This lets us give you the PDF when you get the printed copy. Through this, cult members are healed of illness, wounds, and other afflictions, even to the reknitting of bones and other benefits. Ygolonac Possible Blessings Hand of God: particularly favored followers may be blessed with slit-like mouths developing on one or both of their hands. Something like primal fear is unleashed within humans, an innate comprehension of our insignificance and that such entities, at best, regard us as food. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. While INT cannot be regained naturally, magic and/or the blessing of Mythos deity may replenish lost INT. Powers Dizzying Senses: the Old One appears as a mass of living death and darkness, sweeping, leaping, and changing shape at will. As one scholar, Clementine Wilson, puts it, Sebeks disguise suited it perfectly, it could feed off humanity and grow fat. There is general agreement that Sebek departed the planet to feed elsewhere, which coincided with or followed the decline of the Ancient Egyptian world; thus, the cult of Sebek also declined and became lost to history. Perhaps, when the time comes and the stars are right, their powers will be unshackled. While the eye provides additional viewing capabilities (bonus die to Spot Hidden rolls), its main feature is allowing Ythogtha to see through it, providing the Old One with knowledge of day-to-day 239 CHAPTER 2 m a l events. These books are value for the money, but be warned that in addition to the sticker price, you may be out some sanity points. To be worshipped? Those swallowed suffer crushing within Ghizguths enormous gelatinous bulk as well as being burned by digestive acids (5D6 damage per round). Believed to be an avatar or some form of emanation from Great Cthulhu, the appearance of BMoth appears rare, with but a few accounts set down in text. / / / / / ) ) ) ) ) Damage M i n i o n M a s t e r MINION ONE Name Description SAN Loss STR CON SIZ DEX APP EDU s h e e t MINION two Name Description SAN Loss INT POW MOV STR CON SIZ Hit Points Damage Bonus Powers DEX APP EDU INT POW MOV Hit Points Damage Bonus Powers Attack Skill Damage Attack ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) Armor Skills Magic Points Spells Magic Points Spells MINION three STR CON SIZ Damage / Armor Skills Name Description SAN Loss Skill %( DEX APP EDU MINION four Name Description SAN Loss INT POW MOV STR CON SIZ Hit Points Damage Bonus Powers DEX APP EDU INT POW MOV Hit Points Damage Bonus Powers Attack Skill Damage Attack Skill Damage %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) %( / ) Armor Skills Armor Skills Magic Points Spells Magic Points Spells copyright 2020 Chaosium Inc. Gary Sumpter: Ythogtha. are registered trademarks. Below this, its head displays six small and crafty red eyes. For some who receive a glancing touch of the Mythos, perhaps a fleeting vision or dream, the connection to the entity sending the message is unreliable and vague, causing such messages to be misunderstood. 166 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - O - Encounters Most encounters are likely through contact with a lone practitioner or group Human, ghoul, or otherwise) intent on summoning or connecting with Nyogtha in some manner. Other names: Beast of the Labyrinth, the Lurker Below, Great Pale One. In addition, the New York subway incident of 1921, where (allegedly) mustard gas was released, may have originated from the hand of a Kassogtha worshipper. Hear Dreams: able to read the dreams of others (2 magic points per target) and discern their meaning (possibly granting insights into what the target is thinking or will do next). Magic POW: 250 Magic Points: 50 Spells: none. Direct encounters with the brood may also arise, with numerous brood leaking out of Eihorts labyrinth to the world. While the effect is minor when handling an artifact, in the presence of Cthulhu, humans suffer a penalty die to all actions other than selfpreservation (combat is unaffected), although this effect may be mitigated by a successful Extreme POW roll. Often such revenge is enacted through other cats, with Bast sending hordes of furry felines to worry and endanger such humans. Magic POW: 100 (increased by POW absorbed from victims) Magic Points: 20 (increased by POW absorbed from victims) Spells: Dampen Light (variant), Dominate, Drown Mind, Implant Fear, others at the Keepers discretion. From this truth, the entitys powers will flow from the Keepers own mind. A short-E