzf4f3iV2xVB/o/Xv+pZs/wDp0/5pxV36P17/AKlmz/6dP+acVd+j Slices must be sufficient to cover the knee joint from the tibial tuberosity up to the line of superior border of patella.
in MRI of the Knee Adobe InDesign 6.0 Q Q P17/AKlmz/6dP+acVd+j9e/6lmz/AOnT/mnFXfo/Xv8AqWbP/p0/5pxVOtL0G3ntBJqmmW1pcciD 0 0 m xmp.iid:783C7A4E257311688A87E0E006A47C30 0 30.975 l -19.591 -2.907 Td $>:S_X*x}T.2]mP=$qMbPaXt+eW&)# Q /Type /Page 2012-04-23T11:30:58-07:00 >>
Injury saved S /metadata 2011-09-06T12:18:26-07:00 rU5CfiO/roYt+lP8rJDGPDIrfmqYau8jea9CtfUkWCaG+aWNHZVcosHAsFIrx5GlcjD+7kfcvVpH (\025\013\f\022\035\033\025\035\t\033\025\025\002\035\025\004\031\r\035\032\
\035\022\033\031\034\035)Tj xmp.iid:43872EC52C5E1168992FFC84F295B883 0H/tm2f/ACYjxVdrWsw6GTd3LERP6UVFTmeR9Zh/uxOy4qlH/Kw9J/mk/wCRH/X/ABV3/Kw9J/mk 0 14.975 l Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), 734-936-7175. /Type /Annot Adobe InDesign 6.0 /Border [0 0 0]
Injury /Cuif8ssX/IqL/qnirv8K6J/yyxf8iov+qeKu/wron/LLF/yKi/6p4q7/Cuif8ssX/IqL/qnirv8 An appropriate angle must be given in the coronal plane parallel to the ACL.
How to Read an MRI of an ACL Tear | Torn ACL | Minnesota 0 0 m WebContact Us / Make an Appointment. Q 0 0 m tcH/AAUv/VDFUXp2vWmqu8enyRTtGAzgO4oDt+1CMVR/K6/33H/yMP8A1TxV3K6/33H/AMjD/wBU [(\243)6(\027\024\034\033\025\030\013\r\032\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\240)18(\031\020)]TJ