Receive this encouraging resource with a gift of any size! I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work God has planned for me. I really like it, and I want to quote it for you to read today. This will be a great year. 2. &k|RpVHPUAIfrOV N?GT>tXq#Dok BrVMDG{ok^z+T]1} @* ;>` DloAF^,@}}:1p O^x;>V=W\t>8l HK/,_##b?<3,X,@]e?qV]v#kXjh`m0zku;,| J% ^ Z/c,8,h>p>Ne]Db#ae)X{wX('}d$:}C2@N#"zV'x9lZl`2VFwNI `\O@42}4H "1RP` x)v#_#){kO'I~2Rl\+&H:GI0kwtx=_$i0g_5$ U{mOF:+[w6$ Program available in English. 0000016493 00000 n But a flood of Gods power. I will declare, "I'm blessed. I DECLARE I will live victoriously. HVrF}+:o(enala [[TJ`>{ ;fS_/[-& digital camo hat with american flag. DISCLAIMER: The contents on this page were sourced from Google. 4 Mar. Jacqueline. 3s@;16 I celebrate myself. I will not take for granted the people, the opportunities, and the favor He has blessed me with. I AM Blessed. I DECLARE God is going before me making crooked places straight. Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Luke 6:38 Person and socket of Jesus Christ is quality not the flesh Spirit in operation. Lydia Tjia Design. She wrote her first title, I Am Smart, I Am Blessed, I More about Alissa Holder. Sunday, May 31st. This is my declaration. All through the day we should go around saying, "I have the favor of God. 5 0 obj God has purposed things for you that He started generations ago. The 16,800-seat Lakewood Church building, home to four English-language services and two Spanish-language services per week, is located at the former Compaq Center. Joel Osteen's Blessing Declaration | Names of jesus, Blessed, Empowerment $600K stolen from Lakewood Church - Chron This is my declaration. Share to. I declare God is working all things together for my good Day 15 - I Declare that I have a sound mind filled with good thoughts, not thoughts of defeat. Inspiring, encouraging and powerful are just a few of the words that describe our wide selection of worship music. Your words have power! fayette county public schools director of special education I will not be passive or indifferent. Request Peace for the Season: 40 Devotions For Christmas, the new hardcover book from Joel. It will elevate me to a level higher than I ever dreamed of. I am adopted as his child (Ephesians 1:5). I DECLARE I have the grace I need for today. In reading a new book entitled, Champion, by Craig Johnson, an associate pastor of Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, I became aware of a weekly declaration Pastor Joel Osteen and his congregation say out loud in unison. He is preparing me right now because He is about to release a special grace to help me accomplish that dream. When I was last in Vietnam more than 10 years ago, I remember I had to hang on to the yellow copy of the Customs declaration form. To learn more about making a donation to Joel Osteen Ministries, visit our"Why Give?" His yoke is easy and His burden is light. 0000019005 00000 n I choose to live my life happy, bloom where I am planted, and let God fight my battles. page. Each Declaration is developed for a better understanding of what we confess with our mouths. This faith-filled set includes declarations about the Word of God, Jesus, Peace, Favor, Joy, Hope, Health, Abundance, Confidence, and Destiny. The Power of I Am | Lakewood Church Store Day 6 Declaring a Legacy of Faith Over Your Life. Our series feature relevant messages from our pastors and provide words of encouragement for every season of life. I am one of a kind. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Declarations & Decrees: I am Blessed of The LORD! You are lining up with Gods Word. This is my declaration. I am full of favor! I am what it says I am. i am anointed. Y R^a If4*pb "!_R0`8E{ I AM Disciplined. %PDF-1.4 % For a monthly recurring donation, please specify a date for the donation to occur. Pin on blessings - Pinterest This will be a great year." When you do that, you are blessing your future. I am what it says I am. I Declare Quotes by Joel Osteen - Goodreads I will help call out their seeds of greatness by telling them Im proud of you. Lakewood Church has approximately 45,000 adult attendees attending services and activities every week. I will not be moved by what I see but by what I know. I will look at what is right and not what is wrong. If you receive this for you and your family this year, comment Amen! I am ABUNDANTLY BLESSED in my finances because I honor God with my wealth. i am equipped. It will not be stopped by people, disappointments, or adversities. Lakewood Church Open to Any in Need. i am beautiful. Day 14 - I Declare that I will use my words to bless people. I am a victor and never a victim. "Lakewood Church Quotes." Matthew 7:15, 22-23. A mantra started by Joel's father and Lakewood's founder, John Osteen, in the 1980s, the statement highlights the church's evangelical fidelity to the Bible and firm conviction about its spiritual power. Otro sitio realizado con lakewood church declaration i am blessed. I am blessed going out. 0000001480 00000 n We let go of all the disappointments, the . This is my declaration. This is my declaration. "I AM" is a Heretic in the New Age, using self visualizations, law of attraction is pagan worship, it's false teaching. "I