2. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. A copy of said policy shall also be reasonably available for review in the county superintendents office and/or principals office and on the on-line website or at the specific request of a student or parent or in the school library or office of the principal. For safety reasons, students may not wear large earrings or other jewelry when they have gym. Any student participating in any school sponsored athletic program, including cheerleading, will have a physical examination prior to participation in any practice activity or inter-scholastic competition. NOTE: If a student appears incoherent, semi-conscious, unconscious, convulsive, appears to be hallucinating, is in respiratory distress indicating danger or injury to the health and safety of the student, Rankin County School District personnel shall seek immediate medical attention before any other actions under this policy are undertaken. Textbook Pupil Use (ICFAAA, Selected Sections) This computer program allows parents to pay for the students meals using a credit or debit card. An accumulation of unexcused absences may be one (1) factor in determining promotion or retention of a student. All fees authorized to be charged under subsections (1) and (2) of the Fee Policy above shall be charged only upon the following conditions: 1. The purposes of this policy are six-fold: 1. Hooded sweatshirts are not allowed except on non uniform days. Admission requirements for the District shall be as follows: 1. Use the device on a flat, stable surface. Student conduct at the bus stop is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 2. The RCSD will follow all regulations set forth in state law 37-11-71. This includes not opening or distributing infected files or programs and not opening files or programs of unknown or untrusted origin. Updated Student Health Records should be completed and returned on all RCSD students annually by parents/guardians. Decisions about any changes in the educational program of a student infected with a chronic/infectious disease shall be made on a case-by-case basis, relying on the best available scientific evidence and medical advice. We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. However, nothing in this policy will limit any school official from making the reports required by law to law enforcement agencies. Parents of students and eligible students shall have opportunity to a hearing to challenge the content of education records in order to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein and to insert into such records a written explanation of the parents and eligible students respecting the content of such records. The Board recognizes that the possession of handguns, firearms or other dangerous instruments or weapons on school premises or at school functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates an unreasonable and unwarranted potential risk of injury or death to District employees, students, visitors and guests and further creates an unreasonable and unwarranted potential risk of damage to properties of District employees, students, visitors and guest. E. All witnesses will present testimony under oath and be subject to cross-examination. Children can attend school with mild sore throats if no other symptoms are occurring. A student who is tardy cannot be considered for perfect attendance. 1981); Horton v. Goose Creek Independent School District, F. 2nd470 (5thCir. At the conclusion of the meeting, the DDC shall adjourn and decide whether the disciplinary decision should be upheld, modified or overturned, based upon a majority vote. A student is promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 under a good cause exemption of the Literacy-Based Promotion Act. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code, including scouting groups. Northwest 8th graders will spend time in class studying for the assessment and will have multiple opportunities to take the test over the course of the school year. 2. Applications for hardship waivers shall be kept in the strictest of confidence with all files and personal disclosures restricted from review by the general public. WE ARE LIONS! Offering programs to parents of preschool age children in collaboration with local and state services. If there is reasonable suspicion that a student has or is using prohibited drugs and/or alcohol, the Rankin County School District shall be entitled to require counseling and drug/alcohol education at the Rankin County School Districts expense and by a counselor or educator of the school districts discretionary choosing. Emergencies (EBDB). 4. (ASCA). In the event that a student commits one of the following acts either off school property or on school property or during a school related activity he is subject to suspension or expulsion under this policy and the principal is required to immediately report by telephone and then in writing the act to the appropriate law enforcement agency: 1. aggravated assault resulting in serious physical injury, 8. possession of a firearm in violation of the law, 9. possession or use of a weapon in violation of the law, 10. possession, sale, or use of any controlled substance in violation of the law, 11. simple assault upon any school employee, 13. other violent act (action resulting in death or physical harm or attempt to cause death or physical harm to another). The Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards for this policy are standards 14 and 21. All users are responsible for keeping backups of important data. 3. Fever is a symptom of illness and not an actual diagnosis. Users should only use known or trusted sources when conducting research via the Internet. Equal Educational Opportunities. Fax:601.824.9861, BRANDON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5. If you have witnessed bullying of another student or feel that you are being bullied, please fill in the information at this link: NWMS Student Bullying Reporting Form. The notification will specifically inform the student: (a) that he may bring witnesses to testify in his behalf or present affidavits at