Want Blue Eggs? Pick These Chicken Breeds! - Backyard Poultry Cream Legbars: High-producing blue-egg layers. Robert Kimura. Description Clarence Court Old Costwald Legbar eggs have a distinctive pale blue shell. This is good news for families with small children because Legbars dont scratch like other breeds and have a gentle temperament. They are hard to find and hatcheries that do offer Legbars in the USA are usually booked up months in advance. They just seem dwarfed compared to him. They are not very flighty birds but can fly so it is advisable to completely cover the coop run. Are Legbars good layers?
Legbar - Wikipedia White legbar hens can be kept right next to the home, saving storage space. It is worth mentioning that the Cream Legbar Chicken does not always integrate well with other breeds in a flock. Its predecessor, the Cambar, just couldnt compete with the egg production of the Cream Legbar and is now extinct. Best wishes from Norway to all chicken enthusiasts! We hope you have enjoyed learning about the Cream Legbar and hopefully you might add a few to your flock. Legbar hens will lay approximately 4 to 5 large brown eggs per week. Legbars will start laying at around 24 weeks old, and in my experience will provide about four medium sized eggs a week, or 200 a year. Class A. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. They only make sounds when they are distressed or annoyed. Female chicks can be found at a day old by the colour of their feathering. During the winter they might want to sit together bunched up to warm themselves and conserve body heat, whereas in the summer they will space out more, and hold open their wings in an attempt to cool off. The Cream Legbar has become a firm favorite here in the US at least, in part for its blue eggs. COLOURS AND VARIETIES. Despite this drawback and limitation on 4H involvement, the Cream Legbar continues to gain a reputation as a low-maintenance chicken that consistently provides beautiful pastel eggs for your kitchen. They have a single red comb, red wattles and their earlobes are either white or cream. Professor Punnett led the Breeding Program at the Genetic Institute for Cambridge University. They are so active that they might even over forage in your garden! They're both quite flighty breeds but will settle down as they start laying and fill out a bit. Keep an eye out for molting too, as your birds need extra protein during this time for promoting healthy feather growth. Thank you! On average legbar hens will lay 260 eggs per year per hen. Ameraucana chickens lay between 150 200 blue or green eggs per year, but, When it comes to Cream Legbars and Ameraucana chickens . The Cream Legbar is a newly-developed breed of chicken first presented at the 1947 London Dairy Show. Within ten years the chicken received a written description by the Poultry Club of Britain. Some individuals do not react well to long-term confinement to the run and may need access to more space, however. Renee Miller. They can be bought cheaper from some hatcheries, but as always you get what you pay for. For nesting boxes a ratio of one for every three or four hens will work. This breed has the serious advantage of auto-sexing, so you can separate the males and females as soon as you choose. Opal Legbars lay beautiful blue to blue-green eggs jus like Cream Legbars and White Legbars only they have lovely "self blue" a.k.a "Lavander" plumage NPIP/AI clean- South Carolina 56-544 Shipping eggs is a gamble, please understand the risks before bidding!
Cream Legbar Chicken - Sugar Feather Farm We got six 16-18 week hens and then had the opportunity to get a 1 year old created cream legbar. Due to being part Longhorn, broodiness is not likely with these hens. This includes grasses, leaves, weeds, seeds, and grubs dug up from the ground. Legbars are actually the second ever auto-sexing breed. Females barring is much more subtle and she may have some salmon color to her neck and breast. Each hen can produce 250 eggs or even more in a year under favorable conditions. It is characterized by its cream coloring, friendly temperament, and ability to lay large numbers of blue eggs. They do have a tendency to get picked on in a mixed flock, so they should be kept separate or with docile, non-aggressive breeds. Professor Punnett, now retired and working at home, started crossing these birds first with a gold penciled Hamburg. We have a big brahma mix that has good temperament and keeps everyone in line. Well, it depends on what youre most excited about as a chicken owner.