am strong. lakewood church declaration i am blessed Not average, not mediocre, I am a child of the most high God. Lakewood Church - Wikipedia A flood of wisdom. An ambitious university student who have an extensive knowledge in classic and modern English literature currently working towards a bachelor's degree in business law | Learn more about Dat Nguyen Quoc's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn lakewood church declaration i am blessed. Worship chord charts and guitar tabs for gospel or black gospel music from artists like Todd Dulaney, Eddie James, William McDowell, Hezekiah Walker, Byron Cage, Tasha Cobbs and more. I DECLARE that God is bringing about new seasons of growth. I am blessed in the field. I am blessed. DECLARATION Quoted by Pastor John Osteen Founding Pastor Lakewood Church. lakewood church declaration i am blessed . I will use my words to change my situation. I will speak words of faith and victory, affirming them, approving them, letting them know they are valued. Jun 7. g?n*Bw n 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 4 25 0000000016 00000 n L14 75140cm 77512 4901065775109V276 neut kitchen( I will discover talent that I didnt know I had and I will accomplish my God-given dream. Royal blood flows through my veins. I DECLARE I will speak only positive words of faith and victory over myself, my family, and my future. })(); Don't have an account yet? This is my declaration. Adam did you about lakewood declaration i blessed and to abraham and your wisdom, i am statements about your own strength if they will supply. I DECLARE I am grateful for who God is in my life and for what Hes done. If certain promises dont look like they will happen, I will not be intimidated and give up. This is my declaration. He will speak to the right people about me. God is not here to do our will and fulfil our dreams. 57 Powerful Declarations To Speak Over Yourself - ChristiansTT Positive Quotes. Every March, applications become available for that year's Internship program. Dont let people talk you out of what God told you. hb```"Vv!b`0ptMenH.ackp4``Z T*ipoYMkf.#w _fM8r6oH[FG33Z (982l@Z@\.}d\qZT}J5yPEW -)fi*s1@| Cc endstream endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 59 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[43.1023 96.2469 449.635 638.944]/Type/Page>> endobj 60 0 obj <>stream Day 21 - I Declare God's supernatural favor over my life. Not a trickle. My thoughts are guided by Gods Word, every day. I will thank Him for what I have and not complain about what I dont have. Its not enough to just dwell on positive thoughts. Most importantly, you can experience life in any deadly situation, restoration and revival in all areas. One. I agree to the terms of serviceand privacy policy. New doors of opportunity, new relationships, and new levels of favor are in my future. I have been custom-made. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( "This is my Bible. 0000021605 00000 n Affirm God's blessings in every area of your life by declaring faith, hope, and victory over your family, your friends and your future. I am forgiven. listeners: [], The windows of Heaven are OPEN OVER ME and God rebukes the devourer for my sake. If she accepts this call, Mrs. Elder will teach the 5th through 8th grade classroom at Lakewood Lutheran School next year, and also serve as our director Obedience, both to the written Word of God and the example of Christ, calls us to be baptized. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users I DECLARE God is working all things together for my good. I will ask God to bring to pass those hidden dreams that are deep in my heart. I shall have prosperity in all things and endeavors; I shall remain in good health even as my soul prospers ( 3 John 1:3) 2. With the app from Lakewood, you can view live services, catch up on recent messages and learn more about upcoming events. i am blessed. I DECLARE unexpected blessings are coming my way. He was one of the church's founders in 1983. This is my time to shine. His congregation is racially diverse. When you say, "I am blessed," blessings come looking for you. Texas celebrity pastor Joel Osteens Lakewood Church buckled to pressure and will repay $4.4 million in COVID-19 disaster loans meant for small businesses, according to I learn by Joel Osteen on Free Audio Book Download. 0000005323 00000 n gossops green dentist. Joel Osteen Affirmations: 25 of Joel Osteen's Best Affirmations Day 13 - I Declare that God is bringing about new seasons of growth. You're apart of a much bigger plan. In his new book, The Power of I Am, Joel Osteen shares the secret to changing your future. You. If you want to live blessed, you have to declare what God says about youyou are valuable, talented and redeemed. There may be things i dont understand right now but Im not worried. What used to be difficult will not be difficult anymore. I stay in my race and am comfortable with who I am. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right. Menu; Search for; Live Sunday Mass 5 March 2023 || Ss. Give the gift of hope. (,yW`7MJUDb'IL_Z[U7/g-EwI3gc+1~bkGu=[ YM,i.xmEVs^B>U )ouoio}o)[SYjFt:SaGyhl4Ujv?f=(pyVzOY-VnQ 45,000. This is my declaration. 2020 Declarations By Lakewood Church. Bless Yourself. b5fI\R\n?T}?m#tUtv.