is written E or EH; a long-E is written EE. The Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook has the full rules including background, guidance, spells, and monsters of the game. Said to have arrived on Earth with Great Cthulhu, Cthylla may be a particularly significant star-spawn or, according to some, one of Cthulhus progeny. A seemingly mindless entity composed of jelly-like liquid the consistency of thick mud. Such victims are left charred and marked with yellow stains. Dan Harms' Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, published by Arc Dream Publishing, is also an invaluable literary resource. Certain magics might place the brood in a form of stasis, prolonging the hosts life but not canceling the outcome of death at some future point. 1. - C CHAUGNAR FAUGN (Great Old One) Folds of flesh, piled on top of one another, from which arms and legs extended, all possessing vaguely humanoid appendages that one might call hands and feet. ) 127 Mordiggian 131 Nug & Yeb 140 Nyogtha 165 LESSER OLD ONES Nctosa and Nctolhu 136 Saaitii (? All entries have been updated for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game and greatly expand on previous versions. A person surviving the encounter with half or more of their POW remaining regenerates their lost POW at 1D10 points per week; if surviving with less than half POW, a person regains 1D6 points per week up to a maximum of 50 percent of their current POW value (i.e. Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. Yadrems account, if it is to be believed, can be found in the repressed Voids of Darkness, his journal, later discovered and printed by the controversial publisher Waast Cronenberg of Lower Saxony. Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 3D6 Ensnare (mnvr) 50% (25/10), held then crushed, damage 6D6 Envelope (mnvr) Thahash Yko Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D10 Sanity points. Aura A sense of otherworldliness pervades the area in which this entity lies, and of things unclean and unnatural. Some are instantly reabsorbed, while others act as guardians or extensions of the gods will. Despite such concerns, it matters little to humanity, who, by all accounts of prophecy, shall be long dead and gone before such matters come to a head. Oft times, a lone individual may be secretly guided by the hand of Nyarlathotep (perhaps via inspirational dreams, papers, a book, video, sound file, or similar) tempting them to construct a particular machine that can (unknowingly to them) be filled with the essence of the Tick Tock Man. Details concerning the life, society, and origins of ghouls are within, and of the relationship between humans and ghouls. Obscene monsters constantly form in the gray mass and crawl away from their parent. Call of Cthulhu is a tabletop Role Playing Game created by Chaosium that focuses on the malleue of cosmic horror made famous by the fiction of H. Here we welcome experienced players and newcomers alike to discuss the game and related materials. It is said to share some form of kinship with Great Cthulhu, with some claiming the entities are brothers; not all agree, with many purporting that a great enmity exists between these Old Ones. Unlike many cults, the Daughters are geographically widespread with each member working individually, yet sharing information and thoughts through letters and other means. Chaosium, Call of Cthulhu, etc. By presenting most things in human terms, it makes the inhuman and alien that much scarier. The shape was vague and evermoving, caused by appendages or growths that seemed to constantly grow and be reabsorbed. Does it look vaguely humanoid or is it some multidimensional nightmare of unreason? The publisher asks that any correspondence concerning Sir Hansens whereabouts should also be directed to Waddeston and Flitick. Encounters Fthaggua may come in place of Cthugha when summoned or may arrive as that Old Ones attendant. Powers Minions: may summon 1D6 fishers from outside at will, which arrive within 1D10 rounds. Looking deeply into such an eye may grant the viewer an image of Ythogtha, with commensurate Sanity loss. Colors, sounds, smells, and general perception seem to shift and cannot be relied upon. 61 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Tidal Wave: the movement of its massive body combined with its will (2 magic points), creates monstrous tidal waves able to capsize boats and devastate coastal communities. It reforms in 1D10+20 years. If reduced to zero hit points, Idh-yaa melts into a large pool of slime, killing anything it touches and leaving the area permanently blackened and lifeless. Indeed, the little we know of Pharol (see following) presents it as an angry and rage-burdened entity, whose primary desires must be quelled or negated if it is to be of service. Perhaps, some truth lies at the heart of this, with the former being the progeny or an externalized portion of the latter. Cult Kassogtha has little organized earthly following, seemingly only worshipped by solitary practitioners of magic and those crazed enough to embrace disease as a force for transformation. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: KING IN YELLOW STR 125 CON 530 *SIZ may vary from 70 to 100. Bite: 1D4+2damage and the loss of 5 points of INT and POW. If carrying out the task, the target is filled with sensual feelings (like a drug bestowing ecstasy), leaving the person craving to regain the feeling forcing them into a trap where they are compelled to commit heinous crimes to get their fix. Of course, with each and every criminal act committed, the affected person suffers commensurate and automatic Sanity loss, as determined by the Keeper, until they lose all remaining Sanity points and their will is totally given over to Ygolonac. Powers Thought Form: the appearance of this avatar is taken directly from the minds of those encountering it, thus it may appear male or female according to the viewers minds eye visualization of ultimate attraction. Aura A certain mystique and atmosphere of otherworldliness surrounds this entity and its followers. For a portion of Azathoth (see below), the Keeper should decide whether any (suggest 1D3) or no servitors are accompanying the lesser form of the entity. On Earth, this avatar has come to be worshipped by two quite different cults: The Church of the Starry Wisdom and the Cult of the Sand Bat. Some conjecture that their names are honorific titles passed down a lineage, so represent a status in deep one society rather than being the names of two longlived individuals. Telepathic Control: may use telepathy to control humans and other species. If unsuccessful, they cannot be saved and they become one with the deity. ) 222 Yidhra (?) Possible Blessings Hand of Sickness: grants an individual immunity to disease while also making them carriers for all manner of earthly and alien sickness, able to infect others and incite epidemics. If in snow form, the avatar may be warded off if a significant fire or heat is employed. According to their responses on the post, the book is in final layout with the PDF due out at the end of June. Note the word encounter is used rather than see, as the experience may not be visual at all, or sight is but one component in the overall effect. What calamity befell the Old One and caused it to become encased in ice (and presumably unconscious or dead) is not detailed. Autumn is his favorite season. Believed to have been spawned or created by Yibb-Tstll (according to the Necronomicon), this faceless and batwinged entity is considered by some to be a Lesser Old One, although some resist this classification and describe it as a unique and particularly large specimen of a nightgaunt. Those failing such rolls are snatched up by the wind and tossed like a ragdoll through the air, suffering from 4D6 to 8D6 damage (as determined by the Keeper). It reforms upon its throne in Carcosa in 1D100 days. Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Shrivelling, Wrack. Of the major avatars noted, the three most well-documented forms are: Armor None. It is possible that the Old One can hurl pieces of itself outward beyond Mthuras atmosphere to float through space until they land like meteorites upon other worlds. Over 500 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power! Comes the Yellow King! Entrancing Fire: humans in the presence of Tulzscha may become captivated and entranced by its ever-moving flaming form if they fail a Hard POW roll. Vulthoom, the sleeper of Ravormos Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D10 Sanity points. It reforms somewhere in space in 1D100 years. Powers Bind Metal: at a cost of 5 magic points, may vomit forth metal objects. In practice, the heads of such groups often referred to as High Priests or Priestesses by the rank and file members, often have connections to one another and are able to pass information as needed, although there does seem to be an unwritten rule that each cult head operates and creates their own remit in terms of day to day activity. Mark of Tsathoggua: bestowed to particularly useful servants, the mark is burned into the skin and serves to show others that this person is among the Old Ones most favored. All rights reserved. Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points. Those who have crossed Hastur in some way may find themselves beset with terrifying nightmares warning that they are soon to be visited by the Feaster. Claws and Bite: ignores all mundane armor and delivers 4D6 damage. A distinct sense of the alien and the other can be felt in its presence. Thus, Nug and Yeb are destined to begin the end of the world as we know it. Combat Attacks per round: 1 per target (smash, crush, stomp) Using its immense size, it may strike, crush, or stomp all opponents within 100 yards/meters. Only in the writings of Janith of Chichester (a private collection alleged to date back to the 1600s) do we find a possible clue or means to protect against this entitys predations. It is said that some moon-beasts worship Utulls-Hrher, gathering on the dark side of the moon to hold strange and horrific ceremonies. Consequently, the term Great One may be used by some scholars to specifically mean a deity permanently or temporarily inhabiting the Dreamlands, while others may use the name to refer to Great Old Ones. And, if Zathogs heritage and connection to UbboSathla is true, we may assume that it too is able to form and cast out a myriad of strange lifeforms, with some growing to large size and wandering off, while others are reabsorbed. The black fan draws all attention to the pretty eyes of the avatar and somehow conceals its hideous form. In, The Eastern regions of Africa are largely unexplored by Westerners. Possible benefits include granting +1D8 temporary magic points, temporary knowledge of spell, temporarily increasing POW by +1D10 points, transportation to another place, and so on. At times its form seemed like a human wrapped in a cloak, while at others it twisted into uncanny outlines that I could barely attribute to man or beast, these being more like clusters of mathematical shapes: curves, triangles, spheres 213 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult or simply appear as a crazed conglomeration of angles and shapes. Humans hearing the music, unless making a successful Hard POW roll, fall under its spell, obeying the commands entwined within the notes. When roused to move, they purposefully make their way to a target and attempt to place their hands on the persons forehead. If reduced to zero hit points, Xada-Hgla phases out of existence; it reforms sometime later when Azathoth dreams it. Embrace its tongues of heat and let the divine flames caress your flesh to wash away your ignorance and rebirth you. Worse, those who have somehow interfered with Ithaquas schemes or those of its cult may find this avatar coming upon them, venting its fury with lightning bolts, torrential rain, sleet, and winds so strong as to flatten trees. 132 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS with those in Zul-Bha-Sair offering up all of their dead to the Charnel God as appeasementin fact, it is considered heretical not to do so, even for non-Mordiggian followers. Most accounts proffer that Tsathoggua is a slothful entity, preferring to remain deep within the bowels of the planet and rarely venturing physically forth. Wrapped in a black cloak and the smell of the open grave is He who stands taller than a man, whose grinning skull face burns with eternal flames. Noxious: at a cost of 1 magic point, Tulzscha may emit noxious gases causing earthly life within 5 yards/meters to suffer 1D4 damage. The victim may break free of the hold with an Extreme STR or wriggle free with a DEX roll with a penalty die. It would appear that nearly all cults devoted to Cyegha herald from Freihausgarten, Germany, although some cults with no ties whatsoever to that community have been known to sprout and grow in dark corners of the world. Anyone who consumes the tears may be contacted by the deity, who may send visions or messages (Sanity loss may apply), and can also compel that individual to enact its wishes if they fail a Hard POW roll. How you portray the actions of any Mythos god is important, but such considerations must be part of the story and plot of the game you are running. Not just ranging the void, this immense entity commands enough power to destroy worlds, and most references agree that it was Ghroth who