COTSWOLD BLUE LEGBAR EGGS 1/2 DOZEN - Daylesford Small children should not be near the rooster until it has been established what sort of personality and how aggressive the bird maybe, this is especially important during mating season. Back in the early 1900s breeders were experimenting with auto-sexing chickens. Opal Legbar x Opal Legbar = 100% Opal. These eggs come from an exclusive line of traditional-breed birds who roam free in the English countryside, grazing on a carefully-formulated maize-rich diet. Egg color: Light blue or green Egg size: Medium Age of lay: 5-6 months Eggs/week: 3-4 Eggs/year: 150-200 Classified: rare, soft feather light fowl. I want as blue eggs as possible. This breed is best known for their beautiful pastel blue eggs and their distinctive appearance. Currently, the American Poultry Association does not recognize the Cream Legbar as a breed. Legbars are best described as curious, low maintenance, and independent foragers. We find her in the nesting box hanging out but no eggs! We would love to hear from you in the comments section below, The Easter Egger is a much loved hybrid chicken. Thanks! Sex-linked chicks require two different parents for example. One of the great joys of adding the Cream Legbar Chicken to your flock is collecting their eggs. Another excellent layer of blue eggs is the Cream Legbar chicken. White legbar hens have feathers all year round, whereas most other chickens lose their feathers during winter. They are docile, calm, and not flighty. However, just because they share the Araucana as a common ancestor, breeding through the ages has made them very unique breeds. It all depends on their care and how healthy they are when they start laying eggs. Legbars are known to lay between 180 - 200 eggs per year. 3. This cute, unique chicken is an excellent egg layer, with each hen producing 250 or more eggsper year under optimal conditions. They will never outlay an Isa Brown, but they will consistently produce almost disproportionately large blue or green eggs for their body size. Numerous crossings and back crossings followed and eventually he produced a cream-colored bird. Posted December 16, 2018. Other posts on eggs How to poach an egg My mother's, and James Bond's, scrambled eggs Failsafe way to make the perfect omelette Of course, their fun personalities will grow on you and make you look forward to chore time. : These include welsummer, penedesnca, marans, and Easter eggers too! It was the eggs that this chicken produced that almost caused its downfall. Opal Legbars are just like Cream Legbars, only with the addition of the lavender gene. Legs should be clean, yellow in color, and have four toes. The Legbar has three colour varieties: Gold, Silver and Cream.
RESOURCES - Cream Legbar Club Cream Legbars are very popular because of their unique egg laying abilities. Some of them lay eggs year-round, but other may stop laying eggs in the winter if it's too cold.
Can You Eat Cream Legbar Chickens? (Meat Bird) - Farmpertise Split x Split = 25% Cream Legbar (no lavender gene), 50% split (one lavender gene), 25% Opal Legbar The hens tend not to get broody, so they keep their egg production up over time. Opal Legbar's are a beautiful pearl lavender grey color. If you are looking to add some color to your egg basket then look no further! 4. thelloydllc (1,120) 100%. Professor Pease took his place. The neck is long leading down to a full breast. Both their legs and beak are yellow. They are smaller than the other types of chickens and have larger feet, beaks, and necks than other breeds. In fact, this type of chicken is a hybrid - a cross between a blue egg layer (like Ameraucana) and a brown egg layer (like a Plymouth rock). marykimura88@gmail.com. This will help prevent any future health risks such as sour crop. Males hold their tails at 45 degrees, the hens slightly less. Earlobes are cream or white. It started in 1939 when Michael Pease was attempting to improve the egg laying abilities of the Gold Legbar by crossing the breed with White Leghorns. I will be back soon with another interesting post. In 2017 while on her 5th generation she released some chick for other breeder to continue with her work.
Caterite | Clarence Court Cotswold Legbar Medium Eggs The Legbar is a rare British auto-sexing breed of chicken.It was created in the early twentieth century by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University. The skin also is yellow.
