akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. PS More than half of Slovenian seems to be closely related to Kaikavian and Chakavian Croatian (and probably Old Shtokavian which is almost extinct). In essence, such kinds of bilingualism also improve understanding of other, unrelated Slavic languages, since two Slavic languages fill in the comprehension gaps. German is partially mutually intelligible with Yiddish and Dutch. But islanders more often say Mi povidamo na nau or domau. Finally, understanding mutual intelligibility gives you helpful insight into the history of a language. Donations are the only thing that keep the site operating. If the central varieties die out and only the varieties at both ends survive, they may then be reclassified as two languages, even though no actual language change has occurred during the time of the loss of the central varieties. Mutual Intelligibility among the Slavic Languages by Robert Lindsay The mutual intelligibility (MI) of the languages of the Slavic family is an interesting topic because many are mutually intelligible to one degree or another. This stuff is not all that controversial. Croatian linguist. However, many of these dialects are at least partially mutually intelligible. I have a newer version of the paper that I can give in which I changed some of the things you are complaining about. Chakavian has a low mutual intelligibility with either, in part due to its large number of loanwords from Venetian. This understanding can be in spoken or written communication. The problem is that most linguists are not interested in scientific intelligibility testing of language pairs. Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in writing. This is heartening, although Kajkavian as an existing spoken lect also needs to be recognized as a living language instead of a dialect of Croatian, whatever that word means. Is there any way you could give me percentage figures for these observations of your wifes? Similar things are also valid for Ukraine and Belarus, both of which were parts of the Soviet Union, where Russian was the dominant official language. If one takes the transitional dialects which make a triangle between Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, one can say that it is also one language. . Lach is not fully intelligible with Czech; indeed, the differences between Lach and Czech are greater than the differences between Silesian and Polish, despite the fact that Lach has been heavily leveling into Moravian Czech for the last 100 years. Method: It is important to note that the percentages are in general only for oral intelligibility and only in the case of a situation of a pure inherent intelligibility test. The Mutually Intelligible Languages of 8 Popular World Languages, What You Should Know About Mutually Intelligible Languages, The 11 Best Language Learning Apps of 2023, How to Say Thank You in 35 Different Languages Around the Globe, The Penny Pinchers Guide to Learning Any Language for Free, The Top 8 What Language Should I Learn Online Quizzes, The 6 Best Sources of Language Learning Videos on the Internet. Mitja Slane on Twitter: "@NOELreports How do they speak? Ukrainian is In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world. I would be able to translate what he says! While discussing mutual intelligibility, the author often calls upon bilingual learning; for example, Czech and Slovak are considered highly intelligible because of the strong cross-cultural overlap. Saris Slovak has high but not complete intelligibility of Polish, possibly 85%. However, Chakavian magazines are published even today (Jembrigh 2014). However, another view is that Lach is indeed Lechitic, albeit with strong Czech influence. wovel a shifts to o not shits hahhaha sorry. Polish and Ukrainian have higher lexical similarity at 72%, and Ukrainian intelligibility of Polish is ~50%+. And o shifts to u. It forms a single tongue and is not several separate languages as many insist. Maybe I could offer you somehow help? Thanks so much for this post. Hutsul, Lemko, Boiko speech (small Ukrainian/Rusyn dialects) stangely enough, more comprehensible than standard Ukrainian. In fact, some say the intelligibility between the two is near zero. Frequency of exposure is one of the main causes of this. Torlakian (considered a subdialect of Serbian Old Shtokavian by some) has significant mutual intelligibility with Macedonian and Bulgarian. Less than 90% mutual intelligibility = separate languages. In addition, political and social conventions often override considerations of mutual intelligibility in both scientific and non-scientific views. But the language isnt problem. Click here to get a copy. http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wanted_terrorists/usama-bin-laden/view Russian is followed by Polish with over 40 million speakers, Ukrainian with 33 million and Czech with 13 million. It may have been split from Polish for up to 800 years, where it underwent heavy German influence. Most of the