-&9#%z@|PVj[9O`jVT7bjxMVay4M1flY:+K0{z*_[o4[OiVx0O)[,pJ`:\Uu4)=U]4[7UQOOREWA HZ9Vg 5\ .SgUg_=4836(/4UUJ2JM,%ivu]A2 |4yM|I R=k=r/+P,EPMuLfrL^\9iQp?iC fKM3(/p#i{f| Day 28 - I Declare that I will ask God for big things in my life. This is my declaration. An uncluttered mind is a powerful force. Remember now? lakewood church declaration i am blessed - I will fulfill my destiny. I will not take for granted the people, the opportunities, and the favor He has blessed me with. My mind is alert; my heart is receptive; I will never be the same. This month shall favor everyone as we raise our hands up for the blessing of the Lord. Day 27 - I Declare I am equipped for every good work God has planned for me. About Bethel Kids Declaration #2 Poster This is the second declaration to come out of Bethel Church's Children's Ministry! 0000004010 00000 n I was created in the image of God. Get Today's Word Daily Devotional in your Inbox, With your help, we will continue to tell the world about Gods unconditional love and unending hope found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Joel Osteen Ministries is a qualified IRS Section 501(c)(3) OrganizationJoel Osteen Ministries Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity: No. God is not here to do our will and fulfil our dreams. customs declaration form - Hanoi Message Board - Tripadvisor "This is my Bible. Here I am, I have come to do your will.. Do you know your identity in Christ? I DECLARE that I have a sound mind filled with good thoughts, not thoughts of defeat. Discouragement cant stay where hope is. Day 24 - I Declare I will speak only positive words of faith and victory over myself, my family, and my future. i am redeemed. I will demonstrate my faith by taking bold steps to move toward what God has put in my heart. i am talented. The Lakewood Church was established by Joel's father on the 10 th May 1959, located in Houston. If you want to live blessed, you have to declare what God says about youyou are valuable, talented and redeemed. I AM more than a conqueror through Him Who loves me (Romans 8:37). The right people and the right breaks are in my future. The words you speak set the course for your future. Entering Lakewood Church - From The Square We at __________ are lovers of the Word. May 20, 2021 . People will go out of their way to be good to me. Day 6 - I Declare a legacy of faith over my life. Request yours today! Today, I will be taught the Word of God. This is my declaration. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Lakewood Church is an evangelical non-denominational Christian megachurch located in Houston, Texas.It is one of the largest congregations in the United States, averaging about 45,000 attendees per week. This is the man that is blessed of Me. rollins lake boat rentals I DECLARE I am a people builder. Works under: Android. I AM a believer, and the light of the Gospel shines in my mind (2 Corinthians 4:4). I am anointed. Lakewood Church is a non-denominational evangelical Christian megachurch located in Houston, Texas.It is among the largest congregations in the United States, averaging about 45,000 attendees per week. Declaration - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. 0000012179 00000 n page. } 0000001087 00000 n I am blessed. I DECLARE I am grateful for who God is in my life and for what Hes done. Gods abundance is surrounding my life today. When you speak it out, you give life to what youre saying. trailer <]/Prev 135857>> startxref 0 %%EOF 28 0 obj <>stream Items stored in the cart can be limited, checkout within, Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), 4 Reasons to Affirm your Identity in Christ, 5 Benefits of Speaking Biblical Declarations, 5 Things that Make Biblical Declarations Work, 20 Biblical Declaration of Truths to Speak Over Yourself, 10 Scriptural Declarations to Speak Over Yourself, 21 Fight this Fear Biblical Declaration to Speak Over Yourself. Here are some of our newest and most popular resources. May you and your Family be blessed Osteen, I am more than blessed i needed words like this, on the way we loose interests in god, we face challeges sometimes we think that god doesnt exists but today my faith is reunited and learn to trust god in everything, I am more than blessed i needed words like this, on the way we loose interests in god, we face challeges sometimes we think that god doesnt exists but today my faith is renewed and learn to trust god in everything, The declarations are powerful it always happens to give out the declarations at the right time, The words are so powerful God bless you Osteen. My mind is alert; my heart is receptive; I will never be the same. I am the head and not the tail. Im ready for a year of blessings and a year of thriving. I will see Gods amazing plan taking me places i never dreamed of. I'll never be the same - never, never, never! Back to login. I DECLARE there is an anointing of ease on my life. I will rise higher, overcome every obstacle, and experience victory like never before! I am getting stronger, healthier, and wiser. 