What color eggs does a Cream Legbar lay? The creation of Cream Legbars was more complicated than the other Legbars. Of course, these standards are for judging perfect specimens so you may have a perfectly good chicken that does not meet the standard of perfection. You also do not need any special equipment but ensure that the coop is well ventilated and dry as white legbar hens prefer dry conditions to keep their feathers from getting wet. A small chicken with a large comb, the Penedesenca lays chocolate brown eggs. Whilst offering your flock security and a safe environment to wander around in the fresh air. How Long It Takes For A Chick To Hatch After The First Crack? It can produce up to nearly 200 eggs a year. Roosters in particular are more aggressive than other breeds and have a heightened instinct to protect their flock. It then hit her "why not make a Lavender auto sex breed". Great Taste Awards 2011 - 2 Stars. The roosters have much bigger combs and wattles than the hens. In 1952, seven legbar hens in England were monitored for a year. Join More Than 15,000 Chicken Enthusiasts Who Have Already Subscribed. These chickens are pretty docile, although they cherish being on a free-range system. Or perhaps youre just curious about what chicken is the ultimate blue-egg layer. Jun, 05, 2022 Some sources say they are flighty, nervous, and noisy; whereas others say they are docile, friendly, and easily handled.
Cream Legbar Chickens: Quirky, Crested, Blue Egg Layers - MorningChores Most chickens are very sociable, and it is always advisable to have at least three chickens in your flock. They require little care and food to keep them healthy. You also need to remember that they are active foragers and will eat anything they can. Chickens that lay blue eggs include Araucana, Ameraucana, and Cream Legbar, while their counterparts that lay green eggs include Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers. Hens have salmon spotting on their neck and breast too. This means that the male and female chicks are visibly . 5. They are usually light greyish-brown to cream in color with salmon to reddish colored chests. They are good chicken for supervised children. hornbuckle contact number; haughville pronunciation; sam and cat birthday party supplies; ssense software developer intern; legbar eggs taste. Cream Legbar hens weigh about 5.5lbs and roosters weigh about 7.5lbs. +$19.99 shipping. When it comes to Cream Legbars and Ameraucana chickens both do great in cold weather partially because their comb and wattles are covered by their crest (Legbars) and muffs/beards (Ameracuanas). They add a real lift to recipes. Legbars are friendly, good foragers and do well avoiding predators in a free range environment, although they can easily adapt to small yards and runs, as well. Your email address will not be published. The cost of processing a chicken in this weight range is around $5.25, and the cost of food per month per chicken is around $13. While a single food won't change the taste of an egg, a diet high in grasses, seeds, vegetables, and herbs will result in a better tasting egg overall. The standard weights for hens and pullets are 5.5 and 4.5 lbs, respectively, with the cock and cockerel weighing in at seven and six pounds. Summary Eggs consistently raise HDL (the "good") cholesterol. White legbar hens can be kept right next to the home, saving storage space. Because these chicks are autosexing, telling the difference in sex is obvious hours after hatching. However, not all white Legbars lay these bright yellow eggs. Auto-sexing- Cream Legbar Female Chick (one day old pullet) $ 20.00. The result is that the girls will follow my husband round the garden wherever he goes and if he sits down they will gather round him. Beautiful article thank you for this post! They have a single red comb with 6 points, wattles are also red. Cream Legbar x Cream Legbar = 100% Cream Legbar Roosters can be aggressive, especially in the mating and breeding season. Cotswold Blue Legbar Eggs 6 Pack; Back. this enables them to keep themselves warm. Cream Legbars are very alert chickens and are well known for avoiding predators. Clarence Court Assorted Cotswold Legbar Eggs 6 pack | Morrisons Fresh Milk, Eggs & Butter Eggs Free Range Eggs Clarence Court Assorted Cotswold Legbar Eggs 6 pack Clarence Court Assorted Cotswold Legbar Eggs 6 pack 6 per pack ( 38) Leave a review LIFE 6d + 2.69 44.8p each Overview Information Categories Reviews Advertised products LIFE 7d + Class:EnglishType:Large FowlSize:Small (4-5 lbs)Rarity:RarePurpose:Egg-layingRecognized Varieties:Cream, Egg Laying:Very Good (4/wk)Egg Color:Light BlueEgg Size:Medium, Comb Type:Single CombCrested:YesFeathered Legs:NoNumber of Toes:4, Cold Hardiness:Hardy in winterHeat Tolerance:Tolerates heat wellBears Confinement:Tolerates confinementEspecially Docile:YesSetter/Broody:YesPersonality:Easily handled, great forager, thrives in a free range situation, Easily handled, great forager, thrives in a free range situation.
