The textbook covers all the essential parts of American government. The framework of the text is internally consistent. I like to 'build' my curriculum from a variety of sources; this book could provide a foundation. I choose this title because it underlines student political participation. Sentence structure and grammar are excellent. In short, more up to date statistics and graphics should be there. United States Government Democracy in Action Student ~ United States Government Democracy in Action Student Edition GOVERNMENT IN THE 1st Edition by McGrawHill Author 43 out of 5 stars 14 ratings ISBN13 9780078799822 ISBN10 0078799821 Why is ISBN important ISBN This barcode number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition of a book The text is easily navigated and free of any significant interface issues. - Chapter organization around the set of themes that any proper intro gov class would teach: institutions plus civil rights liberties, parties, elections, public opinion, and so on. In fact. Analysis of political institutions is well-balanced with substantial attention to the role of the individual and collective action. I also think the book does a good job bringing in gender concerns throughout the text. Excellent charts and interactive materiel. It covers all the bases of an Introduction to American Government and then some. The beginning of each module clearly identifies the learning objectives and is organized in such a way that it can be assigned at any point within the course as the instructor sees fit. I did not see too much passive tense. VII of the Constitution. And a printed version is also available for those who prefer it (including me!) Given by award-winning professors and experts in their field, these recorded lectures dive deep into the worlds of religion, government, literature, and social justice. I have not tested it on a smartphone; however, on a computer the book is easy to navigate - to move between chapters, sections, pages, etc is easy. The content is very up-to-date and includes/examines relevant current issues. I am impressed with the comprehensiveness of the textbook. Not a major issue for $40, but annoying. The second edition of the text provides more than 100 substantial updates from the last two years. I think the flow of the book is clear, with different headings and images to explain the material. I found it especially comprehensive in its coverage of civil rights, voter registration and turnout, and the concluding policy chapters. I would consider using this textbook in my American Government 101. Generally speaking, I think this textbook does as good a job at this as any other good textbook. - A good set of basic references at the end of each chapter. 3. But by sticking to institutional logic, historical examples, and well-established topic controversies that are not going to go away (abortion, executive orders and the use of force, the civil service), the book does an excellent job at avoiding the publishing industrys penchant for planned obsolescence. The content delivers plenty of perspective for students to learn about American government. Regarding 7.3 Direct Democracy, although I understand why it is where it is currently, I think that the concept needs to be covered earlier in the text (time of American founding perhaps or even in the first chapter if possible).
PDF TEXT: United States Government: Democracy in Action US GOVERNMENT It means "rule by the people" or "sovereignty of the people". While most of the narrative text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections, there are sections that go on for a page and a half of densely worded blocks of text that many of my first and second year students would find challenging in comprehension given that length. The text is very culturally sensitive and I see no cultural offensiveness. That might help to draw students into the material earlier in the semester, that is if you teach the chapters in order. Key terms are included at the end of each chapter. While it is rare for any textbook to be completely full of errors, there are a few more errors in this book than in my preferred American Government textbook and other leading textbooks on the topic. The framework of the chapters is internal consistent. The supplemental materials (graphs, charts, figures, etc.) Would be nice to build out the list for a bunch of other chapters as well. The text is a fully integrated print-digital solution for students and teachers. Additionally, there is a strong foundation of accurate historical background presented, especially in the Constitution chapter that provides the background necessary for understanding. The topics seem to be organized in a clear, logical fashion, with no jarring transitions. I did not see any issues in terms uneven discussions or those filled with mistakes. read more. Our students love videos---was it a conscious decision not to include video links? I did not see any grammatical errors while doing so. I also like the presence of key terms at the end of every chapter as in the textbooks one can pay ($) for. Particularly appropriate for an undergraduate audience. Chapter 8, Section 3 discussing the media and particularly the FCC is a very strong section of the text. This is the easiest area for remarks for this review. read more. I did not find the book cultural insensitive. It covers necessary topics clearly and comprehensively. One designed to be looked at online, another one that is essentially a replica of the printed version. It does a good job of defining terms used in the text and citing relevant sources. I made significant checks throughout the textbook and found it to accurate in the information provided. 