This is your moment. Praying for you as you enter a new year.. the link to the rest of the word is in my bio, Merry Christmas from the Johnstons! What do you need to let go of? Join us for our 4th season Legacy beginning on November 7th! Its time to be a family and set the table for others, to become the true family of God that the world so desperately needs. He didnt fake it or ever back down from his convictions like so many have. Joyce Meyer has helped countless women, dont pick on her! You are so close. I had a conversation with a friend in 2020 and we were talking about what makes believers fall, backslide, or compromise and then it came out of my mouth Its when we lose our wonder and adventure in our relationship with God When we lose the raw heart connection, intimacy, and wild pursuit of Him it leads us into a life of Christian activity and busyness all the while running from the growing dissatisfaction and longing for what were created for. People didnt expect it to reach much of an audience and even distributors in my own country didnt even stock it(until people consistently asked them to ) but then in the middle of that Walmart and my publisher started talking about an interactive journal from the chapters of the Wild ones.. something that would reach even the secular without losing the potency and language. Because of her position of intimacy with the Lord, God released His insights to her that settled the disputes of the people. Their hope seems not in the eternal but in usurping the power of God to extend this life. Who has noticed God doing this? Such a great time to be alive. Soon youll be out the other side of this long season! No lion will be there, nor any ravenous beast; they will not be found there. Hope this gives so more language and confirmation for this season. This spirit is so much more toxic in many different ways than Jezebel. - Hearing the new language and themes on Gods heart for the church and for the world. Let this be a season where the Spirit of Holiness comes upon you and leads you on the path of the redeemed. - Re-activating and stirring the prophetic gifts In a few weeks we kick off our third season for the year - House of Acts. She drove her tent peg through the temple of one whose meditations were silencing and redefining the nations. There will always be counterfeits and counter offers on the road of faith and constant triggers trying to pull you back into the old you or the old thing where you in bondage and silenced. Gods reformers are actively rebuilding the, foundations of Gods Word in every mountain of. Human trafficking has increased and things like pedophilia that were once considered evil yesterday, are being slowly accepted as an identity. But only the redeemed will walk there, and those the Lord has rescued will return. You will have to truly discern and know what you are called to do and what you arent, and be unapologetic about turning away what isnt ordained by God for you and your family. If this is you take this simple yet profound advice a friend gave us months ago STAY THE COURSE! But I knew this was the Lord now saying, "Hey, this new path you're about to walk on is going to look very different from what you've known." Its time.. @benij5 Thankyou for loving on our little family when we came to Redding and speaking into our lives. It conveys to people that they have a spiritual gift they may or may not have. God, Thankyou for your resurrection power flowing upon everyone who reads this In Jesus name! After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. Google to read the stories of those who have escaped the cult of Bethel Church the next time you think there are no victims. Dont settle! "We're asking for prayer," she wrote. They are the ones in this season that arent satisfied by the status quo but are in pursuit of what God is doing and are parting ways with the hustle and hype of mans ambition. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. Mountain goats have the ability to climb high above their enemies out of reach as they balance on rocky ledges. God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. It is, but its what is needed because the future of the Church must be a healthy Church. Join us in 2 weeks as we begin! A palm tree in the bible signifies providence, divine wisdom and intelligence from the Lord - it is an opposite way of thinking to the worlds. Contacts: Matthew Kent, SPJ Program Coordinator, 317-920-4788, In the vacuum of what we need, we then try to get it in other places. To those facing endless obstacles and mental bombardment today.. You know who you are. Dream as usual folks.. God is clearing the way! To read the rest of this go to the link on my bio.. Tweet. Christy Johnston For those who are ALMOST THERE.. those facing endless distraction, chaos lurking at their door, and chatter increasing to a deafening volume.. I also knew it was the Lord speaking about the ending of a season of warfare and opposition and the beginning of a season of protection and favor, and the restoration of joy and strength. You are emerging to do what you were created for.. and this is the time. Tonight I was worshipping when I saw a very clear vision of a map of the state of Texas and the Lord was hovering a magnifying