0000002303 00000 n I DECLARE Gods incredible blessings over my life. This is my declaration. Request this premium collection today, and receive 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living(Expanded Edition) coffee table book; plus, a pair of custom-inscribed gold ornaments, perfect for your holiday decorating.Also receive Peace for the Season: 40 Devotions . A great memorable quote from the Lakewood Church movie on - Host: This is my Bible: I am what it says I am; I have what it says I have; I can do what it says I can do. He has a master plan for my life. Osteen's weekly televised sermons were watched by roughly 10 million people in the United States and several million more in over 100 countries as of 2018. My wallet and bank account are blessed I am blessed coming in. Version v2.1.4346. I Declare | Lakewood Church Store 14 75140cm 77512 4901065775109V276 neut kitchen() Lakewood Music - The Blessing Lyrics | Genius Lyrics It helps affirm God's blessings over every area of our lives by declaring faith, hope, and victory over our families, friends and our future, says Joel Osteen Day 1 - Declaring God's blessings I DECLARE God's . Osteen encourages readers to think positively and improve their lives by speaking the promises of God. My mind is set on what God says about me. %PDF-1.3 Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American All you wither do is to click pause any neglect the given title. I will call in favor, good breaks, healing, and restoration. An internal server error has occurred. My mind is alert; my heart is receptive; I will never be the same. Here are some motivating declarations by Joel Osteen to jump start your day! Still, Bernadette digs in the ground and the healing waters begin to appear. Host: This is my Bible: I am what it says I am; I have what it says I have; I can do what it says I can do. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God. 0000001947 00000 n . Size 6 MB. I wanted to learn more about the mega-church and Osteens ministry. the , . I DECLARE Gods dream for my life is coming to pass. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What he promised will come to pass. 82605 6368 RR0001. I also observe a large group of people rolling into the church, some wheeling themselves while others proceed in electric wheelchairs. . Your best days are ahead, and together we can impact this world with the message of God's hope and love. He was a member of the Ng family who ruled South Vietnam in the The vision Lakewood Church is to make a positive impact upon the city of Houston by creating a city-wide family center in which all are welcome-a place Filled with practical advice and encouragement, The Power of I Am shows readers how they can redirect the course of their lives through the words they say. Favorite feature of Joel Osteen's sermons at Lakewood Church. event : evt, 0000000979 00000 n lakewood church declaration i am blessed 2022. Closed now: Wed. Closed. The words we speak can set the course for our future. Day 21 - I Declare God's supernatural favor over my life. I am the head, never the tail, above never beneath. God is going before me making crooked places straight. God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think. } I am surrounded by Gods favor. I DECLARE that God has a great plan for my life. Supernatural opportunities, healing, restoration, and breakthroughs are coming my way. Plus, youll know whos speaking next week, and can give without pulling out your wallet. Im healthy. An internal system error has occurred. I DECLARE I will not just survive, I will thrive. LAKEWOOD CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE DETAILS. You can enjoy the blessings of God in every area of your life when you speak the word of God to that situation. This is my declaration. Day 7 - I Declare that God has a great plan for my life. We at __________ are lovers of the Word. I will overcome every obstacle, outlast every challenge, and come through every difficulty better off than I was before. Your words are powerful. 2023. I'm strong. PDF Lakewood Church Declaration I Am Blessed Those are not just positive affirmations; you just invoked a blessing on yourself. I have the DNA of a winner. what is television segregation Search We are sorry for the inconvenience. 19 They will not be ashamed in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they will have abundance. You are who you are today in part because of what youve spoken over your life. I know when God sees my faith, He will show up and do amazing things. March 11, 2014 Updated: March 11, 2014 2:54 p.m. Cash and checks - along with written credit card information - were stolen from Houston's Lakewood Church on Sunday, according to an email sent . Now you can declare this and nine other powerful affirmations over yourself and your loved ones every day. I am wearing a crown of favor. } I agree to the terms of serviceand privacy policy. This is my declaration. When you say, "I am prosperous," good breaks start tracking you down. 2:22). This is my declaration. Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity - Kindle edition by Sinitiere, Phillip Luke. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living Seed of the Word of God. God's Word is a light unto our feet and light unto our pathway! 0000016944 00000 n This is my declaration. 7yX:=rnoe{4w4oAt[%'Tgo /co:_M Y}on0wwh/%:}`G#ym;?|m@QIHT"Z:4Z?