Type of Chickens That Lay Colored Eggs (Blue, Green, Pink, Brown) Are you interested in keeping this breed? Michael Pease worked with him and when Professor Punnett retired. . White egg-laying chickens (for their eggs) and leg bars for their legs.
Are blue eggs better than white eggs? - Coalitionbrewing.com They are very independent and free-spirited and wont hesitate to help out in the garden. Pure Silkie fertile eggs - Mixed colours inc Splash, Grey, Black, White, Buff, Partridge $40 Per Doz Pure Cream Legbar $80 Per Doz Pure Muscovy fertile duck eggs- White and black & white $30 Per Doz Cross breed of Cream Legbar and Lavender Auracana $40 Per Doz Prefer local pick up, (Springton SA . However, even during this time pellet feed should always be available to them. And of course, the freshness of the egg matters the most. Eggs, on the other hand, are much more lucrative. One of their most notable features is their crest. Cream Legbars have a beautiful posh look, from their crest to their tail feathers. This breed is fabulous for backyarders for several reasons. Earlobes are cream or white. White legbar hens are relatively easy to maintain compared to other breeds. Cream Legbar hens lay between 150 to 200 eggs per annum. So, the color and frequency of eggs laid dont really differ between Cream Legbar and Ameraucanas, but the size of the Ameracuanas eggs is visually larger. So, both Cream Legbars and Ameraucanas are rather hardy overall. Because of the Araucana chicken gene, the color of Cream Legbar eggs is light blue and blue-green. Joseph Hudson has been raising chickens for over 15 years. The Cream Legbar chicken is now a firm favorite here in the US as well as its homeland. Please keep it in moderation, though, as over-feeding will lead to stomach problems for chickens. Our Legbars produce an egg size that compares nicely to other larger breeds, which is very impressive for their size. Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Production Egg Shell Color: Blue Egg Production: 180-200 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ) Egg Size: Medium-Large Temperament: Active Gender Accuracy: 85-90% Fertility Percentage: 60-75% Broody: Variable Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Males Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet Country of Origin: Britian APA: No TLC: No Secondly, they are auto-sexing, which means . Legbars are good foragers and do well avoiding predators in a free range environment, although they can easily adapt to small yards and runs, as well.
Pearl Legbar - The Pasture Farms In terms of taste and nutrition, there is no noticeable difference between blue and brown eggs. The boys are so aggressive and nasty with eachother, we call them gang bangers. You can expect between 180-200 eggs per year from an average layer. Preferring instead to be free-range as they are excellent foragers that enjoy eating their fresh caught bounty. Easy! Sure, they're both equally as cold or warm-hardy, but their temperaments make them more or less suited to different backyard environments. No wonder Cream Legbar are so popular! Cubalaya Chicken: The Showy Bird from Cuba. These birds start laying eggs at about six months old. Thats because Cream Legbars and Ameraucana chickens are both derived from the same parent heritage breed: the Araucana. But, Cream Legbars and be a little feisty compared to more classical docile chicken breeds. These were crossed with Danish Brown Leghorns and Gold Leghorns, selecting qualities such as cream color, crest, and blue egg production. Produced for: Clarence Court Eggs Ltd, PO Box 147, Liskeard, PL14 9BZ. The bird is moderately broad at the shoulders leading into a flat slightly sloped back. The legbar hens are little beauties and do love to forage.
Ameraucana chickens: The healthy and hardy (and hilarious) blue-egg They have a single red comb with 6 points, wattles are also red. Pellets contain all the essential minerals and vitamins necessary for their daily growth. Your coop should provide about three square feet per bird in the coop, with about three times this space in the run. Ameraucana chickens get their blue egg laying from Araucana too as well as their signature muffs and beards too! The Cream Legbar, also referred to as the Crested Cream Legbar, originated in England. Eggs can also be light green. Roosters on the other hand can still be pretty loud and will crow loudly. They are not recognized by the American Poultry Association. 1. I have a maran rooster and hes considerably larger than the girls.