glass over it. God is building you and getting you ready to build what you never imagined you would be called to. like a cloak spreading across the Nations, this divine calling from heaven is resting upon a generation of daughters - they will courageously and fearlessly push back the darkness and exposing it to the light. Not saying its been perfect or easy since that day - in fact we have had to walk through some intense seasons of God breaking strongholds and healing but its totally been worth it for the sake our our kids not having to walk out the junk we have. Been such a consistent theme God is speaking. But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me I wanted to encourage those building, pioneering, and dreaming with the lord right now that you are on the pulse - keep going! You fasted and wept for the child while he was alive; but when the child died, you arose and ate food. He said, While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept, for I said, Who knows whether the Lordwill be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead. Our hope in Christ is in the eternal life He died on the cross to give to us. spin city laundry card balance 0 items - $0.00; subramanyeswara swamy temple near me. Im so grateful for the heads up revelation God gives. She massacred all the members of the royal house, murdering Ahaziahs sonsher own grandsons. Season 4 - Legacy Payment Plan $160 usd Includes: Payment plan of 2 payments of $160 over 2 months. 4,923 were here. A tribe of people who will get you wellyou don't have to explain yourself to them anymore and you don't have to beg them to be in your life to do things with and run with. You are going to have to tune out the disapproval and noise of others and make the only thing you hear and see the King of Glory. God is seeking out His daughters who will choose to come up higher, above the noise, and listen to His voice. Leave the hustle: It only hurts you and puts you in dangerous situations. Deborah was known as a prophetess, she would sit under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. I have felt such a strong intentional pull away from the old wineskin of the hustle and busyness. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. Be alert and of sober mind. Now you will enter the new path unscathed, and the old tyrant masters and bullying circumstances will hang over your head no longer! I tread lightly because I cannot imagine the overwhelming sense of loss in losing your two-year-old child. Just a few thoughts for pioneers this morning. It's going to be a time and a season when we're able to focus completely on what He has given us. Then Athaliah tore her robes and shouted, 'Treason! This will be a season where you'll feel peace, the release, and the 'go' to finally plant your feet and birth what I've given you, and you will build in peace," says the Lord. Thanks! Our hearts are to raise up ageneration of sons and daughters who reflect king JESUS. This commander oppressed the people of Israel brutally. Devastated to hear the news today of your passing . Many of the false teachings of today, including the NAR is a love of this life. It wants to surround you with imposters. Our desire is to see God's people permeate the earth with the glory of . explore words Watch the doors to the delivery room: Now this is what you are to do: A third of you priests and Levites who are going on duty on the Sabbath are to keep watch at the doors, a third of you at the royal palace and a third at the Foundation Gate, and all the others are to be in the courtyards of the temple of the Lord (2 Chronicles 23:4-5) They knew that for Athaliah to be cast out and for Joash to be installed as king they needed to guard and watch the doors so that there was no way for her to access him. Often we can stay in connection with people who have drifted from the path because we feel a sense of loyalty to them and dont want to see them in a bad place, but in doing so we can hold ourselves back from the path and even drift from the path ourselves. It seeks to destroy your home life. We pray first and foremost that she awakens from the slumber Bill Johnson has cast into her eyes and that she see the darkness all around her. This is a new chapter; this is a new path. Gossip and the words you are speaking: This is a very common way to allow this spirit inby tearing down others. So get ready for a new tribe in this seasonin this new pathfor just as the enemy has been roaring around like a lion looking for those he can devour through wrong alignments the Lord is dealing with his plans and is aligning and connecting you with people who will be for you and stand with you. I shall go to him, but he will not return to me. 2 Samuel 12:15-23, Email all comments and questions to, Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? Galatians 4:16. Can I bring him back again? I know many are facing warfare on some upcoming doors and right now it feels too wishful thinking to imagine the other side. In this new wine season I believe God is raising up the church as a prophetic company to lead the way forward into her best days and most effective days. WARFARE STRATEGIES As I read 2 Chronicles 23 I realized that the warfare strategies for defeating this assignment were right there in front of me. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. In fact, quite a lot of the time they feel like failuresthings fall apart and things don't work. They are fierceness, love and strength combined. This year we will be hosting our own gatherings, regional meet ups and the opportunity to join us on prayer missions and ministry events. Nate & Christy are on mission to revive the hearts of Gods sons and daughters to their royal identity in Christ, equipping through. Im so grateful for the heads up revelation God gives. I know many are facing warfare on some upcoming doors and right now it feels too wishful thinking to imagine the other side. Tonight I was worshipping when I saw a very clear vision of a map of the state of Texas and the Lord was hovering a magnifying glass over it. When all of this occurs, Kalley Heiligenthal will have to make arrangements to bury her child. This will be the season where you foiled their plans and you lead many others into their promise. A few mornings I woke up hearing a song in my spirit that I just couldn't shake by Rick Pino called "Leaning on my beloved" which comes from the Song of Song. All are welcome to worship. And then I heard the Lord say, And now comes the birthing that has been delayed! Its time to pick up your sword and be a voice in this time of history that takes the keys of influence away from culture and gives them back to the church. Treason! It takes conviction and boldness in this day to go against the popular narratives and only have Jesus in your sights. The evil practice of grave sucking the anointing of dead charismatics started at Bethel. We have to heal and pick up our swords again. King Jesus did not pay for the resurrection of our loved ones in this life. Your directions and your will, I heard Him say. They smashed the altars and idols and killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars." A few months before we started our ministry we were going through the most intense warfare we had ever experienced. This plan of the enemy has come with a controlling spirit, guilt, and condemnation that you are leaving people behind but the Lord showed me that these people are simply not willing to move where God is moving so they would rather hold you back. Beloved, there are victims all over this story. Focus! Dont stop now! This is a season He doesn't want you to continue forfeiting the call on your life or handing it over to other people you feel are more capable of running in that calling. We are living in a moment of profound awakening, where passivity isnt an option and the righteous are arising as bold as lions. But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me Ground zero for the false teachings of the NAR is Bethel Church in Redding California. And he went into the house of the, Then his servants said to him, What is this thing that you have done? I wanted to raise the white flag, I was done. [3] [4] The church has grown in membership from 2,000 when he joined in 1996, [5] to over 11,000 in 2019. What has been done to Kalley however by Bethel is spiritual abuse. The spirit of Athaliah wants you to forfeit your dreams and your purpose to someone else. She lured him in, gives him milk, a picture of the sustenance of the Word of God, lulling him into a state of unconsciousness. Join us! The enemy has been raging against so many who are about to enter into a delivery seasonwhich has come as a culmination of a season of pioneering, process, refining, and fresh vision that has led so many to a place where they're finally ready to birth the new things that God has given to them. (Isaiah 35:8-10 NIV) I knew this was the Lord speaking over us: that we are entering a new path and journeywe have turned a corner! So if God told you and called you, dont roll over now just because the opposition looks menacing and unbeatable. Years ago he gave a warning word to me through a friend and it saved us years of potential heartache. Where the table always has seats, a feast is always prepared, and no voice is shut down. 4,775 talking about this. This is a season the Lord doesn't want you to cast your pearls anymore before the swine. Your failures and thinking this will end badly, I heard Him then say. These people are scammers and this is the test - they wont put this post on their fake profile, or will they? Ouch again. A place where no one is outcasted and where healing oil is always flowing. I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. True north check - are you following Jesus or culture? 