334-335). Great examples, engaging stories, and clever interactive readings; the textbook would be relevant to most community college students today. The book covers all the main topics that good introductory American Government textbooks typically cover and also includes chapters on topics that are not covered in detail in many textbooks. For example, the section on ideology equates authoritarianism with the right side of the political spectrum, even though authoritarianism as a ruling style can also be commonly found in communist or socialist polities; students might be led to conclude that communists and socialists aren't about control. For instance, I find the unit groupings to be effective and have always taught special interest groups before Congress. From the founding and Constitution to the major institutions of Congress, Courts, and the Presidency, these major areas are The text is generally clear and easy to read, although it may err towards oversimplification is some places. The consistency and cohesion of the organization of the textbook is on par with all the other material on the market. In updates to this text, it may be useful to search for more contemporary illustrations of key concepts, and this would be a relatively easy fix to implement. Digital Teacher Lesson Center: Easily access all teaching resources and classroom management tools for the curriculum. There is very little jargon, and technical terms are adequately summarized. Experiences and participation of African-American, Latinx, Asian, indigenous, women, and LGBT citizens fill a chapter. It was quite easy to use. The chapters have a mix of history, current facts and evidence along with key concepts traditional of American government texts. I find this a potentially helpful framework to shape my courses. Each chapter includes embedded boxes with relevant information such as insider perspectives, specific short contemporary case studies, and external links to deeper readers. My kudos to the author. With a publication date of 2019, this text contains updates references both the presidential elections of 2016 and the midterm elections of 2018. So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page. If anything it simplifies our history as to discrimination and racism in the direction of being overly intolerant of past civil rights violations in the light of past cultural norms based on ignorance and insecurities that darken our history, and with which the present continues to deal with. For example, while Federalism (Chapter 3) is included in the "Students and the System" section, State and Local Government comes much later in the book (Chapter 14, in the "Formal Institutions" section). read more. The foundational building blocks of the republic that are provided are similar to the last This text can definitely be broken down not only by chapter but by sections. The book clearly defines all the terms and theories and in plain language for non-majors to understand. Chapter 2. Reviewed by Amanda Sink , Senior Lecturer , UNCG on 12/5/16, It covers all the areas that may be taught in an American Government intro class. Nearly every chapter has classic and current concepts to understand the evolution and development of institutions. by Richard C. Remy. 60. The United States has a complex government system. Making it possible for a student to read 2-3 pages and then stop/think about what they have covered. Some of this material is bound to become somewhat out-of-date in the relatively near term, but it appears to authors are releasing new editions of the book with updated information quite frequently, so this is less of concern to me than with other texts on this subject. The text was easily navigable and the Index, search function, and drop-down menus in the Table of Contents functioned seamlessly. The hyperlinks are effective for those who want to review the source and to learn more. There is an additional chapter on State & Local government aside from the chapter on federalism - which offers An innovative inclusion is that, in addition to the standard chapter on federalism, American Government (2e) also includes a separate chapter (14) on State and Local Governments. The inclusion of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, selected Federalist Papers and electoral college results will aid the student in referencing those materials over the instructor including a link (to be lost) or the student conducting a search.
PDF Us Government Democracy In Action Teacher Edition My preferred text, The Logic of American Politics (Kernell et al. Chapter 1. In reviewing the table of contents, I found the book has a logical flow that begins with defining what government is and then proceeds to provide information on the critical subjects of our American Government by Glenn Krutz covers a lot of ground. It is a well planned and logical progression of chapters and topics. Thought/theory/philosophy explained while discussing history of government. That noted, I will assign a section or two to aid in a specific class activity and these chapters can be used to supplement material in another course or two, particularly State & Local Government. Language is neutral and seems to avoid leading or biased undertones. The content is accurate, straightforward, and unbiased.
