G2a2b1 so far has seldom surfaced in northern Africa or southern Asia, but represents a small percentage of the G population in the Caucasus Mountains region and in Iran. Evaluation of Y-chromosomal STRs: a multicenter study. Ann Hum Genet 2008; 72: 205214. Eur J Hum Genet 2009; 17: 820830. In the ten remaining populations, haplogroup diversity spanned from a low of 0.21 in Adyghes, to highs of 0.88 in Azeris (Iran) and 0.89 in eastern Anatolia and 0.90 in Armenia. BMC Evol Biol 2011; 11: 69. (b) Principal component analysis by hg G sub-clades: (A) M285, P20, P287, P15, L92 P16, M286, M485, P303, U1, L497, M527, M406, Page19, M287 and M377 sub-haplogroups with respect to total M201. It is one of two branches of the parent haplogroup GHIJK, the other being HIJK . They are found only in tiny numbers elsewhere. Slider with three articles shown per slide. In the northern and highland areas of the island of Sardinia off western Italy, G percentages reach 11% of the population in one study[17] and reached 21% in the town of Tempio in another study. Haplogroup G is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles They arewith accompanying Y-chromosome locationsU5 (rs2178500), L149 (8486380) and L31 (also called S149) (rs35617575..12538148). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 1825518259. His male-line descendants appear to remained rooted in the region for tens of thousands of years while the Ice Age was in full swing. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was carried out to assess the presence/absence of clines regarding informative G sub-haplogroups. This is likely due to a local founder effect.[40]. Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website, Rootsi, S., Myres, N., Lin, A. et al. Haplogroup G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture, especially in the European context. Ancient DNA reveals male diffusion through the Neolithic Mediterranean route. Moreover, the accuracy and validity of the evolutionary rate has been independently confirmed in several deep-rooted Hutterite pedigrees.34 Furthermore pedigree rate-based estimates cannot be substantiated, as they are often inconsistent with dateable archeological knowledge, for example, as clearly illustrated regarding the peopling of the Americas.35 Coalescent times based on 10 STR loci (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389b, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS439, DYS461-TAGA counts) and the median haplotypes of specific hg G sub-haplogroups are presented in Supplementary Table S4. King RJ, Ozcan SS, Carter T et al. L223 is found on the Y chromosome at rs810801 and 6405148 with a mutation from C to G. L223 was first identified in samples at 23andMe in 2009 but proved problematic as an individual test, the first successful results being reported at Family Tree DNA in late 2011 under its assigned L223 label. It was found with burial artifacts belonging to the Linearbandkeramische Kultur ("Linear Band Ceramic Culture"; LBK). However, its sub-clades have more localized distribution with the U1-defined branch largely restricted to Near/Middle Eastern and the Caucasus, whereas L497 lineages essentially occur in Europe where they likely originated. Haplogroup G-M285 - Wikipedia This group has been linked with the Crypto-Jewish population which fled to the island during the time of the Spanish Inquisition, of which a significant portion are identifiable as G-Z725 (DYS388=13). Y-chromosome lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Acores record elements of Sephardim and Berber ancestry. However, no clinal patterns were detected in the spatial autocorrelation analysis of the five sub-haplogroup frequencies with distance, suggesting that the distributions are not clinal but rather indicative of isolation by distance and demographic complexities. Haplogroup G (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup G (M201) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. The presence of hg G was first reported in Europe and Georgia5 and later described in additional populations of the Caucasus.6 Subsequently, several data sets containing hg G-related lineages have been presented in studies of different European populations7, 8, 9, 10 and so on, as well as studies involving several Middle Eastern and South Asian populations.4, 11, 12, 13, Hg G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture,5 especially in the European context. The members of