Ukrainian speakers who do not speak Russian are in Canada at the moment. Slovenians, Macedonians and Bulgars used to be one nation called Sklaveni and they were living in the south Hungary. It is not true that Shtokavian which I speak is not mutually intelligible with Torlakian of southern Serbia. The Chinese language, on the other hand, is comprised of a number of dialects that arent always mutually intelligible. Although different writing systems are used, there are many similarities in the grammar used, such as Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian. According to Ethnologue, there are more than 7,000 languages in the world, with some being more difficult to learn than others. So I asked my Russian wife to listen to some of them (mostly local news on Youtube). Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in . There is one factor they dont know about the internet. It is sometimes used as an important criterion for distinguishing languages from dialects, although sociolinguistic factors are often also used. It is also said that West Slovak (Bratislava) cannot understand East Slovak, so Slovak may actually two different languages, but this is controversial. Ukranian: 20% ago. In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without prior familiarity or special effort. Main difference between akavian, kajkavian and tokavian is in vocabulary. Its also highly intelligible with Portuguese in writing, though less so when spoken. Actually the way it is spoken sometimes sounds more like Slovak to me than Czech or polish does, however past really basic speech it is pretty hard to understand. Russians, they usually need some adaptation time (and of course they need to be willing to try -- which is not always the case, since many Russians are monolingual and . Ukrainian and Belarusian are the closest languages, as together with Russian they form the East Slavic group of languages. Then tokavian person reaction would be: What? Are polish and slovak mutually intelligible? The grammar in both languages is similar, but, predictably, there are a few differences: While Ukrainian includes the past continuous tense, there are only three tenses in Russian (past, present and future). Russian influence only ended in 1878. Its spelling, however, is quite different from any of them. Basically, when you are listening to Bulgarians, you only hear an incomprehensible row of ta-jat-to-ta-jat-ta-to-ta. demonstratives (tk~ovd vs. tuka~ovde, tamo vs. tamu) and some elementary adverbs (sg vs. sega now; jutre vs. utre tomorrow; dns(ke) ~ deneska today, fera vs. vera yesterday) are fairly similar; Ni Torlak uses multiple sets of demonstratives as its 3rd person pronouns (toj/ta/to/ti/te/ta, onj/on/on/on/on/on, ovj/ov/ov/ov/ov/ov, in descending order of frequency) as opposed to Serbians almost exclusive use of on/ona/ono/oni/one/ona and standard Macedonians use of toj/taa/toa/tie Belarussian almost completely comprehensible, except a few words. Some people in Croatia asked me if I speak Kajkavian when I spoke Slovenian with my friends. 12 Dec 2016 #221. However Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian are not like Czech and Slovak. On the other hand, it can be difficult for Russians to understand Ukrainian (though it is easy for them to learn it). Czech-Slovak is now 91%, Czech-Serbo-Croatian is 18%, Czech-Macedonian is 17% and Czech=-Bulgarian is 13%. It is more like the other slavic languages (v instead of u, z instead of s, itd, less vowels, and no distinction between and ). The reason there are subtitles on Russian-language shows in Ukraine is because of Ukraines puristic state language policies. For majority of the Shtokavian speakers thats just another language: different grammar, vocabulary, pronunciations, even sounds (Kai has at least 9 vowels while Shto Croatian only 5 for example). It seems polish and bulgarian are the easiest for me to understand (save for bosnian, serbian, and crnogorski). Vitebsk, Belarus. The dialects of Ukrainian do not differ extensively from one another and are all mutually intelligible. I think that nowadays people from Ni also dont understand that Serbian enough. These recommendations are based on research into the mutual intelligibility of Germanic languages, conducted by Femke Swarte. But I can tell you this. 8. Macedonian has 65% oral and written intelligibility of Bulgarian. There is a big problem with this. The long war over the Ukrainian language - The Boston Globe Being fluent in Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian gives you access to understanding more of other Slavic languages. It has also been described as a transitional dialect between Polish and Slovak. Lach is a Czech-Polish transitional lect with a close relationship with Cieszyn Silesian. It is difficult to get a high-paying job that requires skill and . Ukrainian and Russian: How Similar Are These Two Languages? In this case, another criteria I would also consider is how hard or easy it is for a Serb to start understanding Macedonian. I can easily translate the first two sentences: Bulgarian is the oldest documented Slavic language. Some simple words as Zboruva talk were not understood by a Bulgarian and I was obliged to use the word govori so that I adapted my Macedonian to get understood, although we seldom say govori. Eastern Slovak has 82% intelligibility of Rusyn and 72% of Ukrainian. If you know Polish, you're likely to understand a little Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages, but this doesn't mean that the languages are mutually intelligible. I can give you an example of how I can read Bulgarian: Molise Croatian is a Croatian language spoken in a few towns in Italy, such as Acquaviva Collecroce and two other towns. I simply didnt know what for example word iskati (to seek) means when I first watched that movie, I was 14, I understand it from the context like I can understand Macedonian. You really need to go look at the new version of the paper. Regarding Russian/Ukrainian mutual intelligebility: most people who lived in Ukraine during the Soviet era and return there today say that modern Ukrainian differs greatly from the one spoken during Soviet times. 2. But akavian being archaic it has old slavic package. There is much nonsense said about the mutual intelligibility of the various languages in the Slavic family. Spanish is also partially mutually intelligible with Italian, Sardinian and French, with respective lexical similarities of 82%, 76% and 75%. Polish is the most incomprehensible Slavic language for other Slavs, both spoken and written. I would like to add an interesting fact Slovenian has very harsh dialects due to the historic separation of different regions. In writing, however, Scots language looks similar to English (albeit with some spelling variations). Robert does look at these stories. Id guess mutual intelligibility there is somewhere on the level of 75~80%, which is pretty pathetic. What Other Languages Can You Understand If You Know Russian? KajkavianCroatian, spoken in northwest Croatia and similar to Slovenian, is not intelligible with Standard Croatian. Russian: 15% spoken, 25% written ", "English in Scotland a phonological approach", "Mutual Intelligibility of Closely Related Languages within the Romance language family", "How Konkani Won the Battle for 'Languagehood', "Algumas observaes sobre a noo de lngua portuguesa", Romanian language Britannica Online Encyclopedia, "UCLA Language Materials Project: Language Profile", "Uzbek | the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies", "Soviet Dungan nationalism: a few comments on their origin and language", "The Linguistic Characteristic Of Esan Language: Towards Its Empowerment and Development", "Mutual intelligibility of spoken Maltese, Libyan Arabic, and Tunisian Arabic functionally tested: A pilot study", "Gdzie "sicz", a gdzie "porohy"?! Look at this Polish girl: http://ifaq.wap.org/society/voweldeployment.html. These three languages have an 86% lexical similarity; that is, they share 86% of the same words. Are belarusian and russian mutually intelligible? According to a paper on Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family (link in comments): Native Belarusian speakers can understand 80% of spoken Ukrainian and 80% of written . Is Ukrainian closer to Russian or Polish? What percentage of Ukraine speaks Polish? Eastern Slovak has ~80% intelligibility of Rusyn. What language is this? Answer (1 of 16): I'm neither Polish nor Ukrainian but I know Polish to a good level and basic Ukrainian; I can comment on the understandability of Ukrainian for Poles. However, in terms of vocabulary Ukrainian is closer to Polish, from which it has borrowed a large number of words. This is a political point, of course. Lemko is spoken heavily in Poland, and it differs from Standard Rusyn in that it has a lot of Polish vocabulary, whereas Standard Rusyn has more influences from Hungarian and Romanian. Much of the claimed intelligibility between Czech and Slovak was simply bilingual learning. Yet some say that the subtitles are simply put on as a political move due to Ukraines puristic language policy. Sledva da se otbelei, e tova delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici, a samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik, za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi. If the Torlaks can understand those languages it is because they have been hearing them! They say, ~60%, ~65%, etc. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. In fact, I cannot often identify any words at all. The German influence is more prominent in the west; Polish influence is greater in the east. And if you're perhaps a polyglot or linguaphile looking for a new challenge, then maybe learning a bit of Mandarin, Urdu, or even Persian might just be up your alley! Czechs hardly ever study at Slovak universities. This difference is because Bulgarian is not spoken the same way it is written like Serbo-Croatian is.
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