Download Ebook Government In America 13th Edition Plus, they blend with the gray boxes of the same color that are often used, otherwise effectively, to present case studies or specific examples. Students may struggle with somewhat dated, routine examples. It focuses on the importance of community engagement and social responsibility among middle and high school studentscore themes in the Massachusetts 8th Grade History & Social Science Curriculum Framework. ISBN. Perhaps the next addition could add a supplement for each chapter or unit containing other voices which could be an effective shortcut for the instructor and of interest to our contemporary student base that is more diverse in many areas than 10-20 years ago. Textbook solutions. This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. This looks like an excellent resource--well researched and in depth. The text's interface is similar to any American Government textbook and has clear charts, tables, and numerous features that are clear and unobtrusive.
The Political Genius of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Audiobook - Jeffrey line-height: 1.5 !important;
The foundational material in each chapter/section is relevant and the examples used to explain/apply such material is more up to date than many for profit books I have read. Chapter 8 on the Media is the best chapter I've seen on that subject. It provides an effective index as well as a glossary of key terms at the end of each chapter. V of the Constitution. The textbook includes many illustrations, photographs, and examples that are recent enough for students to be able to relate to without much difficulty. The textbooks language is not as direct and as appealing to the pedagogical style of this new generation of students. I think it would be harder to pull apart sections of the book independently and rearrange them. Product details Publisher : McGraw Hill; 1st edition (August 11, 2014) Language : English . Students first learn what constitutes a government. Modularity is important for me as I usually find myself teaching "out of order" with respect to the book's chapter organization. The sources cited, within the sections of each of the various chapters, are from reputable, recognizable experts in their fields of study. All of the topics you would expect to be covered in an American government 101 course are here: origins of our republic, institutions, individual action and collective action. Reviewed by Vicki Jeffries-Bilton, Instructor, Portland Community College on 12/31/21, The textbook includes virtually all topics that are critical to foundational course(s) in U.S. Government. It's very well organized. The textbook does not contain grammatical errors. Delivering Collective Action: Formal Institutions 5. United States Government Our Democracy View larger image. One example to consider is presented in chapter 10, section 5 discussing the free speech rights of interest groups versus calls to regulate their activity. Reviewed by Elsa Dias, Affiliate, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 11/1/19, The textbook provides for a comprehensive overview of American Government. For the most part, this book does as good a jobif not betterat sidestepping this capsules in time and offering something that need not be edited or updated often (though, some updates are always necessary as government is constantly evolving).
United States Government Our Democracy Textbook PDF Chapter . read more. But given what is currently happening with the COVID-19 Pandemic, I would argue that the textbook remains just as relevant, even though some of your reviewers will claim otherwise. Nice level of reading; grammatically correct. read more. In recent years rather than being an efficient mechanism for collective decision-making and progress, democracy seems to be fueling discord, division, and distrust of the other side. (Read Madeleine Albright's Britannica essay on democracy.) For many such students, the clarity in organization will further help clear any obstacles in understanding the political system.
United States Government Textbook - Street Law, Inc. At the same time, I should point out that, at least in my view, the book is organized in an unconventional way. The details and interpretations of major issues provided by the text are accurate and helpful. The interface is well done. and J. D. and Lee Arbetman and Megan L. Hanson and M.S. The hard copy version is sold by Amazon and other online retailers for about $20 (not sure it includes color for that price). Reviewed by Alexander Cohen, Assistant Professor, Augustana College on 6/19/18, By the standards of Introduction to American Politics textbooks, this is a comprehensive offering. The book uses a standard framework/structure, and so there is no problem with consistency. The text interface is good. Overall I find the writing to be at an appropriate level for first-year college students. ), does a bit better job of using a small number of key concepts transaction costs, conformity costs, free riding, the prisoners dilemma, etc. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Notice before you explore our Web site. For example, could chapter 8 be divided into six or eight sections? Welcome to our textbook for the year. The framework in the textbook and within chapters is consistent with other traditional publications. Ive covered organization under clarity above, so setting this aside, the textbook is good at being consistent in its tone and content, and chapters are easy enough to utilize. There are no grammar or spelling errors, but sometimes the choice or placement of topics doesnt align with the larger argument being made in a chapter, which can be confusing. Might be using this text in the spring of 2020, Reviewed by Amedee George, Professor, SUNO on 4/23/19, The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. Information is presented in a logical order. The text makes the content more relevant to students by providing opportunities to analyze and interpret charts, data, and graphs to better understand current examples and the applications of the material. Following each chapter are a glossary and comprehension/study questions. Furthermore, I think there are not enough appropriate charts and illustrations to engage student attention.
