However, they all have a different meaning for each person. Lyrans are believed to be some of the oldest living souls in the universe, thought to have originated from multiple stars throughout the Lyra constellation. This means either that theyre sending out negative energy that is affecting your field (and vice versa) OR else theres a personality attachment around them which makes them seem irresistible. . Lyran Starseeds. Because of their high energy, they want to try so many things. They have their way of completing a job. There is an intense curiosity that drives lyran starseeds even as children. These markings are usually said to be painful in appearance and colouration and they can sometimes appear with different textures too; such as thin lines, thick lines, ripples or waves that look like wavy grains of sand. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople. Theyre the type to go out and take life by the horns, often jumping headfirst into challenge after challenge without thinking too much about it first. Although they look like humans, they have prominent feline features, with noses and eyes looking particularly cat-like. Thus, its easy to understand why many believe that Lyran starseeds are here to help humanity evolve on a global scale! They like adventures and always go for thrills. They will go to any lengths to see this wrong righted, even if it means personal sacrifice on their part. What Is A Starseed? {Different Starseed Types & Traits} Thanks for sharing. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more until you reconnect emotionally with your true self. They're often the life and soul of the party and get great satisfaction in making other people laugh. Lyrans are very intelligent and tend to know a lot, about a wide range of topics! They were then known as the ancient race of Felines. All Lyrans are humanoid and are said to be the root race of all humanoid races in our galaxy. Starseeds come from many different planets, galaxies and star systems. Either situation can be explosive. Lyrans are very energetic and like to be involved in many activities. People are attracted to them and acknowledge their . Compared to the other races that mostly value the collective and unity, Lyran Starseeds privilege individual needs above societys needs. When they are around with people, who have the same origin as theirs, they are mostly leaders. Listen to this Lyran Starseed Transmission recorded by Steve Ahnael Nobel in London (September 2016). A common Lyran starseed trait is their natural interest in metaphysics, nanotechnology, space travel, sciences and the paranormal. Lyras powerful energy allows them to become great leaders. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Lyran starseeds often hide behind a facade of cynicism and sarcasm to protect themselves from the emotions they pick up from others, but lyrans are also compassionate and caring in their own way. If parents hold on to their children to tightly, the Lyran starseed will either fight tooth and nail for their independence or they will put their parents needs above their own, essentially strangling their inner selves. Their intelligence is truly endless and they're always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. The second way would be by visiting a specialised healer who can easily observe these energies for you by using a special device called the Aura Camera, which captures images of the aura and starseed markings ( more on this below ). Lyran Starseeds are a very loving, beautiful and inte. If that doesnt work for you then try the following steps: Try to imagine a circle around the outside of your body and notice where it would touch down on your physical form. After a quick search, I came across this page, and found I related almost immediately. Let us know in the comments. We have other articles on this but lets continue this topic by talking about Lyran Starseeds. The following Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics result from the integration of Lyra energy by these rare Lightworkers. Numerology Reveals Your Starseed Origins - YouTube This is one of the main Lyran characteristics. Besides being associated with Orpheus in the Greek mythology, the lyre is also connected to entertainment, fun and feasts. The first appearance of these markings usually happens at birth or shortly after but they can appear later in life for people that are not spiritually aware. They are not from the same planet as us, but rather a different star system. However, they are mainly lovely and easy going, until provoked. This is happening because either a spirit wants you to know that theyre around you OR else theres an imprinted energy nearby which has connected with yours to try and drag you into the astral realm unwillingly. This could mean one of two things: youre either lacking energy signatures (due to being unable to locate them), or else you have so many energetic attachments already that they overpower your sense of self-identity and leave little room for anything else. By accessing these ancient truths, Lyran starseeds can offer loving assistance to our planet in healing the environment and uplifting humanitys current state of collective consciousness. A lyran starseed helps others remove mental barriers that prevent them from moving forward, and you have a deep connection with people who are mentally and physically handicapped, or different from the norm in some way. Star Seed Codes (Degrees) | Fixed Stars - Blogger There are two ways of telling: 1. Romantic relationships can be difficult for lyrans because lyran starseeds have a hard time opening up emotionally to most people they meet, and lyrans may push away those who show romantic interest in them before they get the chance to know the other person well enough to trust. This is because these types of markings resonate on a much higher level and are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. 2. Starseed markings are not what you think it is, it is not a physical mark on your skin, it is the positioning of celestial bodies (planets and stars . Because lyran starseeds sometimes feel out of place in society, they may feel like a stranger in their own home town. You are extremely compassionate and caring toward others. Lyrans make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limits. Although they have limitless spiritual potential, it is often a challenge for them to put effort into this side of their life. Lyran starseeds often display joy for life and have the ability to inject spontaneity into even the most mundane activities. You are good at making fun of others while still keeping your friends around you. Because they are so in touch with themselves and others, Lemurian starseeds make wonderful leaders and teachers. Coming to Earth is not as hard for them as for many other starseeds and they can excel even in the harshest conditions because they carry ancient wisdom. There are no more questions. Some famous Starseed variants are Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Andromedan, Orion, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children, Lightworker, Lemurian, and Atlantean, Maldek, Feline and Lyran, Blue Ray, Venusian, Reptilian, and Draconian. The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. However, there is one major difference between these two civilizations: where they originate from. Are You Spiritually Gifted? Lyra was recorded as early as the 2nd century BC by the astronomer Ptolemy. For those with the soul of a Lyran starseed the physical appearance is typically distinguished by their glowing blue or green eyes, a refined facial structure, pointed chin and high cheekbones. You have many long-lasting friendships with people who share common interests with you. The Lyran people contained feline genetics that were crossed with primate genes from that constellation. There are many different types of starseed markings but the most common ones would be described as either glyphs or theta shapes. Starseeds and Their Connection to Ancient Civilizations. Sirian Starseed. You are sociable, but you dont get sucked into the drama around you and can observe others closely without getting emotionally involved. You'll often experience headaches or other symptoms if you're too exposed to high levels of technology and thus you should take breaks often if possible. Some of the most common starseed types are Pleiadians, Sirians, Avians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Orions and Reptilians. Lyrans have rock solid emotions; they dont break in front of others. ALSO READ: Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics. If this seems like something that might describe your life, dont worryyoure not alone! Faith. You have a natural intuitive feeling that everything will work out fine in the end, so lyrans can be counted on to help keep others happy when things look bleak. My natal chart analysis of Donald Trump from 9 - Starseed Shaman Blog Lyran starseeds originate from the constellation Lyra, mainly the planet, Vega. Lyran constellation - Lyrans call the Vegas star home, which is located inside the Lyra constellation. They have a sincere desire to help others and long to find their place in society. Lyran Starseed: traits & meaning - Awakening State Dont worry we will never share your information or SPAM you. I need to trust. Thats why many old souls made their way from the depths of the universe to Earth in order to guide mankind through this transitional period. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. You have a strong desire for peace and justice in the world, and are inspired to work toward positive change. They have a good heart, and they are highly trustworthy as a friend. Lyrans had a unique part in the creation of humanity. They may have memories of past lives on Lyra or an interest in other worlds and cosmic orders. Being an Andromedan starseed, you're going to have a much stronger sensitivity to electronics such as televisions or smartphones. . They hate to be treated unfairly and wont stand for it, but they are far more offended by seeing other people treated unfairly. I am. Through meditation, we can access this energy in order to access a higher level of consciousness, go beyond ego boundaries, gain clarity about life purpose, and unlock new paths for spiritual expansion. Lyran Starseeds Origin. Their nose and eyes look like cats. Lyran starseed energy is an ancient, spiritual energy that works to facilitate growth and uncover hidden knowledge. Lyran starseeds are all about their mission here on Earth. Lyran Starseeds: Origins, Starseed Markings & Modern Starry Practices. Also check outPleiadian,Andromedans,Orions, Arcturians, Avians, Reptilians, Mintakans, Alpha Centaurians, Venusian, Hadarians, Polarians and Sirianstarseeds. Lyran starseeds are the type of people that do things that would make the rest of us panic at least a little. Additionally, Lyrian starseeds possess strong telepathics skills, as well as a deep connection to Spirit. Blue Star Spiritual Meaning - Fresh Start For Earth, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, The Spiritual Significance of a Blue Moon 10 Fascinating Symbolism, What Does it Mean When Your Right Wrist Itches? There are two types of starseed markings both can give you insight into your past lives. Example 3 : this is the most common type which usually consists of one or more theta symbols. These characteristics are most apparent during and after awakening, but even before then, these signs can show up. Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. One of the greatest attributes of lyran starseeds is their ability to integrate these gifts into a normal, everyday life. Lyrans can also be impatient and seem moody and aloof if there is nothing exciting going on. The visibility or invisibility of certain planets determine what kind of mark it is. An unusual sensitivity toward energy fields (e.g., electromagnetic fields) They are often attracted to subjects of time travel, UFO experiences, crop circles, and mystical realms. She had a whole extra section on each finger too- I always thought that was amazing but my point is .. that is just one of the amazing clues and evidence of my Grandmas origins. The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the connection gets weaker. They know their itchy feet will send them elsewhere soon enough, so they are reluctant to start putting down roots. 1. If none of those methods work then Im afraid there are no other ways for you to figure out where your markings are hidden without having someone else read them for you! In fact, they are often described as Freedom Fighters because of their inability to stand by and watch the powerful exploit the weak. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection. Lyran starseed. Sirians are very intelligent and often times gifted. Nature is full of energy signatures, you just need to learn how to tune into them and then youll be able to see them with your minds eye. *You feel empty or defective in some way; as if something is missing inside of you. Lyrans are excellent at operating in the physical dimensions. You enjoy learning about most areas of interest to humans, even though lyran starseeds typically have an intense focus on their own personal interests. However, if all else fails and your markings just arent showing up, dont despair! How to Find Your Starseed Markings on the Body, types of markings and its one of those things that is completely unique to your personal starseed, Andromedan Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Zeta Reticuli Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Eridanus Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Alpha Centauri Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Procyon Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Draconian Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Maldek Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Mintaka Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Pleiadian