Legbar - My Pet Chicken Opal (Isabel) Legbar - Fair Feather Farms if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bestoffarming_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestoffarming_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bestoffarming_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestoffarming_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}White legbar hens are the number one type of poultry in the world. Given their cross-breeding with Araucanas, they share this breeds blue egg coloring.
Cream Legbar Chicken: Care, Egg Production, and History Self-sufficient and very curious are two good ways to describe them. They are my absolute favorite. Proudly created with Wix.com, Cream Legbar x Cream Legbar = 100% Cream Legbar. However they might get picked on a little bit for their feathers which make them appear slightly smaller than the rest of the flock. About Serama Chickens: Tiny Chickens with Huge Personalities, Dorking Chicken: Excellent Winter Egg Layers and Meat Producers, Houdan Chicken: Fancy Egg Layers and Quality Meat Producers, About Sicilian Buttercup Chickens: Beautiful Birds Sporting a Crown, Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chicken: Captivating Egg Layers, About Fayoumi Chickens: Backyard Egyptian Birds, Croad Langshan Chicken: A Dual-Purpose, Asiatic Breed, Japanese Bantam Chicken: Tiny Showstoppers, Cornish Cross Chicken: The #1 Meat Producer Breed, About Cochin Chickens: The Gentle Giants of the Chicken Run, About Ancona Chickens: Mediterranean, Barnyard Beauties, About Araucana Chickens: Rumpless, Blue Egg Layers, Modern Game Chicken: A Leggy and Unique Breed, Java Chicken: A Heritage American Dual-Purpose Bird, About Rosecomb Bantam Chickens: Tiny Seniors of the Chicken World, About Russian Orloff Chickens: The Cold Hardy, Endangered Bird. The beak has a slight downward curve. There seems to be some disagreement about the temperament of this bird. They produce the tastiest eggs and meat with their unique features. They cross-bred American barred Plymouth Rock birds with brown Leghorns and created the gold and silver colour varieties.Pease created a cream Legbar by cross-breeding these with white Leghorns . The Cream Legbar Chicken has a particular set of standardsto meet. Their eggs have high egg yolk content. But otherwise Im a bit lost on how to approach this! The Legbar Chicken originally came from England. The difference between the breeds of Legbar is that the bantam variety will occasionally produce a paler brown egg, while the standard size will consistently produce a darker egg color. Explores the world of chickens from raising chicks to collecting eggs, Learn about different chicken breeds and discover the happy raising chicken tips.
Cream Legbar Hatching Eggs - Better With Thyme - Donuts Because they are so peaceful they can get along with other breeds very well. Chickens And More is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. or Best Offer. Both Cream Legbar and Ameraucana chickens are derived from Araucana chickens and lay blue eggs, Rare Silkie Chicken Colors & Varieties (With Pictures), 25 Common Foods You Can Feed Ducklings As Snacks, All Chicken Breeds With White Earlobes (With Pictures), Chicken Without Comb Or Wattle (Is It Possible & What Breeds). The first breed of auto-sexers was the Cambar, however this breed never picked up popularity and has since gone extinct. As they are smaller birds, they can become a target for more aggressive breeds, so if you are adding them into an existing flock be sure that your current birds are not aggressive. With the rising popularity of this chicken breed, they may soon gain status as an American Poultry Association(APA) breed, but for now, they are not recognized for showing. That's why it's the egg used and loved by Michelin-star chefs, celebrities, and at-home foodies alike. As mentioned before, under perfect conditions hens can lay an average of 260 eggs per year. I will read through the article and report back! I Want My Free Ebook On Egg Laying Chickens.