United States Government: Our Democracy 2018 - McGraw Hill Reviewed by Eric Radezky, Adjunct Professor, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY on 5/21/18, This textbook is very comprehensive. The textbook is well-written and clear. Overall, it is solid and accurate. One Day University presents a series of audio lectures recorded in real-time from some of the top minds in the United States. The material is generally laid out in a straightforward fashion that should make sense to the reader. For example, section 1.3 shows up as not converted. Facilitate mastery of complex principles with dynamic digital tools. The text covers the full range of standard American Government textbooks, from government and civic engagement, to civil liberties and rights to branches of government and foreign policy. read more. The book contained appropriate section breaks so that students can jump directly to the relevant subsection. In general, the content is suitably up to date, although some tables and figures should probably be updated soon. Digital Student Learning Center:Includes the full student edition and inquiry journal, plus engaging resources that provide context and bring the narrative to life such as maps, timelines, infographics, primary sources, images, and videos. Accuracy is overall quite good. My biggest concerns lie with the unconventional ordering of the material, as well as the density of the text throughout. I found the insertion of bold links in the middle of the text rather distracting. A chapter on State and Local government is also included as a useful addition. There is much more in this book than I could use in a term, so I would select portions of the chapters. The book is internally consistent. The links for figures seem to be useful in quickly navigating them. The 5 sections of the book could also be broken apart, for instance I would assign Chapter 15, but not 16 or 17, given the constraints of time. These gaps give the impression that the text has not been properly edited to make sure that text and images are combined the best possible way. Our School" Reopening Plan; Daily Bulletin; S3 Grant; Principal's Message; Mission & Vision Statement; Bell Schedule; Contact Us; Policies & Procedures; . Also, the map on page 15 lists Russia as a representative democracy. We have stopped printing many old products, but we might have some stock in our warehouse. I was impressed by how up to date the text was. The many color images and illustrations are very critical to minimizing any confusion.
PDF Democracy in the United States - USCIS Concept 1: Foundations of Government . The book covers all of the basic components of American government. The chapter on Congress should also be updated and with data from 2016 and 2018. textbooks Openlibrary_work OL2298885W . Additionally, there are critical thinking questions offered that challenge students to consider how persons different from them may feel regarding not only the history of the treatment they have received based on who they are, but how politics, public opinion, media coverage, public policy, and court decisions impact their ability to fully participate in our democracy. The textbook provides for a comprehensive overview of American Government. There were no issues with this at all. In the book, the word Figure will appear to let the reader know to look for an image. None that I could detect. However, there were some paragraphs, that were a bit wordy and I am concerned that at times the author may lose the student due to this wordiness. Democracy in the United States. It covers most, if not all, of the material that I typically cover in my American Government course and does so in an engaging way. Usually the image it only an inch or two from the Figure citation, but not always clear. Its framework is solid. The text did not include culturally offensive material and seemed inclusive in its examples and discussion. The interface of the textbook is excellent. The uniqueness of the American system is rarely mentioned (e.g., the fact that it has a presidential, federal system, with true separation of powers). By the standards of Introduction to American Politics textbooks, this is a comprehensive offering. In fact, Kurtz et al. For example, if an instructor wanted to cover formal institutions prior to individual agency and action or mediating institutions, it would not be difficult to do so using this text. Many varied examples and leaders are highlighted. Although in the last decade I have opted for brief editions of American government, in an electronic format a longer text is useful for I was quite impressed with this textbook, and have made plans to adopt it next year. Personally, I prefer to teach institutions before individual or collective action, and that looks like it would be easy enough to do with this textbook by simply assigning some of the later chapters first and then coming back to the ones in the middle of the book later. The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. The highlighting of key terms and the examples that are provided are helpful. The use of terminology appears to be consistent between chapters and is a strength of the textbook as repetition is valuable for student retention of a particular term or concept. This book is easy to divide into chapters or sections that make sense for the progression of the semester. The book is available in multiple formats. The