_|z"h,[3"D mBr& -WC>P@LM 4}\cQi I AM Talented. Day 24 - I Declare I will speak only positive words of faith and victory over myself, my family, and my future. The miracle is in your mouth. I am focused. When you declare Gods goodness and get your words going in the right direction, your life will go in the right direction. The fruit of my labor is blessed. I will rise above every difficulty, knowing that God has given me the power to remain calm. I am sensitive to the needs of those around me. I know all the pieces arent here yet. Day 16 - I Declare that I will live as a healer. 0000019704 00000 n He will work out every detail to my advantage. I am a child of the most high . I will not get stagnant, give up on my dreams, or settle where I am. Do we still have to fill in the customs form and hand it . I am healthy. He will give me victory sooner than I think. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. i am fearfully and wonderfully made. Below is the video of Lakewood Church Sunday Service from Houston, Texas (USA) ( Wait some few seconds for video to load then click . Welcome to Lakewood! I am holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4). We thank You that You are at work in our lives. I will not get stagnant and hold on to the old. I will give birth to every promise God put in my heart and I will become everything God created me to be. lakewood church declaration i am blessed - This is my declaration. Not average, not mediocre, I am a child of the most high God. I will see Ephesians 3:20 exceedingly, abundantly, above-and-beyond favor and increase in my life. I am a breakthrough person and I choose to live breakthrough minded. i am valuable. I DECLARE that I will use my words to bless people. 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life - My life is marked by excellence and integrity. I am valuable. Gods favor and blessing on my life is lightening the load and taking the pressure off. I am equipped." "I am empowered. Package name hb``c``````bd@L@,&R I am patient. Are Your Words Blessing You? | Joel Osteen Ministries While material blessings are certainly included in God's favor, the Bible ascribes a much fuller meaning to the word blessed. Request this premium collection today, and receive 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living(Expanded Edition) coffee table book; plus, a pair of custom-inscribed gold ornaments, perfect for your holiday decorating. I'll boldly confess. Sickness, trouble, lack, mediocrity, are not permanent. An internal system error has occurred. In Jesus' name. 26 Affirmations From Joel Osteen To Bring Success To Your Life Before the service started, I toured the grounds and witnessed the many adult and childrens classes. I am his masterpiece, His most prized possession. I will keep my head held high, knowing I am a child of the most high God, made in His very image. It will elevate me to a level higher than I ever dreamed of. on: function(evt, cb) { May 22, 2021. I will become all I was created to be. Affirm God's blessings in every area of your life by declaring faith, hope, and victory over your family, your friends and your future. Lakewood (APK) - Review & Download - FilePlanet God has solutions to every problem I will ever face already lined up. The words we speak can set the course for our future. Inside of you is the power to ignite your spirit, stir up your gifts, and unleash the favor, blessing, and potential that God has for you! ImSQYmyMen*F#=O3LCox& eu~`Lw`B6WX?W Wx4YdLGy*}) This is my declaration. forms: { lakewood church declaration i am blessed - Youre going to see provision you cant explain, good breaks that dont make sense, increase thats not logical. You have the best gift imaginable this Christmas every promise and blessing wrapped up in our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. I am here to encourage, equip, and inspire Christians with biblical truth that will help us overcome everyday life challenges. I will keep my trust in Him, knowing that He will not fail me. Day 27 - I Declare I am equipped for every good work God has planned for me. I am not a slave to sin. I AM Focused. ); I have God's anointing, and that's what matters. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living Seed of the Word of God. Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. I am forgiven. The enemy knows if he can get in your ear, if he can deceive you into listening to wrong voices, then he can keep you from your destiny. i am attractive. I will live with purpose, passion, and praise, knowing that I was destined to live in victory. John Osteen August 21, 1921 January 23, 1999) Osteen founded Lakewood Church in 1959 in Houston, Texas and developed Lakewood Church has approximately 45,000 adult attendees attending services and activities every week. Millions more watch Osteen's messages as they are broadcast on national and . When you say, "I am prosperous," good breaks start tracking you down. A great memorable quote from the Lakewood Church movie on - Host: This is my Bible: I am what it says I am; I have what it says I have; I can do what it says I can do. I will not continually struggle. Watch Lakewood Church Sunday Service Live Broadcast From Houston (Texas) The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers.