The problem may be: The answer is actually very obscure but the short answer is some are. If the flame motor doesnt sound out of the ordinary, turn on the heater. Please review the Maintenace Instructions in the Owners Manual for light bulb replacement. Compare. Dimplex fireplaces distribute a warm, gentle, even heat over a wide area by means of a silent fan-forced heater. Copyright 2022 Temperature Master | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Contact, Touchstone Sideline Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplaces, Ecobee Furnace Not Lighting? This noise would be a rubbing or sweeping noise. All you need to do is drain the water. Yes! When the fans oscillating blades are in rotation, it can create a slow but continuous movement that has a jarring effect on parts located within your rear access panel. What is the maximum weight I can put on my TV stand? Electric fireplaces have become a popular alternative to traditional wood-burning fireplaces. Users can also choose to adjust the blower when they want to watch TV in the room. In this article, we will guide you on how to turn on, Read More How to turn on electric fireplace [An easy to follow step-by-step guide for 2023]Continue, So, youre searching for the answer to will an electric fireplace heat a garage? Rated the best indoor electric fireplace and the best electric fireplace with a mantle, this model is typically over $1,000. The heat will not come back on without being reset. I chipped my TV Stand, whats the best way to touch it up? The debris can travel to the motor and make a lot of noises. Some electric fireplace models come with a thermostat that monitors the room temperature and comes on to keep the room at a particular temperature. To resolve the issue, simply replace the flame speed control with a new factory replacement. Many of our electric fireplace . Electric fires usually operate silently, but after some time, perhaps due to years of use, it is not uncommon to start hearing some noises from the fireplace. In some cases, the fireplace may cause the circuit breaker it is running on to trip. Then, check the machine again by running it. How much Formaldehyde is there in your TV stand? If the heater has not been in use for some time, the heater may be burning off any dust that may have accumulated while not in operation. Others charge criminally high rates. Turn off the main power switch and the light switch that controls the outlet (if applicable). Can I put my television over my fireplace? Its essential to verify all components are securely in place regularly. Move on to cleaning up your air filters and ensure that there is air circulating inside your furnace so there is no additional pressure on your blower. Check the wire running to your thermostat, ensuring its properly attached. Gas fireplaces are also known to lose about 40 percent of the heat they produce and can still require bundling up in a blanket just to keep the chill away. If you cannot turn off the firebox, the flame rod could be malfunctioning. Should my flame keep shuttering or be jumpy? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Check that the blower is running. It shouldnt bother you much. Dimplex products come with their own troubleshooting guides, or a troubleshooting section at the back of the Product Service Manual. Most electric fireplaces are supposed to be quiet, especially modern ones. In this article, well take a closer look at the most common electric fireplace problems, including how you can identify them and what you can do to mitigate the issue. Some electric fireplaces have brightness settings that control the flames. You might be trying to turn your electric fireplace off, but it doesnt respond and continues to generate heat, light, or both. And thats for a very good reason. If youre worried about the safety of your electric fireplace, dont be! Like a space heater, your electric fireplace could produce a clicking noise when turned on initially. The remote may need to be changed or the remote receiver may need to be changed. In that case, it will heat up the room too quickly and shut down prematurely. If the fans are loose, the blades will rotate in a sluggish movement that causes the parts near the access panel in the back to vibrate. In most cases, the noise is normal and not cause for alarm. Your electric fireplace may be equipped with a blower fan that continues to run for a short time after the fire has been turned off in order to circulate the air and cool down the fireplace elements. Watch the flames and see if the noise coincides with the flame movements. An electric fireplace is a convenient heating solution for homes without a chimney or gas supply. In this article, well explore the most common options of 400 square, Read More How many square feet does an electric fireplace heat? The flame motor, flicker rod and the blower motor. If you need to know how to fix a noisy electric fireplace, then this article is for you! Verify that the fan filter is placed appropriately and that the transducer is properly located in the sump. If pushing the heater switch on/off does not change the situation then you will need to replace it. Troubleshoot your fireplace and make any necessary repairs if the sound persists. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small commission. Hopefully, this will fix the issue when Dimplex electric fireplace stopped heating. If the blower motor is dirty, use a vacuum to remove excess dirt or grime. A blank screen means that your thermostat isnt getting power. Sometimes, the flame will freeze in its place on the fireplace screen. Yes. [5 common reasons + tips to fix a faulty electric fireplace in 2023]Continue, Electric fireplaces are a popular choice for homes that want to add ambiance and warmth without the hassle of traditional fireplaces. Electric fireplaces use lights or a motor to generate the flame. Make sure you note their original configuration before disconnecting them. Loose connections may cause the heating issue as well. If your electric fireplace doesnt have a remote, move on to the following solutions. No, electric fireplaces do not have real flames. The "Bump" Sound. Regularly cleaning and lubricating necessary components is imperative to avoid the annoying clicking sound. This error is caused by wiring mistakes, faulty PCB, or a bad sensor. However, it shouldn't be too loud. Keep your skill level in mind when purchasing an electric fireplace, consider working with a local installer to get the focal point of your dreams done correctly! So, it is important to check the fireplace once in a while to ensure the blower is working properly and there are no fragments stuck inside. You should be able to fix an electric fireplace on your own as a DIY project. If you still hear sounds, you may need to check deeper in the appliance. If you decide to check this yourself, make sure the circuit breaker is off first. Make sure that it is properly connected to the flicker motor. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. AC Size GuideBTU to TonnageSEER to EEREER to SEEREER to COP, Watts to AmpsKilowatts to AmpsKilowatts to BTUKVA to AmpsACH Calculations, My name is Josh and I am obsessed with the HVAC industry. If your problem continues here are a few trouble shooting points: Youll want to ensure its in good condition to get the most out of it. In an ideal world, the appliances that make our homes comfortable places to live would operate smoothly and soundlessly. Leave the unit unplugged for five minutes, then power everything back on. The flame motor may require replacement. When damaged, it can grind against other internal parts and make a lot of sounds. The flame looks so real. Dimplex electric fireplace making noise is a common issue faced by users. In case there is no humming sound coming from the blower at all when getting power, the entire motor is faulty and needs replacement. Youll probably need to contact the brand for a replacement control. If the log set has been replaced and there is still no change, the LED Driver board for the log set may need to be replaced. If the inlet to the heater is blocked, your fireplace cant circulate air from the heating element. You can put a Dimplex fireplace in just about any indoor area as long as it is clean and dry. An in-depth guide for 2023, Are electric fireplaces safe to leave on overnight? Many homes have a light switch that controls the outlet the fireplace is plugged into. The sound is created when various components within the fireplace, such as metal parts, expand and contract as they are heated and cooled. E41 indicates that your fireplaces heating element has failed. If the rod is damaged, it can bump against other components while the fireplace runs, resulting in the sound. It could be due to the metal elements expanding and contracting as they cool down. In this case, youll need to replace the flame rod. During regular operation, your electric fireplace should make little to no noise. Dimplex electric fireplace not heating even when the heater is getting power can be caused by a faulty blower, a heater going through a cool-down cycle, or a faulty heating coil. We do not recommend painting your mantel as it will void the warranty on the unit. Why is my heater turning off after a couple of minutes of operation? Do electric fires use a lot of electricity? Some models have separate motors for producing heat and the flame effect. No! That is why your focus should be on the blower fans when you hear such noise. Finally, noises that are far apart might indicate something is wrong with the blower motor. Heres what to do when Dimplex electric fireplace turns on by itself. If the noise continues with the fan off, check to see if the flicker rod is not rubbing against internal components when turning. An electric fireplace has a flame rod that connects to the flame motor. If you need a copy of your manual click here and enter your model number: Due to the variances in our wall mounted