the arranged hearing; (b) that he has the right to be accompanied by his parent and/or counsel of his own choosing, but that such counsel may participate only in advisory capacity. All data transferred or transmitted over the network can be tracked and identified, and originating users can be held liable if their use of the network violates any established policy, regulation, or law. The test specimen shall be obtained in a manner designed to minimize intrusiveness to the student. For these reasons, we would prefer students not wear these types of footwear. Keep the device and sleeve free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not applied by RCSD. Principal:Kara Killough Specific District procedures for removal of a gifted student from the program must be followed. Therefore, this policy governs only the use and possession of performance-enhancing and illegal drugs by students participating in the Rankin County School Districts Voluntary Student Random Drug Testing Program. Conduct of Hearing.) Fx . If this dispute cannot be resolved locally, any aggrieved party may make written request for a review of the matter to: Federal law provides certain rights for homeless students. The procedures established by the District for hearings to challenge content of records maintained by the District; 6. The Superintendent or designee (assistant superintendent) has the authority to expel any student who commits one of the following violations while on school property or at any school-related activity or off-campus activity or behavior, regardless if that property is owned by Rankin County School District or not: 1. Each user, as well as a minors parent or guardian, voluntarily agrees to release, hold harmless, defend, and indemnify, the Rankin County School District, its officers, board members, employees, and agents, for and against all claims, actions, charges, losses or damages which arise out of the users use of the RCSD network, but not limited to negligence, personal injury, wrongful death, property loss or damage, delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries of data, or service interruptions. Each student is to keep his/her locker locked at all times with only the lock and key provided bythe school principal upon initial assignment, with school district and officials being allowed by this policy to retain an assigned duplicate key or master lock combination. Completion of student information profile/emergency card. 3. If academic deficits surface after the student has been exited, additional supports should be provided again. Fx . The dress and grooming of Pinellas County Public Schools' students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. A ratio of one adult to every fifteen students is required for any field trip in 7-12 grade. Sections 41-29-113, 41-29-115, 41-29-117, 41-29-119 and 41-29-121, all prescription drugs obtained without authorization, and all prescribed and over- the-counter drugs being used for an abusive purpose. 6. The person to whom an RCSD network account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use. 8300 SE 15th Ave. Portland, OR 97202. Items and donations contributed to the Rankin County School District will become the property of the district and shall be subject to the same controls and regulations which govern the use or disposal of all district owned property. Twenty-four hour notice will be given so that transportation arrangements can be made by the parent. Persons failing to comply with this policy will be considered trespassers and shall be liable for prosecution. Due to safety precautions, no student dismissals will be allowed during the last 30 minutes of the school day. If a device is damaged, lost or stolen as a result of irresponsible behavior, the user or the parent may be responsible for the full replacement cost. Student Conduct in School / Code of Conduct (JCB) T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325, 105 S. Ct. 733, 83 L. Ed. The schedule of secondary summer school courses reflects a minimum of 70 hours of instruction per half unit course and 140 hours per full unit course. b. If, however, the Voluntary Student has tested positive for a second time so that the student will be transferred to the Alternative School, the student may appeal his/her transfer to Alternative School to the Superintendent or his/her designee(s) as outlined in policy JCAA. In addition, the Rankin County School District will provide additional services to the parents and community through the school year. The purpose of any rule or regulation related to school transportation service developed by the Rankin County School District is to insure the safety of our students and to provide for an orderly operation of school buses. If the testing laboratory has reason or suspicion to believe that the sample taken from such Activity Student has been adulterated or has been tampered with so as to affect test results, the testing laboratory shall deem it a refusal to submit to a drug test. Notice of the test date(s) must be given not less than five days prior to testing. Kindergarten5th All information related to the case shall be kept in a locked file by the superintendent with access granted only to those persons who have written consent of the infected students parent/guardian and emergency medical personnel. Every student within the Rankin County School District shall have the right to take reasonable actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassing. 2. Students displaying interest, involvement, or affiliation with a gang shall be subject to disciplinary action and will be encouraged to seek involvement in authorized school organizations to enhance self esteem and promote activity that can have a positive impact on the student. 