caused the death of the planets Yelithka, Mormol, and Shaggai, as well as being the thing that forced Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg to flee toward Earth. With success, the target is enveloped in a shroud of flame or light and then physically hurled away into the air (causing 6D6 damage from the eventual impact when they fall to the ground); the distance traveled by the target is 1D101,000 yards/meters. The search for the means and artifacts to repel this entity may prove challenging, and one that may draw the attention of worshippers intent on keeping such things secret or unknown. Subscribe Jeff dives in for a look at, and his review of, the Call of Cthulhu: Malleus Monstrorum slipcase set from Chaosium Inc. 1,255 211 14MB Read more. Fleshy body within the shell (partially exposed in the gap between the two shells) has no armor and may be targeted with penalty die. Leech Touch: whatever Ubbo-Sathla touches is leeched of its lifeforce, effectively causing 1D6 damage per round. In the main, the work of Zu-che-quons cultists is liable to draw attention to this Old One. Seemingly, the Unspeakable One is confined (like Great Cthulhu and others) by the will of the Elder Ones. During the 16th century, most of the still-standing shrines and effigies of this toad-like god were destroyed, helping to fuel the already growing animosity toward the Habsburg King. Magic POW: 150 Magic Points: 30 Spells: Call Ithaqua, Contact Gnoph-keh, Deaths Breath, Knot Flesh, Possess Corpse, Utterance of Bile; others as desired by the Keeper. Contained within this mighty sphere are Nug and Yeb, the twin monstrosities, ever joined in perpetual union. Acquaintances, friends, and family members may be affected, drawing in others to delve into the mystery of their sudden behavior changes or disappearances. The satyr form is humanoid, with a human-like muscular torso, arms, and head, while its legs and feet are goat-like. Devastation: the appearance of Azathoths full form destroys everything around it for 10D10+10 miles. Folklorists gathering data on legends and myth may hear of Goatswood and be enticed to visit during the Summer Solstice or similar events, with unpleasant outcomes. Fighting Crush Seize (mnvr) Powers Duplication: may grant a small portion of its body mass to someone, which can then be grown into a spawn of Abhoth. Other than this cult, a few small groups inhabiting the northern climes are believed to give blessings to the Old One, who they see as a lesser but aligned god to Ithaqua. It reforms (from this location) in 1D6+2 months. The close proximity and psychic waves directed to the chosen one causes the person to suffer the loss of 1D10 Sanity points per day until all Sanity has gone. Alter Weather: able to hold sway over the weather in the immediate area, changing it with as little effort as a hand gesture. The mist surrounding Han appears to emanate from its being. Keeper of the Moon-Lens Powers Transform: those eaten by the avatar may be transformed into a gof nn hupadgh and released, most likely near to the grey cone rock hidden the woods surrounding Goatswood. She is an expert seductress, an intellectual genius, and a schemer. Whatever the reasons, the effect of such localized Mythos force is not lost to knowledgeable observers, who see beneath the faade of day to day life and to the effect such influences have upon the local populace. bullets). All parts bursting and renewing, dripping, joining, melting, and reshaping. Indeed, copies of Instollar Daemonical are exceedingly rare due to the majority of the books being destroyed (the books only print run, along with the original manuscript, were nearly all burned in a mysterious fire). While sharing a common name, links between Lloigor and the race of creatures known as the lloigor are unclear. If reduced to zero hit points, Yig instantly transforms into a fast-moving (MOV 20) snake that scurries away or buries itself in the ground. Any ritual performed in darkness with the Shining Trapezohedron guarantees a successful summons of the deity, while exposing this strange stone to light dispels the entity. With this, the entity phases out of reality and reforms at a later time. Humans and animals suffering from continued exposure to the entitys scream are liable to lose their hold of reason and descend into bestial violence. The Cult of Kukulcan (a Mesoamerican serpent deity) is sometimes associated with Yig, although some have decried this as wishful thinking and that this historical worship was at most akin to, rather than aligned to, Yig. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 1D10 + aged (see above) Armor None. The avatars true form resembles a corpulent, 600-pound (270 kg), 7 foot (2 m) tall, monstrous yet human woman, with tentacles in place of arms, and more tentacles sprouting from rolls of sickly yellow-gray flesh. ) 184 Yegg-ha (?) Both entities appear to embody darkness to some extent, so a connection may be appropriate. Fighting Claw Face-tentacle 85% (42/17), damage 1D6+10D6 85% (42/17), damage 3D6+10D6 85% (42/17), damage 10D6 The Bloody Tongue Armor None. hile the varied alien and other-dimensional races are terrifying, they are nothing before the might of the Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and other unfathomable beings of the Cthulhu Mythos. I was hoping that since it was so "Definitive" that it would have images of every monster. Transform Flesh: may psychically cause anothers flesh to transform into crystalline form (the process may be gradual or rapid, with body organs and flesh becoming crystalline). For others, the entity is like a disease, ever consuming, taking earthly matter and re-conforming this to its will. STR n/a CON 1,000 SIZ 200 DEX 500 Hit Points: 120 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: n/a Move: infinite Combat Attacks per round: 1 (bolt) Uses it powers to affect and disorientate targets, or may issue a bolt of strange fire to damage and kill. Brood Carrier: those accepting Eihorts Bargain carry the deitys brood within them. Total darkness, the blackest black, and the absence of light are all hallmarks of Cyegha . These empty vessels filled with a portion of Bugg-Shash prefer to Aura The darkness brings fear, fear of the unknown and what may be lurking just a breath away. Similarly, such hidden doors are said to exist on Earth, with some well-guarded by cultists in the thrall of this Old One. 151 CHAPTER 2 m a l FROM THE JOURNALS OF SIR HANSEN POPLAN: BROTHERS OF THE SKIN Recently, I have come across incomplete translations of a set of papers known as the Sedefkar Scrolls. Nug & Yeb, the twin blasphemies Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points to encounter Yian-Ho and the black sun; 1D10/1D100 Sanity points if getting a close-up encounter with Nug and Yeb. While those in direct contact (within 1 yard/meter) should attempt an Extreme CON roll or suffer 2D4+2 damage (a successful CON roll halves the damage). Of course, here the legend becomes problematic: if one cannot look upon the god without suffering petrification, how can a person then carve an accurate effigy? L HOVECRAFTIAN ORRORS. Alternatively, the body splits open and a monstrous form squeezes its way out of the semi-human shell before departing (usually Bloody Tongue form). It reforms in 100 years near to Azathoth. The best and most quoted example is believed to derive from the Necronomicon, which suggests a large and amorphous entity, not unlike a greater cousin of the earthly shoggoths. As said in the subject, the design of the books follows the good guidelines of the 7th. Its non-terrene nature causes all mundane physical attacks (incl. The body mass usually is crafted to appear rubbery or rugose, with some idols detailing curious growth or warts, and possessing prodigious claws or hands on hind and fore feet. Occasionally, two or more may gather, with the entirety of the cult only coming together once every 10 years or so to undertake some grand magical working. Who knows the power and scale of such effects when Cthulhu is fully awake, amplifying a global influence into a cosmic one? The details and mechanics of the Mythos Deities presented in this book were based upon the initial Call of Cthulhu game creations of the following authors: Scott David Aniolowski: Aforgomon, Ahtu, Aphoom-Zhah, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg, Cthylla, Cxaxukluth, Death-Walker, The Dweller in Darkness, Lesser Elder Gods, Fthagghua, Ghizguth, Ghroth, Gnophkehs, The Great God Pan, The Green Man, Groth-golka, Han, Hziulquoigmnzhah, Iod, Kassogtha, The Keeper of the Moon-Lens, The Kruschtya Equation, Madam Yi, Mordiggian, Ossadagowah, Pharol, Qyth-az, Rhan-Tegoth, Rlim Shaikorth, Saaitii, Tawil atUmr, The Tick Tock Man, Trunembra, Ubbo-Sathla, Utulls-Hrher, Vorvadoss, Vulthoom, The Wailing Writher, Xada-Hgla, Yegg-ha, Yibb-Tstll, Yolanda, Zathog, Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala.
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