G-PF3359 are probably smaller in number than men included in G-P303, but only a small amount of testing has occurred for the relevant mutations. The hg G2a3b1c-L497 sub-cluster, on the other hand, has so far been found essentially in European populations and therefore is probably autochthonous to Europe. These two reported Pakistani G-M377 haplotypes are quite divergent from the Ashkenazi Jewish clade, and therefore do not at all indicate a recent common origin. Such temporal estimates must be viewed with caution owing to differences in individual STR locus mutation rates, sensitivity to rare outlier STR alleles and complexities related to multiple potential founders during a demographic event. The L91 mutation is found at 21327383 and rs35474563 on the Y-chromosome. Thus, G2a3a-M406, along with other lineages, such as J2a3b1-M92 and J2a4h2-DYS445=616, may track the expansion of the Neolithic from Central/Mediterranean Anatolia to Greece/Italy and Iran. It was then learned that several subclades belong under L223, including: G-L91 was identified in 2009. G-PF3147 (previously G-L223 and G-PF3146) is characterized by having the L223 mutation. Goncalves R, Freitas A, Branco M et al. Eur J Hum Genet 2007; 15: 485493. Lacan M, Keyser C, Ricaut FX et al. Farther north, 8% of ethnic Hungarian males and 5.1% of ethnic Bohemian (Czech) males have been found to belong to Haplogroup G. In South Asia, some ethnic minorities possess haplogroup G at concentrations of approximately 18%[21] to 20%[22] of Kalash, approximately 16% of Brahui,[22] and approximately 11.5% of sampled Pashtun,[21] but in only about 3% of the general Pakistani population. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. (a) Principal component analysis by population. Specifically, we intersected these criteria by applying the following filters. Population codes: Baltics (Blt), Belarusians (Blr), Poles (Pol), Ukrainians (Ukr), northern Russians (NRu), southern and central Russians (SRu), Circum-Uralic (CUr), Germans (Ger), Central Europeans (CE), Iberians (Ibr), French (Fra), Sardinians (Srd), Corsica (Cor), Sicilians (Sic), Italians (Ita), Switzerlands (Swi), Western Balkans (WB), Romanians (Rmn), Bulgarians (Bul), Crete (Crt), Greeks (Grc), Anatolian Greeks (AG), Egyptians (Egy), Near/Middle Easterners (ME), Ashkenazi Jews (AJ), Sephardic Jews (SJ), Arabian Peninsula (AP), Palestinians (Pal), Druze (Drz), Western Turks (WTu), Central Turks (CTu), Eastern Turks (ETu), Iranians (Irn), Abkhazians (Abh), Armenians (Arm), Georgians (Grg), South Ossetians (SOs), Iranian Azeris (Azr), Abazins (Aba), Adyghes (Ady), Balkars (Blk), Cherkessians (Crk), Kabardins (Kab), Karachays (Kar), Kuban Nogays (Nog), North Ossetians (NOs), Chamalals (Cha), Ingushes (Ing), Kumyks (Kum), Central Asians (CA), Pakistani (Pak). Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations. In human genetics, Haplogroup G-P303 ( G2a2b2a, [2] formerly G2a3b1) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Keller A, Graefen A, Ball M et al. [12] The fourth site also from the same period is the tztal of the Italian Alps where the mummified remains of tzi the Iceman were discovered. Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus. Mitochondrial haplogroup N is a "Macro-haplogroup", also called a "Superhaplogroup." All humans who left Africa descended from mtDNA haplogroup L3, and that ancient lineage soon gave rise to two great daughter families, M and N, which, in turn, became the mothers of billions. First, the G2a1-P16 lineage is effectively Caucasus specific and accounts for about one-third of the Caucasian male gene pool (Figure 2f). We estimate that the geographic origin of hg G plausibly locates somewhere nearby eastern Anatolia, Armenia or western Iran. For the human mtDNA haplogroup, see. [15] Among the samples in the YHRD database from the southern Caucasus countries, 29% of the samples from Abazinia, 31% from Georgia, 2% from Azerbaijan and 18% from Armenia appear to be G samples. However, interpretations based on simple haplogroup frequency clines do not recognize underlying patterns of genetic diversification. Ann Hum Genet 2005; 69: 443454. The International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) maintains the most up-to-date consensus version of haplogroup categories. Genetic evidence concerning the origins of South and North Ossetians. It has an extremely low frequency in modern populations, except (i) Iran and its western neighbors, and (ii) a region straddling south Central Siberia (Russia) and northern Kazakhstan. Nonetheless, our approach using high-resolution phylogenetic relationships as well as their phylogeography to infer the possible origin of a genetic variant provides a more plausible deduction than simply the region of highest frequency. The highest frequency values for P303 are detected in populations from Caucasus region, being especially high among South Caucasian Abkhazians (24%) and among Northwest (NW) Caucasian Adyghe and Cherkessians39.7% and 36.5%, respectively. However, interpretations based on coarse haplogroup resolution frequency clines are unsophisticated and do not recognize underlying patterns of genetic diversification. [citation needed] Semino O, Magri C, Benuzzi G, Lin AA, Al-Zahery N, et al. In contrast to G1, the absolute majority of hg G samples belonged to G2-P287-related sub-clades, with the vast majority of them being associated with G2a-P15-related lineages. Rosser ZH, Zerjal T, Hurles ME et al. The haplogroup G mutation developed about 21,000 to 14,000 years ago. Although hg G1 frequency distribution, overall, extends further eastward as far as Central Asian Kazakhs (present even among Altaian Kazakhs38 with identical STR haplotypes compared with the main Kazakh population), it is virtually absent in Europe. It encompasses a small group of Hispanic men who also so far all have the odd value of 13,21 at the YCA marker. Age: About 7,800 years ago Origin: Eurasia Y-Haplotree. Haplogroup - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Phylogenetic relationships of studied binary markers within haplogroup G in wider context of M89-defined clade. In Egypt, studies have provided information that pegs the G percentage there to be between 2% and 9%. These Neolithic European were descendants of Neolithic farmers from Anatolia, among some of the earliest peoples in the world to practice agriculture. Genomics 1999; 57: 433437. The highest percentage of G-P303 persons in a discrete population so far described is on the island of Ibiza off the eastern Spanish coast. In the Russian North Caucasus the Kabardinian and Ossetian populations are also notable for high rates of G-M201. Digora, North Ossetia has the highest known concentration of G in a single city, as 74% of the tested men were G.[14] Haplogroup G is found as far east as northern China in small percentages where G can reach more substantial percentages in minority groups such as the Uyghurs. G2a2b2a is also found in India. Y-DNA haplogroups are useful to determine whether two apparently unrelated individuals sharing the same surname do indeed descend from a common ancestor in a not too distant past (3 to 20 generations). Karafet TM, Mendez FL, Meilerman MB, Underhill PA, Zegura SL, Hammer MF : New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree. The mutations involved may be complicated and difficult to interpret. OS thanks the Italian Ministry of the University: Progetti Ricerca Interesse Nazionale 2009 and FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2008 and Fondazione Alma Mater Ticinensins. The Madjar and Argyn tribes (or clans) of Kazakhstan were found to possess the highest levels of G-M201 among any modern ethnic group. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 694704. [2], In 2012, a paper by Siiri Rootsi et al. Almost all L141 men belong to L141 subclades. The identification of a new SNP can necessitate renaming of one or more categories. Hum Genet 2004; 114: 127148. The phylogenetic relationships of the various sub-haplogroups investigated are shown in Figure 1. [41] These classifications are based on shared SNP mutations. [Origin of European 3/6] First Farmer of Europe and Y-DNA Haplogroup G The genetic variation in the R1a clade among the Ashkenazi - Nature The general frequency pattern of hg G overall (Figure 2a) shows that the spread of hg G extends over an area from southern Europe to the Near/Middle East and the Caucasus, but then decreases rapidly toward southern and Central Asia. The following SNPs are so far identified as M201 equivalents: L116, L154, L269, L294, L240, P257, L402, L520, L521, L522, L523, L605, Page 94, U2, U3, U6, U7, U12, U17, U20, U21, U23 and U33. Although no basal G-M201* chromosomes were detected in our data set, the homeland of this haplogroup has been estimated to be somewhere nearby eastern Anatolia, Armenia or western Iran, the only areas characterized by the co-presence of deep basal branches as well as the occurrence of high sub-haplogroup diversity. Until 2008, new G SNPs were reported from labs at the University of Arizona (P designations), Stanford University (M designations) or the University of Central Florida (U designations). Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y Semino O, Passarino G, Oefner PJ et al. No clinal patterns were detected suggesting that the distributions are rather indicative of isolation by distance and demographic complexities. It is notable that tzi the 5300-year-old Alpine mummy was derived for the L91 SNP and his autosomal affinity was nearest to modern Sardinians.28, The G2a2-M286 lineage is very rare, so far detected only in some individuals in Anatolia and the South Caucasus. Its estimated Td of 120953000 years ago suggests considerable antiquity allowing time to accumulate STR diversity and also to disperse relatively widely. [29][30][31] 3% of North African Berbers were found to be haplogroup G.[32] 2% of Arab Moroccans and 0.8% of Berber Moroccans were likewise found to be G.[33]. Also for P15* and L91 lineages Td estimates, DYS19 was excluded owing to duplications in these lineages.36. Iceman tzi, known to have been a haplogr. The G-L13 subclade is most common in north central Europe, and G-Z1266 is most common in the western Caucasus Mountains. (2000) suggested 17,000 years ago. In addition, there are multiple other SNPs thought to have the same coverage as M201. Encyclopedia of mtDNA Origins - Discover your maternal lineage. Circles represent microsatellite haplotypes, the areas of the circles and sectors are proportional to haplotype frequency (smallest circle corresponds to one individual) and the geographic area is indicated by color. See: Poznik. An assessment of the Y-chromosome phylogeography-based proposal that the spread of G2a-L497 chromosomes originated from Central Europe could be achieved by typing this SNP in the Holocene period human remains from Germany31 as well as those from France and Spain.45, 46 Certainly, Y chromosome represents only a small part of human genome and any population-level interpretation of gene flow in this region would have to be supported by genome-wide evidence. Then we applied a 10% overall hg G frequency threshold and the additional specification that both haplogroup G1 and G2 lineages also be present. Zhivotovsky LA, Underhill PA, Feldman MW : Difference between evolutionarily effective and germ line mutation rate due to stochastically varying haplogroup size. G2a was found also in 20 out of 22 samples of ancient Y-DNA from Treilles, the type-site of a Late Neolithic group of farmers in the South of France, dated to about 5000 years ago. [21] In a study of 936 Indians, haplogroup G made up less than 1% of the sample and was completely absent in the tested Northwestern Indian population. Ancient DNA from European early neolithic farmers reveals their near eastern affinities. The Iceman belongs to haplogroup G2a2b [13] (earlier called G2a4). The highest reported concentration of G1 and its subclades in a single country is in Iran, with next most frequent concentrations in neighboring countries to the west. Haplogroup K2e (K-M147) was previously known as "Haplogroup X" and "K2a" (but is a sibling subclade of the present K2a). G2a3a-M406 has a modest presence in Thessaly and the Peloponnese (4%),10 areas of the initial Greek Neolithic settlements. The double 19 value situation is not seen in the G2a1 and G2a3 subclades. In Lebanon, however, G accounts for 6.5% of the population and in Iran to around 10%. [42] The technical specifications of M201 are given as: refSNPid is rs2032636..Y chromosome location of 13536923.forward primer is tatgcatttgttgagtatatgtc..reverse primer is gttctgaatgaaagttcaaacg..the mutation involves a change from G to T. A number of SNPs have been identified with seemingly the same coverage in the population as M201. Interestingly, the L30 SNP, phylogenetically equivalent to M485, M547 and U8, was detected in an approximately 7000-year-old Neolithic specimen from Germany, although this ancient DNA sample was not resolved further to additional sub-clade levels.39. Chromosome Y microsatellites: population genetic and evolutionary aspects. The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people. The effective mutation rate at Y chromosome short tandem repeats, with application to human population-divergence time.
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