623 talking about this. [6] A scripture came into my spirit instantly; And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. Last week I pressed record on my phone and just spoke what God was saying and then noticed a swirl over the weekend into the new week. Shake off the lies and foreboding fears and fix your eyes on Jesus. Follow. A virtual obsession with this life. The Lord says, "The enemy will not have any access point to you if you are protective of what I have given to you." - Awakening your ability to perceive the times and seasons. It is triage on the battlefield. Suddenly this loud roar sound came out of me and I begin pushing back the darkness trying to get us to throw in the towel so close to the finish line. Olive was the daughter of Bethel worship leader and songwriter, Kalley. Lets decree together over her, O-LIVE the AWAKENING breath of Jesus, dear child! Charisma News. There has been some delay and warfare against people settling and being established but HE WILL DO IT! Generation Z is perhaps, the most indoctrinated generation of all time with these theories attempting to captivate them from every corner. I want to specially speak to those who are trying to advance forward with that crazy idea and dream and you have been hit on every side. - Re-activating and stirring the prophetic gifts We pray that God uses it to reveal Himself to those lost in the Bethel haze. Thankyou Jesus! And he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. Link to full word in bio. Devastated to hear the news today of your passing . God is on a rescue mission and He is sending out his daughter to the four corners of the earth.. they are coming with the Name of Jesus to rescue the lost. Asbury is the first of many to come. What does that look like for your pathfor your life and for your family? Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Something is coming that cant be ignored. Its coming. Suppressed. Associate Dean for Campus Engagement. Listing provided by TMLS Its in this time that I dive into the word and remind myself of who God called me to be. Why should I fast? But only 4 months or so ago Jeff reached out and in the middle of a trying season gave us the most astounding heaven sent word that cleared away so much confusion. This is the time when the Lord is really wanting us to deal with the areas where we have been double-minded and doubted Him. There is a movement that has begun through a people who will take the blood of the lamb and their testimony (Rev 12:11) to the four corners of the earth and not shrink back in fear. She covers him with her blanket and then, in a swift move of striking courage, she grabs a tent peg and a hammer and drives the peg, like a nail, through Siseras forehead, and into the ground. This is a season to step into all that He's called you to be with no beasts at your door and with no constant attacks and arrows flying at you from every corneryou will be able to fully step into the call that God has for you. I can hear the sling of David whirring in the air. She violently opposed those meditations with the WORD her hammer. I pray for every person reading this that youll become more and more dissatisfied with anything that is a counterfeit to the spirit led life you were called to in Jesus name. "Ok Lord, I lay it all down. But Im aware that part of this process means we have to be ok with God turning over the tables we have built, turning our lives upside down, and building us from the ground up.. We are in a reformational season and a redefining hour in the church and its all hands on deck! Last week I pressed record on my phone and just spoke what God was saying and then noticed a swirl over the weekend into the new week. You will have to forfeit mans ways for Gods perfect way. For those who have given all for the call. They are the builders, the architects, and dreamers who are right now bridging the seasons and leading the church out of its limitations and into her bright future. Discern the game at play and sever the ties! The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Alas, Sovereign Lord, I said, I do not know how to speak; I am too young. But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you Jeremiah 1:4-7, Last year we were travelling through the dry parts of north Arizona when we decided to walk through Antelope canyon (with a 9 month old on my shoulder). Ever since we heard yesterday morning, I have been praying prayers of resurrection over this little girl. Her time here is not done, and it is our time to believe boldly, and with confidence wield what King Jesus paid for. God is calling to you, dear daughter. He wants you to look to the right and left and lose sight of Jesus in this crucial moment. Therefore You have visited and made an end of them and caused every memory of them [every trace of their supremacy] to perish" Isaiah 26:14 SEVER THE ACCESS POINTS I felt the instruction in this revelation from the Lord was really quite simple, but it is something that we have to be intentional about right nowmaybe it's going to even take a few months. But the reveal is coming. - Awakening your ability to perceive the times and seasons. Student Life. Leaders from the past telling us what we were doing wasnt legitimate. Christy is based out of Lakewood, California, United States and works in the Motor Vehicle Manufacturing industry. It tries to war against anything that is pure and it hates you entering into the secret place and getting your peace It wants to assassinate your seeddreams and promisesthat God has placed inside you. Look for the blast from the past situations that reveal themselves in the next few months and deal with them quickly. He wants you to look to the right and left and lose sight of Jesus in this crucial moment. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. A war has been unleashed against the family a war on our children, where hell inspired indoctrinations have been spreading and infiltrating schools, high-schools and universities. 