3. If this school board determines that it is not economically feasible or practicable to operate any school within the district for the full one hundred eighty (180) days required for a scholastic year as contemplated due to an enemy attack, a manmade, technological or natural disaster, or extreme weather emergency in which the Governor has declared a disaster or state of emergency or the President of the United States has declared an emergency or major disaster to exist in this state, the school board may notify the State Department of Education of the disaster or weather emergency and submit a plan for altering the school term. In accordance with this goal, students utilizing school transportation services shall: 1. Corporal punishment, generally, should be used only when other efforts to correct misconduct have been found to be ineffective with a student. For any suspension of more than ten (10) days or expulsion, a student shall have the right to a formal due process hearing, when requested in writing directed to the County Superintendent of Education; be represented by legal counsel, to present evidence; and to cross-examine witnesses presented by the district. A student may be required to be present for up to an hour before or after the instructional day as a means of disciplinary action provided the parent of the student has been notified of the detention and arrangements have been made for the students transportation. Such decision, if adverse to the student, parent or legal guardian, may be appealed to the School Board by providing unto the Board a certified transcript of the proceeding, which shall be paid for in advance and prior to the hearing by the appealing party. In making such decision, the DDC shall consider all matters presented and shall consider all relevant factors as set forth in board POLICY JDE. If the testing laboratory reports positive test results for prescription medications to a students parents or guardians, a Voluntary Student or his/her parents or guardians may submit additional information to the testing laboratory within 48 hours of notification of the student of the positive test results. Parents, guardians or custodians failing to comply with compulsory attendance laws will be subject to punishment within the provision of Section 97-5-39, Mississippi Code of 1972. 7. The Rankin County School District recognizes the importance of a positive parent/school partnership and encourages all schools to involve parents in the educational program. Uniforms could make this problem irrelevant. Users should not attempt to remove the virus themselves or download any programs to help remove the virus. Other data as prescribed by the State Board of Education. The provisions of this policy shall not apply to any student who is under the care of a licensed physician and who is lawfully taking or in possession of medication which is prescribed under the supervision and direction of such licensed physician unless student is selling or distributing them in an illegal manner. Si un estudiante trae una mochila a la escuela, el personal de la oficina llamar a casa y un padre o tutor legal necesitar recogerla. Kindergarten2nd The School Counselor will enroll the student with temporary grade and class assignments, andgive notice to the student and their parents/guardians of the date of test administration. Participating students represent the District and their community. To add a Students ID number to My Payments Plus it must be 9 digits long. All of the staff have been working very hard to prepare for the return of our Kind, Motivated and Successful (KMS) students and we look forward to meeting our new sixth grade students! B. The designee may not be an individual whose primary responsibility is special education. Hosting meetings, events, celebrations, and conferences that invite parents and community members to learn more about program goals and activities. 2693 Star Road The administrative staff at each school building shall maintain a current School Safety/Crisis Management plan approved by the School Board annually, inclusive of procedures to follow for fire, hazardous weather, tornado, earthquake, nuclear attack, civil disorder, or other crisis situation. Be sure to utilize the GCS Here Comes the Bus App! Although such regulations face First Amendment challenges by students, parents, and employees, the courts generally support the schools and employers. Users should always use the Internet, network resources, and online sites in a courteous and respectful manner. 2. Phone:601.825.5998 The administrative staff member must determine that the circumstances constitute reasonable suspicion of drug and/or alcohol use before a student can be requested to take a drug or alcohol test under these provisions. Left untreated, it is usually somewhat itchy. Elementary and Secondary Level Rules and Consequences (JDC-E) Saturday detention is permissible, at the discretion of the principal, provided the parent/guardian has been notified and has made transportation arrangements. Legal Reference: MS Code 41-23-37, 37-7-301, Attendance, Tardiness and Excuses (JBD) This ruling is a RCSD policy and is strictly enforced. How you dress says who you are. School related absence for official school sponsored activities will not count as an absence. No student may be permitted to leave school before the regular hour for dismissal without the prior approval of the principal. Fax:601.893.0111, FLOWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The student must present a signed written excuse from a parent (to include a signed school generated Parent Excuse Form), guardian, or doctor on the day the student returns to school unless permission to be absent was granted by school officials before the absence occurred. 5. intentionally injuring another person or acting in such a negligent or indifferent manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury. The student and the students parent, legal guardian or person in legal custody of the student may appeal an expulsion or a suspension of more than ten (10) days. Keep head, hands, arms, legs, body and articles inside the bus. The school official shall complete a Bullying/Harassing Behavior complaint form which shall include the name of the reporting person, the specific nature and date of the misconduct, the names of the victim of the misconduct, the names of any witnesses and any other information that would assist in the investigation of the complaint.
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