Cream Legbar Chickens For Sale - Baby Chicks | Cackle Hatchery A Legbar lifespan can range from 10 to 15 years. Multiple breeding groups including all color varieties. Yes, they do make a good starter chicken. This is based on the coloration of the down feathers in chicks (more on this later). The finishing touch to the breed was the cross with the Cream Araucanas, giving them their crested heads and blue eggs. 2. The Professor now had a color never seen in chickens before cream. loud tornado warning roblox id. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Both are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. Etsy Search for items or shops Close search Skip to Content Sign in 0 Cart Holiday Sales Event Jewelry & Accessories Clothing & Shoes Home & Living If you are looking for a chicken who stands apart from the rest, then the Cream Legbar is just the chicken for you. Cream Legbar chickens lay a blue egg and are a soft feather light breed. Its worth mentioning, however, the actual blueness, size, and quantities of eggs laid can vary highly depending on the actual individual chicken. These birds conservation status is not recorded but they are a new and rare breed in the USA. There are easy fixes for this common problem even if you do encounter it. They do not need as much maintenance as other breeds and are beginner friendly. Legbars have been an excellent addition to our farm. Legbars are a friendly breed of chicken, as they are bred to be handled by humans. They can lay up to 300 eggs a year, while most other breeds produce only 100-200 eggs in a year. They are barred lavender birds with cute crests, blue eggs, and best of all, they are autosexing!
Cream Legbar Chicken: Is This Blue Egg Wonder The Chicken For You? This breed wont hesitate to explore any nooks and crannies within the yard and they are always looking for a snack. While this means they are not the friendliest breed in the coop, it does give them a curious nature that makes them a lot of fun to have around. Less expensive chicks are available but may not have the crucial element of auto-sexing. Eyes reddish bay in color and the beak is yellow to horn colored. One of the best attributes of the Cream Legbar chicken is her strength and health, but you should keep an eye on the crest feathers of your hens. The average weight of a white legbar hen is 1 lb, while the standard weight is 2 lb. Clarence Court produces Burford Brown eggs (deep brown colour with amber yolks) and Cotwold Legbar eggs (pale blue shell) which are available throughout the UK in supermarkets (Waitrose, Sainsburys, Ocado and Morrisons). You've been begging for them, and they're finally here! The skull is still not completely formed and a peck in the right spot can cause brain injury. The eggs are medium to large and are a beautiful pastel blue color. they are very docile, require little attention, and can be kept in groups. This means that you can tell the sex of the chick at hatch, and they breed true. Observe them daily for changes in behavior or appearance. White legbar hens can be kept on their own, making them ideal for beginner bird owners. White Legbars are also friendly to other pets, coop mates, and neighbors. Finally, they're fun looking, with unusual little crests tucked behind floppy combs, looking something like they're wearing berets accented with flowers--very cool!
This is the first time we have had chickens this young, and we made an effort to handle them and spend time with them. Jeremy, There are many reasons for not laying. Their body is shaped like a triangle with a long flat back, and a straight elongated tail. They can be kept outside in a large pen or free-range access on the lawn, pasture, or within a fenced area. The cream variant has a crest and lays blue, olive or green eggs. Regular checking and cleaning is a must. But I hadn't heard about the Cream Legbar; a breed that sounds like a yummy confection and lays a pretty blue egg. Now with breeding close to8 generations of Opal the breed has came far but is still in the project stages.
cream legbar hatching eggs for sale | eBay Claire, Hi, It was established as a breed in 1931.
I am Mandy, a farmer who wants his farm to be safe, healthy, and profitable like everyone else. The breed is unique, cute, and a good chicken for laying eggs. These unique colorings can really give an advantage to your flock, especially as a sales tool if you are the only producer locally. The Cream Legbars today rank as the most popular in the world when it comes to auto-sexing breeds. Legbars are a docile breed, which is generally easier to handle than other breeds. Cream Legbars are well known for being docile and friendly. If you want to know more about chickens, quail, and goats, The Happy Chicken Coop is the place to be! Your Legbars will also need fresh clean water all year long. This chicken is a cross between a Barred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn. Friendly, chatty and pretty birds cant wait for the blue eggs to arrive.
legbar eggs taste They have a bright red comb and a small but pronounced crest on their heads, which looks like a little mohawk! They will tolerate confinement, but these active chickens prefer not to have to. Secondly, they are auto-sexing, which means that if you want to hatch the eggs of your chickens at home, you'll be able to tell male chicks from female chicks immediately, without the years of training it takes to vent sex day old chicks of other breeds.