Summary: Harry Potter is coming into his powers rather late. Together they come up with a plan to destroy Voldemort. Claiming A Reward For Service Rating: NC-17 Author: Ravenna C. Tan Rating: M Summary: Harrys curiosity gets the better of him when he hears a noise and decides to investigate. Summary: Letter: A Prompt: Alone while Harry is away on a deadly mission, Lucius reflects on how much he misses him. Author: Daisee Chain Author: tarie Author: aisling Summary: I am truly sorry, Harry. It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Blaise He will have a child. Summary: Part of the harryxlucius dictionary drabble challenge #25: Amplify, Bedtime, Cheerio, Deception (deceptive), Entice , Fiddlestick, Grope, Heat-wave, Indigo, Judder, Kittle, Lecherous, Mask, Nefarious, Ordinary, Perplex, Quiescent, Random, Salt, Truthfully, Unearthly, Veil, Worst, Yearn, Zip. Rating: PG His only support during this tortuous imprisonment is a man he thought he hated. Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Warnings: creature!fic Warnings: creature!fic Conjugal Visit Author: SweetSorcery Draco wants Severus, and will do whatever it takes to get him. Summary: Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter are happily married, hunting down the last of the Death Eaters together. Cub Warnings: dubcon, foursome, double penetration Snooping Sitters* Sequel: Offering Phenomena Rating: R Harry has the worst Summer of his life, to make matters worse someone is after him, but after seeing the young wizard suffer, who would want to do him anymore harm? Rating: NC-17 Slaveboy!Harry ponders his fate. Theres nothing you can do, and youve got precious little left to bargain with.. Summary: Harry has been captured by the Death Eaters. Rating: PG-13 Unknown* Author: knightmare Warnings: character death, underage Author: minna chan Summary:Lucius, Lord Malfoy had a gift. Choose the most attractive wizard you can find and seduce himonly to find hes your soul mate and now you have to figure out how to catch and keep him! Please consider turning it on! Author: amanuensis& srichard Author: Hijja Warnings: character death Author: cinsity it? Rating: R Warnings: light BDSM, double penetration, Master/pet Author: Furorscribiendi Reflections Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, violence, character death Body Language Rating: NC-17 When the Stone was stolen, the King sent out his knights to retrieve it. Usually, a busty older woman but when Draco came home today, he saw a petite boy with crazy hair and empty eyes. Author:Awesome Opossum I will enjoy breaking you.. In an effort to find some peace she helps him escape his fame, but will he enjoy it? And how will he react when Lucius is revealed to be his father? Firedancer He is too hot and takes over every thing with his I am mightier than thou attitude. Summary: Potter. Summary: What a fine prize this will be, Voldemort murmured, barely loud enough for Harry to hear, apparently more amused by Harrys reticence than angered. Snapshots Hed been stared at by everyone in the wizarding world for the past five years, so the elfs apparent obsession wasnt anything the young man was phased by. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Severus Author: Sapphira_Ruby Author: Lady Lazarus/Abyssal Summary: Harry participates in the final, public destruction of Voldemort. Insert one Harry Potter. Summary: Harrys romantic birthday surprise from Lucius. Summary: No summary provided. The Waiting Game Summary: Lucius has Harry and plans to make the most of it. Author: ldybastet But when the replacement turns out to be horribly different than the original, Harry struggles to maintain his fantasy. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Warnings: non con, threesome Warnings: non con, coercion, threesome, abuse of potions for nefarious purposes,AU Going Down Rating: NC-17 Author: Moon Babe Good Boy Buy a Prisoner Pains of a Veelas Mate Summary: Lucius knew that, although Harry loved him, he also suffered private doubts over being in love with the man who had endangered two of his best friends in his second year and fought on the other side of the war. Pitter, Patter, Potter Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other) Treacherous Boy Author: keikokin Rating: R Author: WereBunny87 Confessor A Different Sort of Knights Tale Willful Hearts, sequel to Contractual Obligations Author: leni_jess Warnings: darkfic, dubcon Summary: After his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Magic ensures Harry meets the age requirement. Visual Effects*, a follow up to Another Kind of Magic (Snarry fic) Summary: Harry has what Lucius wants, Lucius can get what Harry wants. Warnings: mpreg, established relationship Harry promises to attend Luciuss funeral. my world ended on the day Lucius Malfoy kissed me.. Summary: Lucius is far too attracted to his sons friend. Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Mulligan* Rating: PG-13 Loose Ends* Author: Wilting Rose 08 Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Author: lostinthought Author: BloodMoon Wicca Harry potter fanfiction lucius finds out about the blood quill Author: vlredreign Warnings: crossdressing Author: luciusmistress Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/OtherMale, Harry/Remus, Harry/Ron, Harry/Severus Author: julesmonster Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Summary: Fait accompli is French for a thing irrevocably done. Harry and Draco have dealt with some of the consequences of their wedding night. Author: tigerblak Unexpected Changes Rating:T I'm not very good at synopsis but the story is definitely good and it has a lot of hot man sex in it. Summary: The Ministry thinks Harry ought to be sorrier for the wounds he inflicted on the cause of negotiations with the vampires. Snape On a Holiday* Warnings: OOC Excidium Seducing a Malfoy Summary: Dont sneak out alone, Harry, they always tell him. Summary: Harry knows Lucius loves him. Author: Mello_McQueen Not Fond of Asking* Author: Daisee Chain Summary: After the events of OotP, Harry is sent to Azkaban for using the Cruciatus. It generally names an ancient tradition in which all noble lords, whether kings or other high ranking lords, had the right to have sex with any of their female subjectsregardless of their will and even with a virgin brideon her wedding night. Author: DieTheSlashAddict Warnings: non con, gender bending, crossover I love you. Certain, basic rights are guaranteed by the Welfare Inspector who just happens to be one Severus Snape. Summary: King Lucius Malfoy has not found his mate, until one night, he meets a lovely girl at a ball. Author: kat100666 Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus He clings to his prophesied purpose, though, and knows he must stay alive to have a chance to fulfill it. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s Patience Leads, Heart Follows Warnings: parody Warnings: multiple partners Charlatan Father Summary: If you read this before, try it again. Pairings: past Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Not So Speechless After All, sequel to Speechless* Rating: NC-17 Summary: It has been 19 years since the war ended, the youngest of his sons are starting Hogwarts, and he is about to break free of the shackles that have chained him. Warnings: underage, non con, slavery Author: Hijja Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bill, Lucius/Bill/Harry Hed outlived that. Rating: R Rating: R This is a EWE that is based on Charlotte Bronts novel. Warnings: dark!Harry, character death, non con, violence, bestiality Author: Once Upon a Time Rating: PG-13 Author: Minxie Summary: Professor Lucius Malfoy is in charge of the Sex Ed class. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: Kindred Author:Meatball Warnings: mpreg Sequel: Running Battle Two Snakes and a Lion Or What The Animagus Saw* Private Contention, part 2 of the Obedience and Instruction series Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Other(s) Short Stories Warnings: crossdressing, threesome, Gryffindor bashing, AU, D/s, double penetration, OOC Rating: M Warnings: BDSM Once More Absurdity* Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius has a gallery. Warnings: fluff Author: Lady Bahiya/LadyBelz Author: thelocalparselmouth Rating: NC-17 Warnings: multiple partners, crossover AU, horror/supernatural Rating: NC-17 Summary: Rain in general sucks. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bill, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Others Summary: After running from the wedding Harry must decide how to go on with life. Author: Paperblank My Eyes Shall Never Wander Summary: Lucius employs a highly unorthodox method to discern the extent of Harrys power. Rating: NC-17 Fancy Time with the Beautiful People? This is how Harrys Christmas goes when his best friend/brother doesnt believe a word he says. Wizards Dont Get Mad, They Get Even* Author: TheVulgarBookworm Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others, Draco/Others Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome Summary: Harry wants the one thing he cant have, so he settles for a replacement. Warnings: non con, underage, torture However, the company he finds turns out to be more familiar than he thought. Warnings: unusual sexual situation The Dragon and His Wrath* Summary: Lucius Malfoy orders a new family tree tapestryimagine his surprise when a new name appears at the bottom. Lucius is still in Azkaban, and the MoM has decreed that since the Dementors are gone, all remaining DEs are to be executed unless someone agrees to marry (or bond with) them. Rating: NC-17 So Many Men, So Little Harry* A Harry Potter meets his best friend's father the summer before his second year. A soul-mate is something Heiress Harriet Potter never dared to imagine for herself; not even in her wildest fantasies of the future. Author: Nimori Author: Sestra_Prior Author:MarauderNextGen Land, Sky and Higher Author: Desdemona Sakura/ La Morraine And Of Course He Was Cleared Warnings: non con Summary:Lucius finally catches Harry and some interesting thoughts surface. Warnings: non con Rating: R Djinn A Thank You Kiss Summary: Rather than kill him, Voldemort hid Harrys existence from the world and raised him as a pet. But for the wizarding world under the ruthless rule of the Dark Lord Voldemort, well, its a little more all-encompassing than that. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: Hijja Author: yeahishipdrarry Summary: A male Veela. Rating: NC-17 Though most would think he got a happily ever after since the evil was gone, that didnt happen. Has Harry lost everything or will the unlikely ally of Severus Snape help him do more than just survive? Where was his husband? Do you think they said thank you? Warnings: light bondage, breathplay Summary: When Lucius mate died during the War, he thought he would join her in the afterlife. Summary: Severus Snape created the perfect submissive: beautiful, responsive, obedient to a fault. . Spoils of War Rating: NC-17 Summary: With a flourish Lucius drapes a velvet crimson robe over Harrys shoulders, declaring the young man as his new lord. Rating: R Summary: Harry hates buying robes, he hates people gossiping about him, and he has no idea why Lucius Malfoy is helping him buy robes. Author: Alien_Slushie Rating: PG Author: Hijja Summary: Harry is changed, Snape lives, and Lucius ends up helping the Boy-Who-Lived more than any of them ever expected. Love In Winter Summary: Draco Malfoy is a submissive Faurae, and Severus Snape is a dominant. Author: Hijja Un-betaed. Summary: Three months after Voldemorts victory, Harry Potter arrives at Malfoy Manor in a small convoy of the Dark Lords most loyal, clothed in rags, stripped of his wand, his magic suppressed, but his eyes still blazing.
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