fireplaces we recommend checking the troubleshooting guide in the service manual or contact customer support at 888-DIMPLEX (346-7539). Aaron is a qualified electronics technician with over 20 years of experience. You can find the right guide on our Product Downloads page. If your electric fireplace generates faux flames using light bulbs (usually incandescent or LEDs), they may have burnt out. It is most commonly related to the blower. You may want to hire a pro if youre not confident in working with the internal parts. Electric fireplaces provide heat via a conventional space heater. Advertisement Tip If loose wiring is the problem, the electric fireplace fails to connect, leading to a lack of heat. If you are concerned about the noise your electric fireplace is making, please consult your owners manual or contact the manufacturer for further assistance. Detach the quick-connect cable connectors from the damaged assembly and connect them to the new one. We recommend purchasing a furniture crayon of the same colour and using it to touch up your tv stand. If you notice popping or grinding noises, theres likely something wrong with your electric fireplace. Correct any issues as needed. However, sometimes these faux fireplaces make a clicking noise when they are turned on. Ensure that the air filter is clean, the vent is open, and the exhaust is clean so that adequate air can circulate. 1 How do I stop my electric fireplace from making noise? It can be reset by switching the Main Power switch to OFF and waiting 5 minutes before switching it to ON. An electrician can diagnose the issue and either replace the faulty breaker, upgrade the breaker capacity, or fix the wiring on the fireplace. The wiring can get damaged, causing your heater blower to not run. An expert review and guide for 2023Continue. Noises occur because the high-pressure flow of the gas through the tubing is disrupted. Grab left end of flame tube and push upward until shaft of tube is inserted into hole that is located in the center of the bracket. Get 24/7/365 support with Aida. If you hear excessive noise, youll need to replace the blower motor on the heater. Electric fireplaces can trip breakers by short-circuiting, ground faulting, or drawing too much current. If its a squeaking noise, you might need to lubricate the inside fire rod. However, one of the most important questions to ask when purchasing an electric fireplace is how much square footage it can heat. Ill also let you in on the easiest way to fix all fireplace clicking noises. Worst, the fan may blow air, but it isnt warm air. This problem can easily be fixed through regular cleaning and lubrication of these components. savannah guthrie announcement leaving today show 0 Vous etes ici: . This process is normal and usually does not indicate a problem, but if accompanied by other unusual sounds or symptoms, it is best to have the electric fireplace inspected by a professional. Can you repair an electric fireplace outside of a warranty? If your fireplace doesnt turn on at all, a few potential issues could be causing the lack of engagement. Once you open the fireplace, check the internal elements for dirt and grime. Gas supply line blockage. Check the heater inlet and ensure nothing is blocking the airflow. If your problem continues here are a few trouble shooting points: The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. But fear not, were here to explain a few of the reasons why your fireplace might seem like it has a mind of its own. Instead of getting up to tinker with the control panel, you can easily manage the settings from your comfortable place on the sofa. They all are an indication of overheated heater components. The rubber grommet may have been inserted backwards. Its possible that the LED driver board is faulty. Depending on the particular model, you may need to remove a cover or panel to access the fan. The remote control may need to be initialized with the fireplace. Refer to your owners manual to see if a manufacturers warranty covers the component. 12 Best Electric Fireplace Inserts 2021: Comparison. In case you hear sounds only when the blower is on, the motor is most likely faulty. If your electric fireplace sounds like its grinding, it might be time to replace the flames motor or the speed control. Please review the Operating Instructions in the Owners Manual. If you find any, you can fix the issue yourself, but otherwise, call an electrician. The temperature change that causes the expansion and contraction is due to the heating element within the electric fireplace. Check the internal components (if youre comfortable doing so) of dirt and grime. Check the fireplaces thermostat settings. If the fireplace has loose components, the clicking could be caused by loose parts tapping other internal factors. To ensure the safety of your family members, no combustible energy sources are used to produce the flame. Does your electric fireplace make strange noises when turned off? If you hear a grinding noise, the flame motor requires replacement. Need help? Replace the sensor if necessary. For example, it could be that the circuit board isnt working, or it could be as simple as the system isnt switched on. An electric fireplace allows you to enjoy a calm atmosphere and style while adding more heat options to your home. They work with thousands of top-rated contractors across the United States, and they make it easy for you to getfree fireplace repair quotesfrom the best repair services near you. Use the remote control or control panel to brighten the flames. . Your heater is supposed to do that from time to time. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Most electric fireplaces have a small sound when running- it often sounds like a slight, electrical humming noise. Will the Dimplex flame operate without heat? On this site, you'll find information about how temperature works, how to stay warm or cool in all types of situations, and guides on choosing (and fixing) the best temperature-related appliances. The blower not working, the fireplace shutting off automatically, not turning on, producing no heat, the flame effect not working, error codes popping up, unusual noise from the furnace, the remote not working, and thermostat issues are all Dimplex electric fireplace common problems. Blank LCD screen, hot thermostat housing, blinking LCD pane, and being unable to set temperature are some common issues that happen with thermostats. If the above solutions don't work and the noise is still occurring, then the help of a professional is required. Expansion is the process by which materials increase in size as they are heated. The flicker rod may not be connected to the shaft on the flicker motor However, if youre concerned about the noise your electric fireplace is making, please consult your owners manual or contact the manufacturer for further assistance. However, if you want the high heat setting to work, you need both the low and high heat settings on, as well as the main power switch. Some electric fireplaces have a flame rod that joins with the flame motor. I chipped my mantel, whats the best way to touch it up? Flame tube might be visible on left side. Why does my Dimplex Opti Myst fire keep cutting out? Please ensure you are also maintaining the minimum clearances allowed for all Dimplex fireplaces, which can be found in the owners manual. Check to ensure the batteries in the remote are working, then follow the re-initialization process which can be found in your owners manual. Dust and dirt clogs may result in the sound. It is designed to draw in cool air and heat it using the internal heating coil. You dont need to do anything if this is happening. You can access the blower by opening the front grill or pulling it from the rear side of the fireplace. There are hundreds of A/C products on the market, and not all of them are worth your time and money. An in-depth guide for 2023. No electric fireplace should make clicking noises unless something is wrong. 4 Who makes the best electric fireplace inserts? If you find any, ensure that the wire connections are secured tightly now. Add to Cart. You dont want it to be constantly making loud, annoying sounds- its an indication that somethings wrong with it. Your owners manual is referring to the firebox portion only. Try plugging unit into another outlet or install a dedicated 15 amp breaker for the unit alone. Next, youll want to go over every screw that you see and tighten it. Uncategorized electric fireplace making noise when off teremana mana mobile locations Posted on July 3, 2022 Posted in euromillion million winning numbers generator western sydney university early entry If thats the case, ensure the light switch is on, and the fireplace is plugged in. Ensure method of installation does NOT obstruct the air intake slots on bottom front of unit in any manner. The main causes include loose hardware like screws, bend tubing, a blower full of dust, the fan's rod is malfunctioning, or the motor or limit switch has reached the end of their years. The system may not produce enough heat if the setting is too low. Youll need to lubricate it. Continually resetting the circuit breaker or forcing it to remain on can be a safety hazard. Other causes of a clicking noise include a shift in room temperature, worn out or loose components, poorly lubricated or clogged components, defective or dirty blower fan, or damaged flame rod. You could also have a faulty thermostat or control board. *Most gas fireplaces produce over 20,000 BTU of heat in a single room while the average size home requires only 90,000 BTU to heat the entire house. Understanding the underlying cause of this issue will help you troubleshoot and resolve it quickly, ensuring that your electric fireplace operates as smoothly and quietly as possible. Electric fireplaces make a clicking sound due to the expansion and contraction of materials within the fireplace. Electric fireplaces have several switches to control different aspects, including the heat and flickering flames. Manage Settings You can unplug the unit and open it up. You may want to replace the heater blower if you cant figure out exactly whats causing the noises. If your problem continues here are a few trouble shooting points: This should pick up any dust or dirt on it, which should help with some of the noise. Dimplex Electric Fireplace Problems [9 Easy Fixes]. If the room temperature rises above or falls below the selected temperature on the thermostat, your fireplace might make a clinking sound. Usually, you can see the flames and feel the heat, but it doesnt produce any air. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? Note: Never perform electrical work on devices plugged in or connected to a live breaker. Heres Why (+ How to Fix), Kenmore Elite Dryer Not Heating? Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the blower and make sure it's wiped properly. Based on the nature of the sound, the likely causes can be identified. The Dimplex TV stands are tested to support up to 150lbs. Replace lower front cover. If the clicking sound isnt due to the natural process of expansion and contraction, there may be something wrong with one or more of the parts in your fireplace. The overheat cutout will be triggered if the ventilation slot at the bottom of the fireplace has been covered or blocked. Each summer we help thousands of people find the best room air conditioners and heaters for their needs. Micki Wagner is a commerce editor for Hearst's Enthusiast Group, where she is constantly on the lookout for exciting new products, great sales and deals, and fun gifts. If the flicker rod is not rubbing against anything and you still hear a noise, then the flame motor must be changed. To fix the issue, turn off the gas supply to the fireplace, remove the front grille, and access the fan blower inside. The replacement process varies depending on the manufacturer. Check the wire connections to the log set and the LED driver board as the may have come loose. It also does not contribute to indoor moisture or mold concerns. (But they charge you for it anyway.). A lack of heat production is a common issue and can include the heater not turning on, or it might turn on and blow cool air. The problem is that finding a trustworthy and affordable repair service and actually booking an appointment with them can feel like pulling teeth. Check the manual to see if your fireplace has one. Dirty fan blower. [All your questions answered for 2023], How many square feet does an electric fireplace heat? Why does my fireplace fan make a humming noise? Electric fireplaces come in different sizes and designs to match different user preferences. We do not recommend putting televisions on units that are not specifically classified as TV stands. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Reset the circuit breaker to restore power. Who makes the best electric fireplace inserts? The heating element is responsible for generating heat and warming up the room, and it operates by converting electricity into heat. If your fireplace generates the illusion of flames via a flame motor and the wiring looks fine, you may only need to replace the motor. You can test them with a multimeter and replace them if necessary. Using this form to find the best repair rates is100% risk-free. The 6 Best Energy-Efficient Space Heaters of 2023. If it doesnt turn the flames on, try engaging the flame effect with the control buttons on the fireplace. Some common causes and solutions for a clicking sound in your electric fireplace include: The clicking sound that is often heard in electric fireplaces is due to the expansion and contraction of materials within the fireplace as they are heated and cooled. Some services never call you back. Wind blowing down the chimney. We recommend using a clean damp cloth to wipe away any dust or dirt. So, working in conjuction with the home's primary heating system, Dimplex fireplaces are capable of taking the chill off just about any size room when required. Your electric fireplace may produce a loud clicking noise when you turn it on or when it's running. You need to be careful with resetting the breaker box regularly, as it may trip due to an overloaded circuit or other circuit issues that are a safety hazard. While you examine the wiring, keep an eye out for exposed wires. Dimplex fireplaces have full electrical certification throughout North America for complete peace of mind. This will reset and cool down your Dimplex electric fireplace. It is common to not notice the bulbs are burnt out until the last one goes. How do you lock and unlock a Dimplex heater? [Your questions answered in 2023]Continue, Electric fireplaces have become a popular choice for home heating as they are a convenient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional wood-burning fireplaces. There is nothing you can do to fix a hot thermostat. Inspect the wiring for any loose connections. Most electric