Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM You can have as much determination as you want, but to reach your goals you also must take the difficult step of acting on that will." Its rarely easy, but we can take comfort knowing that at the end of each parting is a brand-new beginning." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Florida York Rite Mason Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 ", "- As Masons, our dedication shows us that committing to a cause can offset our fears and empower us beyond our imagination. No one has ever become poor by giving. "- Brothers, giving goes without saying. "- As Masons, our collective fear of straying from popular wisdom can limit forward progress for us and society at large. ", "- As Masons, we should value the importance of staying true ourselves, even or especially if that makes you stand apart from the crowd. As Masons, we are reminded that true love should always feel nourishing." The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have. "- As Masons, we should be encouraging ourselves to stop focusing our energy on trying to change ourselves into someone we aren't and simply learn to accept who we are, flaws and all. People with self-respect exhibit a certain toughness, a kind of moral nerve; they display what was once called "character. ", "- As Masons, there should always be room for someone to help us and teach us something new, no matter how much we accomplish and learn. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Retail Supervisor Job Van Nuys California USA,Retail "- As Masons, if we approach the unknown without fear, were more likely to gain understanding we didnt have before." R&SM Grand Councils The Extraordinary does not let you walk away and shrug your shoulders. "- It is auspicious to approach any situation from a deferential, inquisitive place. ", "- In a culture where were conditioned for nonstop striving, as Masons its crucial to remember to pause and acknowledge the happiness that comes from feeling connected to our surroundings. Style, I think, it is in your DNA. ", "- As Masons, most of us have something in our lives we fear, but if we can get past that fear, our experience of life expands enormously. Life changes in the instant. In the United States alone, the family of Freemasonry gives over $2 million each day to charitable causes of all kinds. In order to find joy and contentment in this life, we must have the liberty of choice, and to achieve and maintain that freedom, we must have an iron-clad will and unwavering devotion to our convictions. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM York Rite - The Grand Lodge of Florida - Freemasonry and Masonic Orders Our interests, personalities, dreams, hopes, and thoughts are made richer and brighter when shared with someone else, and sometimes it takes the arrival of a new friend to awaken our truest identities. ", "- As Masons, we frequently tend to draw a line between the virtues of faith and reason. We should constantly remind ourselves our progress in life is up to us, that we need the courage to move forward into the unknown." Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous. "- As Masons, we understand that it doesnt matter what you do in life; what matters is striving for excellence in any task, big or small, because the effort itself can be the greatest reward." "- As Masons, we should sing the praises of anyone who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, fervently dismissing those who stand back and critique the efforts of people attempting to do something difficult." This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention. ", "- As Mason's, you have to have a solid understanding of who you are leading, and that knowledge is best obtained from a position of service rather than of command. No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else. Accept this omen that your work is good, and revel in the sunshine of composition.", "- As Masons, we understand that by exercising our liberties is how we build a better world for ourselves, our communities, and future generations. ", "- Rather than relying on quick shortcuts, clever tricks, or corner-cutting, as Masons we should practice the virtues of patience and determination as we pursue our goals and dreams. Starting at 6:30 for Dinner and 7:30 Meeting Time The Commandry meets on the 4th Friday of the month. "- As Masons, we should understand that failure is just as important as success. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM As Masons, we recognize that we cannot begin to learn and grow until we conquer the things that scare us and move forward with courage. YORK RITE INFO | "- As Masons, we are reminded that accomplishments are defined by individuals, not society, and self-awareness can clarify our own unique sense of success." See our full schedule, below. The willingness to accept responsibility for ones own life is the source from which self-respect springs. ", "- As Masons, we should practice that hope and positive thinking are the only productive responses to failure. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage. Hard times are not permanent, and holding on to hope that this, too, shall pass, is what gives us strength to get through them. We make feeling the rule by which to judge of every good thing. The joy of a philosophical conversation with friends far outstrips the satisfaction of accumulating material goods. ", "Its more fulfilling to give as much as you can becoming a person of value than to take what you can to become a person of "success". The York Rite is one of many appendant bodies that a Master Mason can join to further his knowledge of the craft. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM The ordinary instant. Joan Didion York Rite College | THE GRAND YORK RITE BODIES OF TENNESSEE York Rite College TN Colleges "Whoever will be great among you let him be your minister, and whoever would be chief among you let him be your servant; even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered but to minister." King James Version Matt. "- Misfortunes may not resemble our modern plights, even our worst circumstances can hold the possibility of good: Often, it is when we reach rock bottom that we are able to start changing our lives." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Learning to appreciate what we have over longing for what we dont brings peace and contentment, which is the secret to happiness." The Certificate of Authority reiterates the proprietary status of Florida to disseminate the degree. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", Subscribe to the Grand York Rite Newsletter, 2023 GRAND YORK RITE OF FLORIDA. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Without imagination, we might never discover our true purpose and potential. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed. District 4: Lakeland York Rite Bodies. "- As Masons, we are assured that even in the face of extreme difficulty, resilience and tenacity are innate qualities of the Masonic spirit." Return to previous page. Florida Grand York Rite Bodies District Meeting Schedule for 2016/2017: July 9, 2016 - District 10 (Crestview, Ft. Walton Beah, Pensacola). Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Though the road may be longer, the journey will be that much sweeter when we are motivated by a sense of purpose and commitment, and utilize the strength of the human will. Grand York Rite Home Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you present yourself to the world in a way that feels authentic, it breeds a confidence that will take you far." Masons should always strive to seek more light, as knowledge is power. "- As Masons, when we are accountable for our words and actions and act with integrity even in the face of adversity we are far more likely to find pride, confidence, and respect for ourselves. Location: 149 South Orlando Avenue Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Phone: (321) 328-7326 Mailing Address: Canaveral Lodge #339 P.O. Louisiana Grand York Rite Session - 2023 Tickets | Grand York Rite of Knowledge is power!" Even if you dont achieve your highest objective, the steps taken will lead you somewhere satisfying. It's difficult to openly paint ourselves as petty, vain, mean, selfish, unfaithful, or unsuccessful. ", " Seafood City (California, Hawaii, Washington, Nevada, Illinois) - Filipino American. Though family can be complicated, those ties can tell us plenty about ourselves and where we want to go from here." "- As a Mason, we should understand that the road to reach our full capability can be perilous, but if we are strong enough to continue pushing forward into new and unknown territory, well be rewarded with personal greatness." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM We can all benefit from looking inward and questioning whether our inherent ways of thinking are serving ourselves and others. Chapter - Tampa York Rite Every occasion has the potential to be breathtaking we just have to notice it." These moments compel us to embrace each mundane-seeming moment, because we never know when things are going to change." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM "- Trying to avoid pain in pursuit of only happiness is a fruitless endeavor, in fact our most profound joys are only made sweeter in contrast to the bitterness we all experience. He demitted to the Panama . Trestle Board | Canaveral Masonic Lodge No. 339 "- As Masons, we cannot dictate circumstance, but we can work hard and train in our chosen vocation so that when opportunity presents itself, were ready." ME Grand High Priest. ", "- As Masons, we recognize two different kinds of bravery: the ability to be emotionally open and feel deeply for others, and the courage to hope for a better world amid the horrors of socialism and terrorism. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. VINTAGE 1920 ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF THE ROYAL ARCH MASONS - SPOKANE WA. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM So as we learn, our thirst for knowledge deepens, and our curiosity leads us to explore even further turning learning into a lifelong process of enrichment." Instead, show others whats possible, and the world may just follow where you lead. 2023 Grand York Rite Session Registration The 2023 Grand York Rite Session will be held April 6-8, 2023 at the The Mill Casino Hotel & RV Park, 3201 Tremont St, North Bend, OR 97459. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM We are reminded the dreams that come with risks are worth pursuing, no matter how daunting they may seem in the beginning. ", "- As Masons, refusing to hold grudges against even the most hostile forces, we can cultivate our characteristic resilience. Live, and be happy, and make others so. Nobody cares if you cant dance well. The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry. We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. "- As Masons, one virtue in our mind that stand above the rest is truth. "- As Masons, we should understand that it is merely the nature of life to have to say goodbye to the people, places, and experiences we have loved. Charity is the chief of every social virtue. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", "- Strong-willed people who cultivated their inner peace and positive emotions can find happiness regardless of circumstance, and dont need fortune, fame, or material goods to achieve satisfaction in life. "- As Masons, we shoulddiscourage followingtrends. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Taking a calculated risk could bring gifts we cant imagine. To lead people, walk behind them. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Instead, show others whats possible, and the world may just follow where you lead." "- You can do anything you decide to do. "- As Masons, our commitment to equal rights and representation encourages us to stand up for our own beliefs and values, and to never let society or other people diminish our sense of self-worth." Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. ", "- Age brings experience, and the shared respect for that experience as well as the work done on your past self has the power to make a great impact on society. An American Ritual was devised and Certificates of Authority to confer this degree have been issued to a number of Grand Councils in the United States. The Extraordinary does not let you walk away and shrug your shoulders. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Dont stunt your own growth by toning down your natural talents and skills. As York Rite Freemasons,. With every chance we take, we make ourselves vulnerable to failure and hurt. Grand York Rite Upcoming Events Grand Chapter Grand Council Grand Commandery Secretary/Recorder Database Contact Us Grand York Rite - Links History of the York Rite Perpetual Membership York Rite Bodies by City Annual Proceedings Masonic Year Calculator York Rite Photos And Videos History of the York Rite Perpetual Membership "- As Masons, we get to decide the impact our experiences have on our lives. Illinois - Grand Council of Cryptic Masons in the State of Illinois. Grand York Rite Bodies of FL | Tampa FL - Facebook Ask your Recorder or visit ", "- As Masons, we are reminded that while virtue and discipline are important, it is just as necessary to find lightness, humor, and silliness in life. With every chance we take, we make ourselves vulnerable to failure and hurt. The York Rite Bodies are a nonprofit fraternal organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place. An email message has been sent. As Masons, we are reminded to treat everything including the ordinary things with gratitude." Letting go of our expectations may lead to an even better outcome than what we thought we wanted. Taking responsibility is not always easy, but its a worthy pursuit. ", "- As Masons, we are reminded that working on our own personal development is the first step to shifting the world around us. We need to use our time here wisely!" Exploring new fields and skills will only create a richer life. ", "- As Masons, we understand that no experience exists in a vacuum. Panama City Beach, FL and is a York Rite Mason and Shriner. Everglades York Rite Bodies. "- As Masons, we are reminded that while virtue and discipline are important, it is just as necessary to find lightness, humor, and silliness in life. "- As Masons, we understand there are innumerous ugly realities in the world, there is also beauty in humankinds devotion to finding truth and justice." ", "- As Masons, one virtue in our mind that stand above the rest is truth. "- As Masons, it's easy to let our small doubts and anxieties balloon into overwhelming fears because we allow them too much time and space to grow rather than taking action to face them. ", "- As Masons, when we are curious, changes in our brain prepare us to learn not only the information we originally sought out, but also incidental information we might encounter along the way. ", "- But just as this metaphor suggests, as Masons, our flawed characters often get a chance at redemption. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Joy and good tidings to all. ", "- As Masons, we should heed this quote as initial observations and impressions, may be deceiving and few of the facts known. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Rite 2 Play Community Center Inc 1473 Reigel St, Griffin, GA 30223-8505 Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM "As Masons, our commitment to our work encourage us to be patient with our ambitions, giving each step the attention it needs so that we can continue to grow." Get more active in your lodge and district. "- Success often requires expectation and enthusiasm you have to keep your head up to find what youre looking for." It is only to be understood. It may require sacrifice and hard work today, but we will surely be thankful for our efforts in the long run. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Rani's World Foods (Texas & Nevada) - Indian supermarket chain. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Clinging too closely to what we know can obscure the vastness of what we still have yet to learn." "- The message of modern culture often centers around doing more: getting more likes, buying more things, consuming more content, making more money. York Rite Districts of Florida - Clearwater York Rite "- Rather than relying on quick shortcuts, clever tricks, or corner-cutting, as Masons we should practice the virtues of patience and determination as we pursue our goals and dreams. I change myself, I change the world. York Rite College | THE GRAND YORK RITE BODIES OF TENNESSEE Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Canaveral Lodge No. 339 Eminent Grand Captain General. The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups: Regular Freemasonry insists that a volume of scripture be open in a working . ", "- As Masons, we should understand that failure is just as important as success. We have more control over our outlook than we think, if we can learn to choose where to focus our energy. "- As Masons, we learn to not to let fear stand in the way of seeking new experiences. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Arquitectura de la Masonera Rectificada Jean-Baptiste Willermoz . York Rite - Tampa York Rite It's knowing that you gave 100% and did your best work. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. To become a better man, he must attempt to acquire new knowledge on a regular basis." Freemasonry - Wikipedia ", "- As Masons, we should continually strive to reach our best selves. "- As Masons, we are reminded that broadening our horizons is healthy. ", "- Trying to avoid pain in pursuit of only happiness is a fruitless endeavor, in fact our most profound joys are only made sweeter in contrast to the bitterness we all experience. Locations - York Rite of California Uploaded on Oct 08, 2014 Dimaia Claes + Follow research The document now in the hands of the lodges contains a number of minor changes, and the new assessment rates.
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