text is extremely consistent. Electoral case studies provide for a story within a history. The definition of public opinion is probably not as accurate as it could be. While there are a few points where the text could be more concise, overall the text is well written and accessible. The text contains no grammatical errors that jumped out at me which is quite an accomplishment in such a voluminous text. read more. I haven't seen anything quite like that before, and it's useful. Relevant archival documents and photos add to the appeal. I like the "exercises" section for assessment of learning and the "glossaries." The chapters contain accurate information. There are some nice inserts in each chapter called Link to Learning. Each subsection has a quick review at the end to help readers see if they understand the section. It is easily the equal of most other traditional textbooks on the market now. Almost all said that the United States . It would be useful to have the endnotes at the end of the chapters. The sections on Native Americans lose their lands and on the rights revolution are too simplistic historically. The fully integrated print and digital content of United States Government: Our Democracy is grounded in solid pedagogy, strong authorship, and includes a full suite of thoughtfully designed teaching and learning tools.. Focus on big ideas with an accessible student text built around essential questions and inquiry. Engaging for an open textbook. The United States is an indirect democracy or a republic. The 2020 census will alter the reapportionment section on Congress and the Electoral College. Reviewed by Eileen Feldman, Instructor, Bunker Hill Community College on 11/20/20, This text, American Government 2e by Krutz and Waskiewicz, covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately beginning with the origins of each political construct, through its evolution in America, and trends into the future. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster and everyone else has a seat belt. Title: read more. The next time I teach American politics, I will definitely use this text. There are even two chapters on public policy, which many basic textbooks omit. Reviewed by Charles Young, Associate Professor, Umpqua Community College on 2/8/17, I am impressed with the comprehensiveness of the textbook. Although there is an internet link to the Articles in Chapter 2, I find it more useful for students to have access to the Articles within the textbook so they see they are important. Useful explanation with visual of common goods & excludability; unitary, federation and confederation; contents/concepts of Constitutional amendments. This is probably a sensitive issue. This text, American Government 2e by Krutz and Waskiewicz, covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately beginning with the origins of each political construct, through its evolution in America, and trends into the future. .nav-contain-highered{
The content of the text features contemporary examples and events situated within historical and theoretical contexts. In a couple instances such as above, they simply need to be done. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. The Links to Learning and Insider Perspective features in the text help to enrich the material without breaking the overall flow of discussion. With this objective in mind, the content of this textbook has been developed and arranged to provide a logical progression from the fundamental principles of institutional design at the founding, to avenues of political participation, to thorough coverage of the political structures that constitute American government. The fact that it is free is even more impressive. Download Here pdfsdocuments2 com. The founding chapter and the Constitution are great chapters and will always be relevant. So things will change and go out-of-date. Each requires students to open up these extended opportunities for more information but in my opinion slides into information "overload" dimensions. read more. The book was not culturally insensitive or offensive. It is a well-written and solid introduction to American Government. The textbook utilizes a wide array of references to various cultures, both in its written content and its supplementary graphics. I like how you included the FCC. The formatting of the text throughout is excellent. Again, the book uses a standard organizational framework/structure, and it is organized appropriately for an introductory text. This edition (2016) has been eclipsed by the huge changes under Trump, but that is also true of all 'standard' texts. Overall, the content is relevant and won't quickly become obsolete. I sometimes worry that textbooks I use are hard for students to understand. Thus, instructors who want to cover highly salient domestic policy issues like healthcare or immigration may need to assign supplements. Geraldo Rivera?) The chapters, at more than thirty pages are relatively long for some students so all of the material within a chapter may not be read. The book covers all the main topics that good introductory American Government textbooks typically cover and also includes chapters on topics that are not covered in detail in many textbooks. }
It is as accurate as any standard, mainstream textbook on American government. This book does a much better job of bringing these groups in than some other texts I have seen.