fireplaces have a small sound when running- it often sounds like a slight, electrical humming noise. Test your thermostat for continuity. What to do if your electric fireplace is making a squeaking noise? The sound is created when various components within the fireplace, such as metal parts, expand and contract as they are heated and cooled. To repair the problem, check the blower to ensure its working correctly and there arent any stuck fragments. Check the thermostat settings before tinkering with the wiring or checking the heating element. Some hearths require you to remove the front glass, the light bulbs, and the firebox in order to access the heater assembly. But the standard ones like the Touchstone Sideline Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplaces are meant to supply heat to approximately 400sq. Your Dimplex electric fireplace light not working can be blamed on the following factors: Heres what you should do when you are facing the issue of the Dimplex electric fireplace flame not working. I created this website to help HVAC techs of all levels get the best out of their heating & cooling systems. Clean the blower with a slightly damp cloth. If not, test the thermostat with a multimeter for continuity. Expansion and contraction cause stress within the metal parts and other components, and the stress causes them to move or change position. Some electric fireplaces include a fan that circulates heat from your fireplace to the rest of the room. Other than that, the thermostat could be faulty. An electric fireplace will make clicking noises when you turn it on because of the expanding heating coils. While all electric fireplaces have local controls, it is inconvenient when the remote stops working. . If it works, theres a good chance the original outlet or circuit breaker it connects to is broken or malfunctioning. You can choose the most affordable option and schedule your repair directly with them. Dust buildup on the blower fan may cause the unit to generate excessive noise. Youll need to replace the defective flame rod to fix the issue. You may hear the fan running and perhaps crackling and popping noises of a real fire, but the noise shouldnt be alarming. Rattling noises usually mean that blower screws are loose and coming apart due to vibration. This solution is easy and shouldnt take more than five minutes. Repeat the same thing when you wish to unlock the heater by disabling Child Lock. If the thermostat is too low, the fireplace may not blow warm air, and in some cases, it wont even turn on. Access to the internal components varies based on which electric fireplace you have. If you are using a Wall Thermostat control, check the operation guide. 8 per hour based on heater cycling at 50%. To access the part, youll need to open the backplate. This dirt will eventually affect the smooth running of different components, thereby causing a clinking sound. Branded electric fireplaces, such as those that Stylish Fireplaces carries, can definitely be fixed after the guarantee has expired. Remember to unplug the fireplace from the wall outlet before removing the plate. First, check to see whether the power cable has melted or if a fuse has blown. If this component fails, your fireplace can still produce heat, but it can take a significant time to make the room warm and toasty. This means the fireplace cannot push out warm air, which can quickly cause it to overheat. This is because some electric fireplaces feature a PTFE or Teflon coating which, Read More Are electric fireplaces safe for birds? Many of our electric fireplace models simply plug into standard 120-volt outlets, but other units require more complicated installation that include hard-wiring. Loose connections in the fireplace can cause rattling noises. If you hear a buzzing noise, you might need to replace the flame speed control (if applicable). Other features include impact resistant safety glass and safety cut out with reset controls. Avoid the screws holding the electric fireplace together. Rather, it is a normal occurrence due to the expansion and contraction of materials within the fireplace. First, check the connection between the PCB and the temperature sensor for any loose wiring or incorrect placement. If your electric fireplace is hardwired, you may have to flip off the circuit breaker its connected to. Many electric fireplaces today are made to be quiet, so theyre less noisy than traditional space heaters. The flame uses slightly under 300 Watts of power. The beeping sound may be an indicator of dying batteries. Purifier models, the air filter may be dirty and need to be cleaned or replaced. Its main purpose is to coordinate the visual and audio features of the fireplace. If your direct vent gas-powered fireplace is making noise, you'll need to determine the cause in order to correct the problem. Other more advanced electric fireplaces use infrared technology to heat the surrounding objects.
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