718 Nashville Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 EAST COAST PROPERTIES $45,000 2 bds 1 ba 1,118 sqft - Foreclosure 5 hours ago 1609 Little River Church Rd, Hurdle Mills, NC 27541 MLS ID #2497993. AN UNKNOWN FOE But as I sat there in worship I felt like God wasnt wanting to reveal the obvious because we know that any great birthing season will draw in the enemy to the arena. @christymjohnston. IF YOU DREAM IT I WILL BUILD IT "You will have the resources, you will have the funds, you will have the support to be able to build what I've given you. Its time.. @benij5 Thankyou for loving on our little family when we came to Redding and speaking into our lives. Every time Im on the precipice of change I notice that suddenly I am inundated with options and diversions to the pure call and path Ive been given. Deborah instructs Barak, Go deploy the troops on Mount Tabor. Tabor means place of purifying and cleansing. The troops first had to gather at this place of purifying and cleansing before going into battle. Through the power of the simple gospel, we aim to break off the enemies' lies holding a generation in captivity. Then we see the effects of the false word faith teachings Bethel also traffics in. Read the rest of the word in bio. Where are the places that this spirit has gained access to my life?" Instead of someone speaking the word of God into her life, the apostate church rallied to her cause: Several prominent Christian pastors and leadersincluding Rich Wilkerson Jr., Darlene Zschech, Britt Nicole and Mack Brockcommented on Heiligenthals post, saying they were interceding in the name of Jesus. Are you caving to the pressure to be mediocre and let your fire fizzle out or staying on fire no matter how increasingly unpopular it is.. I feel like its a word of hope to break through the noise of the fear mongering on the airwaves that carry zero solutions, and give some vision into the days ahead. On the seventh day the child died. They are coming over the mountains, like a mother bear with resolve in her eyes to protect her young to restore the family, redeem the unborn and retrieve the lost prodigals. I see revival coming to the family of God. Weekly live group coaching with Nate and Christy and our grow mentors occur throughout each season to dive deep and discuss the topic of the week and engage with each-other. Good morning! He is faithful to do what He started and He will right every injustice! In this season, I'm flipping the script and I'm overturning the tables where you had enemies constantly at your doorstep trying to prevent you from entering into the promise. "You will finally build and establish that which I've put on the inside of you. About Nate and Christy Johnston. Who has been sensing this? Product details Publisher : Destiny Image Publishers (December 1, 2021) Language : English Paperback : 400 pages ISBN-10 : 0768458900 ISBN-13 : 978-0768458909 Item Weight : 1.25 pounds STAY THE COURSE. This would be a season where we can use both hands and all our effort and might can be focused on the building, where we won't have to constantly keep defending ourselves from the ravenous beasts that have been at our doorstep. When Dr. Brown defends them by claiming they love Jesus he cannot see that the jesus they love is false. Torment and lots of mental warfare, and I could list plenty more. Email: Website: Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. That day I was really struggling in my mind because we were seeking God for clarity on a major decision and I felt as dry as the desert around me. As Siseras armies were lured into battle with Barak and his armies, Sisera fled on foot in terror and ran into the camp of Jael. Link in bio, To those who are pioneering healthy after many broken generations.. Lets keep going! King Jabin appointed an evil commander of his army named Sisera who lived in Harosheth. This year we will be hosting our own gatherings, regional meet ups and the opportunity to join us on prayer missions and ministry events. I speak to people daily who love God but over the last 10 years have been falling out of love with the Church. I can hear the gates of hell shrieking at the sound of this approaching army they cannot stop what is coming. In Judges 4 the Israelites had partnered with evil. His call is one of urgency, like a drum beating with the sounds of war whose notes are echoing out across the four corners of the earth. You cant look around at Sodom like Lot's wife did and also be able to hold your gaze with Jesus. Christy works at Toyota North America as Dispute Resolution Supervisor Customer Services Division. It was too precious to Him and and He wanted it seen. Repost that really spoke to me today. Group activations. He may do himself some harm., But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David understood that the child was dead. View the profiles of professionals named "Christy Bethel" on LinkedIn. Who has been sensing this? Devastated to hear today that my friend @jeffjansen passed away. Kick her out of your house: "So they seized her as she reached the entrance of the Horse Gate on the palace grounds, and there they put her to death."
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