Starseed: Traits and Characteristics. left handed due to their brains built in duality Nature vs nurture: lyran starseeds are no more or less likely than anyone else to have been guided by family members, but the lyran starseeds sensitivity to the energies around them makes it more likely for lyran starseeds to have been affected by negative or positive influences in the energy fields of other people. You may also have a strong sense of compassion, feeling deeply for others and wanting to do anything you can to make them feel better. Print 1982. A race of ancient beings called Felines also come from Lyra, and they helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including . They tend to be inquisitive thinkers and will seek out solutions through intellectual pursuits rather than relying on intuition or inner guidance. This usually only works if you have fairly unusual markings though or none at all. If they want something, they'll go after it. If there are lessons to be . Some lyrans will say they channel ancient beings or God (as if there is only one), while others will say they channel beings from other planets. 26. Pursue Their Dreams Aggressively. These characteristics are most apparent during and after awakening, but even before then, these signs can show up. Some have tattoos, birthmarks or even scars that are not normal which means they stand out from the rest of society. Are you a Sirian Starseed? 12 Major Traits, Mission & Purpose They just prefer that their compassion be expressed through intellectual rather than physical means, such as by helping people get back on their feet financially or providing legal aid. You feel like it is very important to help others and are naturally drawn to careers in healing, teaching or charitable work. *You cant stop thinking about someone even though they treat you badly, or else every time they leave you it feels like a part of your soul has been ripped away. They enjoy good health and are in tune with their bodies, meaning that they know straight away when they have a health problem often before even a doctor could tell! Lyrans will express their thoughts and feelings in very creative ways. Covering 286.5 sq degrees, it ranks 52nd of the 88 modern constellationsin size. Lyrian starseeds are unique, often having vast wisdom and knowledge that comes from other lifetimes. Many dont marry and spend their lives going from fling to fling, never really finding what they are looking for. Lyrans may have many romantic relationships as they enjoy the physical connection but have a hard time committing to one person. They never give in against those who are wrong doing to others. Sometimes people will say that they have a gut feeling about something, or sometimes they might just know for certain that its going to happen even though there are no signs pointing in that direction. You want to help everyone to be more aware of their feelings and express themselves honestly so they can find deeper happiness in their lives. This finds its roots in their primal need not to be tied down to anyone or place, but the sad fact is that these people are missing out. - the activities that make other people's "kidneys shiver in fear". Lyran. The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the connections get weaker, then surrounding yourself in nature to help re-charge yourself. Lyran starseeds feel too deeply to risk being hurt by others opinions , so lyrans often bottle up their true feelings until they explode into sarcasm, anger and even physical violence. Are you a Lyran Starseed? Some Lyrans have cat like features around the eyes and nose, others have bird-like features and some of them look very similar to humans. It is the small constellation that is surrounded by Hercules, Cygnus, and Draco. Typically, Lyrans will have either Feline or Avian markings. How do you know if a starseed marking was intended for you? Labrum (Crater), Alkaid (Ursa Major) 27. Starseed Markings for additional Star Systems. 26 Virgo 41, 56. This is true of all Starseeds, but it is especially true of Lyrans because of their strong physical grounding and manifested power, meaning that they need . Sirian Starseed Traits and Markings - Otherworldly Oracle Lyran starseeds can do things that would make many people panic. This feeling is especially strong if youve tried several different careers already without success. They are usually very idealistic and sometimes push others to do their best because lyran starseeds demand the same from themselves. They played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire to Earth and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria. They are energetic and dynamic, setting the example for others to follow. They always provide their shoulder to others and comfort them in the hour of need. The most common places for starseed markings are either on the chest or shoulder blades but they can also appear somewhere else such as back, face or neck . The Earth is part of one solar system, and Lyra is part of a separate one. . They believe in themselves and their skills to survive in such a dark place like the earth. Lyran beings often see other people's potential. The first method how you can find your starseed markings is the method involving looking into a mirror and seeing what happens when you focus on parts of your body for an extended period of time. You are good at decorating and combining colours. As a Starseed, you may have a strong sense of justice. You are a natural-born leader, and you have a strong personality. Lyran starseeds need to find activities or groups that value their idealism and moral sense of right v wrong if they are going to be happy in a mainstream society. You question authority and think for yourself. You are a talented writer or artist, and writing has always been an important way that you express yourself in the world. What is a Starseed? Lyran starseedsalso make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limitsbut they also compete fearlessly. Have you ever felt like you just dont quite fully belong with everyone else here on Earth? You also find yourself relating to fictional characters in books and movies a lot more than your peers; this can feel awkward as you dont quite fit into the norm. This may take a lot of trial and error, but the more you try it the better you will get at doing it. Lyrans are highly empathic and have a strong sense of justice, so they may feel compelled to help those who are oppressed by others. Feline features are prominent in Lyrans. Lyran starseeds arethe type of people that would sell their home and leave their lives behind to buy a sailboat and sail around the world andthe type that were foreign exchange students at 14. They love activities such as rock climbing or jumping out of planes and sometimes they can simply go for something without thinking through.