LOADING AND UNLOADING, STANDING OR PARKING IN A LANE ADJACENT TO THE WORK ZONE IN THE ROADWAY IS PROHIBITED. To request authorization for the installation of a canopy, an applicant must initiate the process at the HIQA office in the borough where the proposed canopy will be located. See, Utilize recycled content in paving materials. If a contractor is being used, the contractor must be registered with NYC DOT and must take out the permit. Generally, applicants must provide business and contact information; proposed work information, including location, size of proposed work, and the work start and end date; type of permit(s) being requested; detailed work zone sketch; and date and signature of applicant or authorized representative. Specific requirements for filling in abandoned vaults can be found in Section 2-13(o) of the Highway Rules. (212) 442-1890 Special and separate procedures govern emergency work: one for utility access covers (including those for "manholes," valve covers and grates) and one for street openings/excavations. ONE ADDITIONAL LANE ADJACENT TO THE ENCLOSED WORK ZONE MAY OCCUR 12:01 AM - 5 AM NIGHTLY WITH NO NOISE OPERATIONS. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. VARIANCE GRANTED TO WORK DURING THE"HOLIDAY" EMBARGO-NOVEMBER TO JANUARY, AS STIPULATED BY THE OCMC OFFICE. In order to apply for a permit, an applicant must first register in person with NYC DOT by submitting a completed Permittee Registration Application. Any work is subject to suspension during an NYC DOT-issued. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. OF BRIDGES: UPON INITIAL INSTALLATION OF A CANOPY, THE PERMIT TO MAINTAIN A CANOPY SHALL BE PLACED ON HOLD UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION DETERMINES CANOPY WAS INSTALLED AS PER SUBMITTED PLANS. Applicant should submit this form with the appropriate documentation and waiver request fee. NYCStreets system will automatically block an applicant from submission if insurance is not current. 144-06 94th Avenue, Main Floor SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. IF CURB LANE BECOMES A TRAVEL LANE THIS STIP DOES NOT APPLY. OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY; FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY RESTORED TO TRAFFIC WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. THIS PERMIT ALLOWS FOR INSTALLATION OF TEMP ROADWAY/PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND/OR TEMP CONSTRUCTION REGULATORY SIGNS AS PER APPROVED MPT PLANS. The applicant may be required to address the circumstances of a hold before a permit is released. NYC DOT has a separate procedure for obtaining permits for emergency street opening/excavation work so that applicants can expeditiously obtain such permits. The Staten Island borough permit office also accepts applications for work on critical streets in Staten Island. ALL MITIGATIONS INCLUDING: VARIABLE MESSAGE BOARDS, NYPD INTERSECTION TRAFFIC AGENTS, CONSTRUCTION, PARKING, AND BUS STOP SIGNAGE MUST IN PLACE AND MAINTAINED FOR THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT. To request release of a DOF hold, the permittee must contact Finance and either make a payment or agree to a payment schedule for all fees associated with the outstanding summonses/NOVs. (IV) FIVE FEET OF RAIL ROAD TRACKS. 130 Stuyvesant Place, 6th Fl. Share long-term capital plans for planned repairs, upgrades and new In order to apply for an embargo waiver, a Request for Roadway/Sidewalk Permits during Embargo Periods form must be submitted for review and consideration to the Permit Office. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. IF WORK IS DIRECTLY IN ABOVE AREAS, MAY BE IN VICINITY DURING STIPULATED WORK HOURS BUT NOT WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. STANDARD SHEETS (METRIC) > Doing Business with NYSDOT - (business-center) > Engineering > CADD Info > Drawings > Standard Sheets (Metric) > 619 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Note: Effective May 2017 no new or updated versions of Metric Standard sheets will be published. DURING RESTORATION SAW CUTTING IS REQUIRED AS PER DRAWING H-1042A, THE PERMITTEE IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER, OCCUPY OR USE ANY PUBLICLY-OWNED OR PRIVATELY OWNED, NON-PAVED, LANDSCAPED OR NON-LANDSCAPED LOCATION WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION. PHONE # (508) 429-6023. Programming activates roadways, sidewalks,and pedestrian plazas, andis essential to the ongoing success of any public space. Costs: Shown for each pole or luminaire as a $ symbol, representing relative costs compared to the Standard Street Light (SSL), the Octagonal Pole. NYC DOT's street reconstruction and resurfacing programs include nearly 6,000 miles of city streets. NYC DOT disclaims any liability for omissions or errors that may be contained herein. United States Department of Transportation, Book of Standards for Highways and Incidental Structures, Construction and Traffic Standard Details, Design Standards and Specifications Drawings, PDF, DGN (freely available login required), PDF, DGN (individual division details also available). PERMITTEE MUST PROTECT DEP GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE DOWNSTREAM OF THE WORK OR WITHIN 5FT OF THE WORK AREA. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT MOVE, DAMAGE OR DISRUPT THE BENCH. Apply for a parking permit. A sketch showing the canopy dimensions, location and all street facilities and furniture within 15 feet of both sides of the proposed canopy. 16 Court Street, 7th Fl. Applicants who are registered as permittees (see Section 3.2) and are registered for on-line permitting can log-in to NYCStreets and request an EAN. More information on this and other "holds" that may be placed on permit applications can be found in, Protected street status for intersections, Active/Future start dates of projects for segments, Active/Future start dates of projects for intersections. Upon a satisfactory inspection, the hold(s) will be released. the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, a publication issued by the Federal Highway Administration containing the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic control devices for all streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel. NO NOISY OPERATIONS BETWEEN 12:01 AM AND 7:00AM. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. Any corrective action required by the CAR must be performed within 30 daysof the issuance of the CAR. ISSUED. An online permit processing application significantly enhanced the efficiency of NYC DOT permitting operations. This requires a minimum distance on narrow sidewalks (10-12 feet Secondary Streets) of 5 ft., or a minimum distance on wide sidewalks (Larger than 12 feet Main Streets) of 8 ft. SOUTH CURB LANE MAY BE OCCUPIED AT ALL TIMES.FOR PUMPING OPERATION MAY ALSO TAKE THE ADJACENT LANE 7AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY WHILE MAINTAINING ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR TRAFFIC. Kew Gardens, NY 11424 NYC DOT accepts and processes applications by mail for sidewalk repair performed by private homeowners. MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS ALONG EXTERIOR STREET WILL BE IN EFFECT DURING ALL SPECIAL EMBARGOS AFFECTING THE AREA SUCH AS THE POPE VISIT AND ALL STAR GAME. Resources | NYC Street Design Manual Resources The following are laws, rules, regulations, and design guidance documents that may be relevant to the design of streets. WHEN APPLICABLE, NYCT OR PRIVATE BUS COMPANIES MUST ALSO BE NOTIFIED. Under the surface, the same streets support the city's water, sewer, power and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as its subway tunnels and building vaults. APPLICANT INFORMATION (SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP). 5. RED LIGHT CAMERA CONDUIT IS LOCATED IN YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. PROVIDE 5 FEET FOR PEDESTRIANS ON SIDEWALK OR IN CURB LANE. Customer Service: (212) 566-0042, Queens View more information on how to respond to Sidewalk Violations. To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. New York 811 then relays digging and excavation requests to its member network of utility companies and underground facility owners, who are required to mark the location of their underground facilities within two working days. Markets, public art, performances, and other events support a vital public realm, increasing pedestrian activity;supporting local businesses;connecting residents with resources;celebrating community, culture, and diversity;and encouraging local ownership of the public spaces in which they occur. Canopy placement must be approved by the owner of the property to which the canopy will be attached. All public and private actions must comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, not solely those listed below. BACKFILL OR PLATE BEFORE PROCEEDING. WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME ONE WAY ROADWAYS LESS THAN 39FT. Private property owners are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining sidewalks abutting their properties. All construction-related permits have expiration dates. NO NOISY OPERATIONS MAY OCCUR AFTER 10:00 PM. Download about 619 . If a permit is about to expire and the permittee has not completed the work, the permittee must apply for a permit renewal as all work must be performed pursuant to an active permit at all times. An EAN is required for each utility access cover opening at a location, provided that the work is performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, at which time the EAN expires. TO FRI. Connecticut Department of Transportation PERMITTEE MUST CALL/FAX OEM REGARDING EMERGENCY SITUATION. Commercial Refuse Container Carting Companies*: You must enter your Business Integrity Commission (BIC) License or Registration number. If the installed canopy fails final inspection, HIQA will reject the canopy maintenance permit and notify the applicant of the rejection. A street is considered to be protected for five years from the date it was last resurfaced or reconstructed. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Lower Manhattan (south of Canal Street) 30-30 Thomson Avenue, 4th Floor OCCUPY ONE 11 FOOT LANE 10 PM TO 12 PM NIGHTLY. "Backfill" refers to the bottom layer of the restoration. (business-center) > Engineering > CADD Info > Drawings > Standard Sheets (US Customary) > 645 Signs: . Raising the base of the traffic signals or street light poles reduces the chance that the electrical components of the poles will be submerged in salt water during future flooding events. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn Fax: (718) 430-4663 InspectionsAll work performed in the street is subject to inspection by the HIQA unit. WORK SOUTHBOUND ONLY. WORK 11 PM TO 5 AM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY, MAINTAIN TWO 11 FOOT LANES FOR TRAFFIC, RESTORE FULL WIDTH WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. The form must be completed and faxed to EAU, which will confirm that the applicant's insurance is current. RESTORE CONCRETE BASE. If there is a hold during the processing of the permit, the applicant is notified of the type of hold and the steps to take to release the hold. Hunters Point Plaza This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor To request release of a COB hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed to arrange for an inspector to visit the work site prior to the start of the work. Excavators use those markings to help identify underground facility locations in order to promote public safety and to prevent damage to public and private property. (16 NYCRR Part 753), Additional information can be obtained by contacting New York 811 at 800-272-4480, or visiting the New York 811 Website. CONTRACTOR MAY CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 25 LINEAR FEET, 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB DURING NON-WORK HOURS. If the hold is not released, the applicant must contact DDC (DDC contact information is available in Appendix D, Other Agency and Utility Contact Information). CRBRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #2 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. SPECIFICATION. MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR THRU TRAFFIC 9 AM TO 2 PM AND 3:30 PM TO 6 PM MON. Street Opening Permits are generally taken out by entities that need access to subsurface infrastructure, including utility companies and contractors, such as licensed master plumbers. Notes: 1. This Street Opening Permit retroactively covers the emergency street opening/excavation work already performed. NYC DOT's mission is to provide for the safe, efficient and environmentally responsible movement of pedestrians, goods, bicycles and vehicular traffic on the streets of the city of New York. This chapter describes the different types of permits that are issued by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), the one-time permittee registration process, the application procedure for each permit type, and special circumstances and procedures. One Fordham Plaza, 5th Fl. Longitudinal SlopeThe longitudinal slope of the sidewalk must be uniform and parallel to the curb at the curb's proper grade. Include the names of any expediter. Fax: (718) 815-8391. Street Arterial Maintenance (SAM) hold A Street Opening Permit request to perform work on a protected street will automatically have a SAM hold placed on it if the proposed work start date is within 18 months of the street being resurfaced/reconstructed. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT RED LIGHT CAMERA UNIT TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKINGS PLANS FOR THIS WORK AREA. A permit is not required to install, repave, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk where the work involves an area of less than 25 square feet, unless the purpose of the work is to remove a violation. WORK 7PM TO 11PM MON. FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED. BUG Ratings DOT Street Lighting evaluates LED luminaires using the IES BUG (Backlight, Uplight, and Glare) rating system as part of its specifications. Bronx, NY 10455 The Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC) reviews all construction permit applications and develops construction activity, Completed Permittee Registration Application. (212) 839-8856, The Bronx THIS PERMIT ACTIVITY MAY NOT START UNTIL THE PERMITTEE COORDINATES ALL WORK WITH ANY ONGOING CONSTRUCTION & WITH THE PROJECT/RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR ANY ONGOING CAPITAL PROJECTS. (212) 839-9561/9566 A collection of manuals, specifications, and other publications relevant to the Office of Traffic Operations. The protected streets layer is current as of the previous business day. ALL UTILITY COMPANIES SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THEIR UTILITIES &/OR CONDUITS A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES BELOW THE ROAD WAY SURFACE OR BASE WHICHEVER IS GREATER AS PER NYC DOT HIGHWAY RULES & REGULATIONS 2-11(11)(VII). NOVs carry a monetary fine and place the matter under the jurisdiction of the New York City Environmental Control Board (ECB). A Certificate of Insurance may be provided as proof of insurance coverage only if accompanied by a certification form by the insurance broker or insurance company attesting to the accuracy of the coverage described on the certificate. WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS NORTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM OR WESTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR WESTBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, THIS PERMIT IS VOID IF INSURANCE IS NOT RENEWED TO COVER PERIOD OF THIS PERMIT, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM OR WESTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, THE PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, AND REMOVE ALL NECESSARY TEMPORARY PARKING AND REGULATORY SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND RESTORE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION PER NYCDOT STANDARDS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE PERMIT. Work must begin within two hours after obtaining an Emergency Street Opening Permit Number and must be performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, unless otherwise directed by NYC DOT. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT DISRUPT OR DAMAGE SENSORS INSTALLED WITHIN THE PARKING_LN. Drawings are available in various formats including PDF (Acrobat), DGN (MicroStation Design File), DWG and DXF (AutoCAD Drawing), and other image types (TIF, DPR). MAINTAIN A 5-FOOT CLEAR SIDEWALK WHEN WORKING ON THE ROADWAY AND A 5-FOOT PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY IN THE ROADWAY MEETING NYCDOT SPECIFICATIONS AND RAMPED AT ENTRY TO SIDEWALK FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY WHEN WORKING ON THE SIDEWALK. Street excavators, including utility companies and developers, can access New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) data and attend NYC DOT coordination meetings to facilitate effective communication regarding planned street work. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. Tel: (718) 430-1877, Brooklyn SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. It is important that contractors and utility companies are responsible partners as well in order for coordination to be effective. Entities that perform work in the streetsfrom utilities or contractors accessing subsurface infrastructure to property owners repairing sidewalksmust follow certain procedures when undertaking such work and must meet restoration requirements following its completion. When the license is issued, the applicant must pay a one-time license fee of $2 per square foot. IF RENEWED OR REISSUED, THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON HOLD. By accessing this map portal, a utility company or any other entity that performs street excavation work can find details on NYC DOT projects included in the city's 10-year Capital Budget, as well as more imminent NYC DOT and New York City Department of Environmental Protection capital projects currently in design or under construction. Listed on the following page are the most commonly requested Street Opening Permit types which may be used when completing an application. Brooklyn, NY 11241-0103 CONTRACTORS WHO AT ANY TIME DURING THEIR PERMITTED WORK ENCOUNTER TRAFFIC SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS, DETECTION EQUIP OR ANY TYPE OF COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (WIRELESS OR HARD-WIRED) ON ANY NYCDOT FACILITY, THAT IS NOT INCLUDED ON THE DESIGN/BUILD DWGS, SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY NYCDOT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AT. Unauthorized removal of muni-meters is prohibited. FIXED SIGN MUST BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED CLOSURE. The construction, alteration or repair of any building vault or transformer vault requires a permit from NYC DOT. NYC DOT's concrete repair schedule for roadways, sidewalks and other assets in the street can also be accessed from this link. Either response must be sent to NYC DOT's Division of Bridges at bridgeshold@dot.nyc.gov for review and release prior to commencing work. Chapter 4 describes the processes for executing work in the streets, after permits and approvals are obtained, and the enforcement actions NYC DOT may take to safeguard city streets. The applicant may apply directly for this permit type without being a registered permittee, provided he or she can demonstrate proof of required insurance. Brooklyn Permits are available for various types of work, including Street Opening Permits, Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits, and Sidewalk Construction Permits. It also helps NYC DOT to identify opportunities for joint bidding and to coordinate the timing of the agency's resurfacing and reconstruction activities. The completed application, affidavit, a stamped self-addressed envelope and a certified check made payable to NYC DOT for the permit fee (currently $70.00 for up to 300 linear feet) must be mailed to: The applicant submits permit application, proof of insurance (originally supplied during the registration process) and supporting documentation for review as to accuracy and completeness. Please open each of the below search results in a new tab or window (using a right-click or CTRL-click) to alleviate an occasional error that may occur when using a browser's back button. Tel: 718-220-8500 Staten Island, NY 10301 Winter holiday embargoThe winter holiday embargo typically starts in mid-November and lasts through January 2. Fax: 718-596-2609, Central Office Tel: 212-720-3300 SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. It includes capital construction projects. This chapter describes the different types of permits that are issued by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), the one-time permittee registration process, the application procedure for each permit type, and special circumstances and procedures. View the most recent version of Drawing #H1029 of the NYC DOT. Executive (EXC) hold An EXC hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit locations involve locations deemed necessary by NYC DOT. For New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) capital projects, a CPO hold can only be released by DDC. OR PUBLIC PARK WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CITY OF NEW YORK PARKS AND RECREATION IS REQUIRED. First, the applicant must obtain authorization from the Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) unit for the placement of the canopy at the proposed location. Access the, If the applicant intends to fully close a roadway, a. Click here for a copy of the Instructions for Permittee Registration Application. When utility company representatives mark a location, they use colored flags and/or paint to identify the type of underground service: Streets can hide a complex infrastructure of underground utilities. THIS APPLIES TO PERMITTEES AND ALL OF THEIR SUBCONTRACTORS. While the files are presented here in .pdf format, the source drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .dgn files. It provides both a thorough update to the guidance in previous iterations and a number of important additions: a new chapter on public programming in streets and public spaces; a host of new entries throughout the Process, Geometry, Furniture, and Landscape chapters; and substantially expanded coverage of several key topics, including bike lanes, inclusive design, and landscape selection and management. NYC DOT may order a vault licensee or the owner of the premises where the vault is located to fill in an abandoned vault. FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED WHEN MORE THAN 50% OF THE INTERSECTION IS EXCAVATED. THIS WORK HAS PRIORITY OVER OTHER NON-EMERGENCY WORK ON STREET SEGMENT. In this case, upon request of the permittee, NYC DOT will provide an opportunity to object to the permit revocation within five days after the request is received by NYC DOT. Workers pour cement during sidewalk reconstruction. 120-55 Queens Boulevard Tel: (718) 482-4825. West Plan Examination Unit LMZ (Lower Manhattan Zone) hold This hold signifies that you are working on a street that falls within the Lower Manhattan Zone (south of and including Canal Street). WORK 8 AM TO 7 PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS, AND LOCATION SHEET WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. These include major construction related projects or planned traffic enhancements (e.g., Second Avenue subway, bus rapid transit, water tunnel route), or where there are significant traffic issues (e.g., thru streets, exits and entrances to major tunnels and bridges). Fax: (212) 860-1359 A one-time Street Opening Permit must also be obtained to install the poles that support the canopy. See the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(j). These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. NJDOT Engineering Department of Transportation Engineering The Engineering area contains most of the reference material needed to design and construct a Capital Program project. Key principles for effective coordination include: Provide Notice of Planned Street work at Earliest OpportunityThe basic principle of providing adequate advance notice is the greater the disruption, the longer the notice period needed. To release a POL hold, the Division of Traffic Operations, Office of Street Lighting must be contacted. HOWEVER IT MUST BE PRESENTED FOR EXTENSION NO LATER THAN 5 BUS DAYS PRIOR TO EXPIRING. The instructions below apply to corporations, partnerships, joint ventures and individuals. THIS EXECPTION DOES NOT APPLY IF STIPULATION 014 IS ALSO APPLIED TO THIS PERMIT. Long Island City, NY 11101 FULL CURB TO CURB RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE WORK. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Brooklyn COMPLY WITH DOT STANDARD #H1042C. A scale of one to five $ symbols is used rather than specific monetary amounts because actual costs are subject to change. This Manual was created and published by the NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) with contributions from a wide array of professionals from city government and the design field. Attn: Forestry Who has exhibited a pattern of disregard for the rules or orders of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of permits issued by NYC DOT or for other applicable law. CTDOT_Traffic . Minimum slopes should be used wherever possible. To request release of a Revenue hold, the permittee must contact NYC DOT's Fiscal Affairs Office to arrange for payment of outstanding bills. View the most commonly issued. ANY STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRES A SEPARATE PERMIT. MUST MAINTAIN 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 2 NORTH BOUND LANES AFTER ESTABLISHED WORK ZONE IS SET UP. Following issuance of the Emergency Street Opening Permit Number, the permittee must submit an application for a regular Street Opening Permit within two business days (Highway Rules, Section 2-11(g)). Fax: 718-286-3183, Staten Island New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) WORK 10 PM TO 6 AM NIGHTLY. Borough Permit OfficesIn-person applications for all other construction-related work can be submitted to the borough office in the borough in which the work is to be performed. Pedestrian RampsWhen a corner is constructed, reconstructed or repaired, pedestrian ramps must be installed in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications found and in accordance with the most recent revision of Drawing H-1011 from the NYC DOT's Standard Details of Construction. 280 Broadway, 3rd Floor Atransformer vaultis a subsurface structure or room that houses electrical transformers and appurtenant equipment. All borough Permit Offices accept money orders, company checks, certified checks and most major credit cards for permit fees. ON STIP 109). These include: Certain circumstances are considered to be emergencies, meaning situations that endanger the public safety or cause or are likely to cause the imminent interruption of service. Some of the construction-related activities covered under this category include placement of materials, equipment and temporary structures on the street or sidewalk (e.g., building materials, cranes, boom trucks, a shanty or trailer, construction container, security structure, tool cart, or construction parking regulation signs) or movement of construction equipment across roadways and sidewalks. Staten Island 2 HOURS BEFORE UNTIL 2 HOURS AFTER ALL YANKEE HOME GAMES ALL MOVEMENTS INTO AND OUT OF THE SITE ARE RESTRICTED ALONG EXTERIOR STREET. However the permit window remains open until 3:15 PM to pick up permits. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Each applicant must obtain and provide Worker's Compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of New York from a licensed insurance company. 10 Richmond Terrace State Standard Drawings See the state links below for available standard drawings. Street Opening Permits are required for excavations or other work in a city street that disturbs the street surface. While the situation is evolving, the agency remains committed to applying the principles and proven treatments included in the Street Design Manual to support the health and safety of all New Yorkers. NO OCCUPANCY OF ROADWAY OF PERMITTED AFTER WORKING HOURS. The minimum slope, calculated on a line perpendicular to the curb, must be 1" in 5', and the maximum is limited to 3" in 5'. Applicants must be registered with NYC DOT and have a Permittee ID Number, except in the case of a Sidewalk Repair Permit taken out by a homeowner, where the work will be performed by the homeowner. IN SUCH COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS IF MORE THAN 50% OF SIDEWALK FRONTAGE IS REPAIRED/REPLACED THE ENTIRE SIDEWALK MUST BE REPLACED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 4.13 C DEPT. New York, NY 10023 (212) 839-2387/88/89 Special Treatment Projects (STP) hold Any permits issued to work in areas that have a special treatment such as Times Square, Madison Square, Herald Square and other pedestrian plaza areas are automatically placed on hold. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Manhattan Tel: (212) 788-6600, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) Some of the requirements include but are not limited to: Expansion JointsExpansion joints must be placed at 20-foot intervals, expansion joint filler material must be placed to the full depth of the sidewalk, and all expansion joints must be recessed and sealed. If the applicant does not agree with the PM, he or she is informed of the appeals process. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESTRICTED FROM REMOVING ANY STREET FURNITURE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS. AT REQUEST OF DEP LETTER DATED 6/16/05 WITH C.B. Abuilding vault, as described in Section 2-13 of the Highway Rules, is any opening below the surface of the street that projects outside of the property line and is covered over, except for those openings: (1) used exclusively to access, by means of steps, the cellar or basement of any building; (2) used primarily for light and ventilation; (3) constructed or maintained by utility companies (including transformer vaults); and (4) which are subways, railroads and related structures.
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